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No it wont I'm a liberal too but everything is negotiable and the EU needs Britain more than Britain needs EU. The EU will barter, Germany is left holding every thing bad and with nothing good, why wouldn't they deal? My guess now is that they will settle and England will come out with a more favorable deal  for England and EU will stay together. If England doesn't get the deal they want they'll watch multiple exists.

Quote:You're quoting the movie Blade for [BAD WORD REMOVED] sake.

Lmaooooo no credibility

Your opinion is of no consequence to me.
[Image: Brexit-6-650.jpg]


Well that explains the weather since Thursday in the UK...


Now I just need an explanation for the other (nearly) 32 years I've lived here..

Quote:Your opinion is of no consequence to me.

Lmao now you're quoting Radiohead?

Let it go man, do some thinking for yourself if you're capable.
Quote:There's only one party supporting leaving the EU and they can't even get 1/3 of the vote.

And UKIP only have one MP. Eurosceptic politics now goes across party borders and is now a case of the haves vs the have nots. Can't believe you haven't learned from Brexit.

The progressives are now the Eurosceptics.
Quote:[BAD WORD REMOVED] now you're quoting Radiohead?

Let it go man, do some thinking for yourself if you're capable.

Quote:And UKIP only have one MP. Eurosceptic politics now goes across party borders and is now a case of the haves vs the have nots. Can't believe you haven't learned from Brexit.

The progressives are now the Eurosceptics.
UKIP wasn't the only party to support a referendum though. A significant portion of the Conservatives did as well, that's what Cameron called a referendum; to stop the Tories from splitting. For the Netherlands to call a referendum they'd need a majority of votes in parliament, which there very much isn't.

The only party that wants to leave the EU is the PVV, they have 12 seats and with current polling they have 35 seats at the most. No other party supports a leave vote, the closest is the SP, which is Eurosceptic but not to the point of leaving. They also hate the PVV with a fervor and would rather fold then work with them. Even if I count those votes they get up to around 50 seats, still 26 short of the total needed.

As for learning from the Brexit referendum I think most politicians have learned one vital lesson; don't call a bloody referendum, they're a terrible way to make policy and decisions.

BTW, only poll I could find suggests the Dutch would vote 56% stay, 36% leave with 8% undecided.
Quote:That's baiting with a red herring. The London mayor's proposal had nothing to do with his religion. I think it was misguided, but his objection was against ads that create unrealistic expectations for young women.
His views on unrealistic expectations for his daughters are shaped by his belief in Sharia law. 
Quote:His views on unrealistic expectations for his daughters are shaped by his belief in Sharia law.

So every Muslim automatically supports Sharia law?
Quote:Donald's "fair trade" is not free trade.


He's talking about tariffs on China and Mexico, 'cause "dey tuk our djobs!"


Being Donald, he will also threaten tariffs on anyone that questions his authority.  Tariffs, jj, are not free trade, no matter how you spin it.  They are the opposite of free trade.


Jeez, this election season is like binge watching "South Park".
You missed the point of that episode. Randy was totally fine with the poor jobs getting stolen until his 'good job' as a geologist was too. Yes its satirical, but that IS how open borders work. Its fine when all the factory workers lose their job, then the coal miners, meat packers etc. But then when it works its way up to you, and you did nothing to stop it, thats when you are sol and a 'racist' who doesn't want immigrants.
Quote:So every Muslim automatically supports Sharia law?
a majority do.


Quote:So every Muslim automatically supports Sharia law?
Heres a UK reporter/ gay activist talking about it. https://youtu.be/xLqkizGtFo0?t=12m9s
Quote:a majority do.
<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/'>http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/</a>
<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-exec/'>http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-exec/</a>

Not what I asked.
Quote:Not what I asked.
Lol, the better question would be if what he was doing was in line with sharia, which it is. But for your sake not every 'Muslim' believes in Sharia, just the vast majority. Just ask yourself if you would be defending this guy if he was a Conservative Christian doing the same thing. I think you know you wouldn't. I have no idea what the fascination with defending Islam is.


I will admit I don't know the solution for Muslims and their beliefs, but we need something. Having 'only' 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 believing that violence is okay against nonbelievers isn't acceptable http://www.pewglobal.org/2014/07/01/conc...ddle-east/.




But to go down the road of banning a religion is not tolerable either. Its a slippery slop to totalitarianism. The funny thing is it looks like its set up to go that way no matter which path you pick. You let too many muslims in, they vote in sharia to try and make the Caliphate. You ban them completely, and you just allowed someone to ban people based on their religion, and how long before they ban you for your religion (or even lack of religion!)? Its a trap if I ever saw one.

FYI, banning adverts like that has been a talking point for a long time. Difference is there is much more support for it across the board now then there has been in the past.

Also; "slippery slope"? You're nothing if not predictable.
Quote:FYI, banning adverts like that has been a talking point for a long time. Difference is there is much more support for it across the board now then there has been in the past.

Also; "slippery slope"? You're nothing if not predictable.
adverts? Not sure what you mean there (is that advertising?). I streamlined it now, hope that's better.


In regard to the highlighted, I am a firm believer in separation of church and state. If you believe that, its really the only conclusion you can come too. Thanks for the compliment. At least you know what your gonna get with me.

... Too many posts

Quote:Except they were very much represented which, if they do leave the EU, they will not be. However there no guarantee the UK won't have to pay into the EU much the same way Iceland and Norway do. So they're likely going from taxed and represented to taxed but not represented. 

I fundamentally disagree with the concept that the UK was REPRESENTED.  There was no elected official from Britain that could propose a new law, or propose the repeal of a new law.  That means that the slave states re-entering the union after loosing the civil war had a greater democratic franchise than the former British Empire that helped shape the modern world.  I don't think that was going to work. 


72 times the British opposed a measure in council, 72 times they were overruled.  That's not influence, that's helplessness. 
Quote:So every Muslim automatically supports Sharia law?

...  Deep sigh... 
Quote:So every Muslim automatically supports Sharia law?

According to islamophobes - absolutely!
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