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Quote:I bet Greece regrets not leaving a couple years ago. They should have taken the pain then. Despite the fact that their debt was reorganized, they are getting screwed being the dumping ground for all the economic 'refugees.'


BTW, I fundamentally disagree with you on whether the UK can afford to leave the EU. They are the 5th largest economy in the world. They can do what they want. Short term the globalists will panic and drive the market crazy, but in 5 years this move will look good, and Briton won't have to hear about Londonstan or w/e they call it due to EU forced 'redistribution' of migrants.
If Greece had left they'd be a third world country by now. And they'd still have the refugee problem because Greece is the shortest route to the EU from the Middle East, only difference would that the EU would be able to just outright refuse to take in refugees from Greece because hey, you're not in the EU and therefor not our problem. 


So the UK is the 5th largest economy, that means they went from being part of the second largest economy to being the fifth. Down three spots, well done there. China, the US and the EU are going to bend them over and re-enact Deliverance. As for your Londonstan argument; poppycock. Even if that name was apt (which it very much isn't) that problem wouldn't go away by leaving the EU, many of the Muslims in the UK are born there and grew up there. Three of the four London bombers were born in the UK with the fourth born in Jamaica and growing up in the UK. 

Quote:If Greece had left they'd be a third world country by now. And they'd still have the refugee problem because Greece is the shortest route to the EU from the Middle East, only difference would that the EU would be able to just outright refuse to take in refugees from Greece because hey, you're not in the EU and therefor not our problem. 


So the UK is the 5th largest economy, that means they went from being part of the second largest economy to being the fifth. Down three spots, well done there. China, the US and the EU are going to bend them over and re-enact Deliverance. As for your Londonstan argument; poppycock. Even if that name was apt (which it very much isn't) that problem wouldn't go away by leaving the EU, many of the Muslims in the UK are born there and grew up there. Three of the four London bombers were born in the UK with the fourth born in Jamaica and growing up in the UK. 
My point wasn't that there are no Muslims in Briton now, but rather they would make up a much larger contingent after Germany or the EU decides how many of the refugees get dumped on the UK. A massive infusion of an unskilled, uneducated workforce who doesn't believe in integration or playing well with others is not a good way to improve your standing in the world.


If Greece wasn't part of the EU, they could refuse to take the refugees on their own. But since they owe so much debt they have to take the 'resettlement' money and therefore the refugees. They would have been much better just going independent, declaring insolvency, and re-emerging from the ashes, rather than the slow painful death they are taking now as a country.


And the UK is better off on its own because it doesn't have to deal with the pressures of having to cover for the weakest member states of EU. Being the 5th and representing yourself is much better than being the 2nd but having to deal with much weaker economic countries concerns or being bullied by Germany.


Edit: Loved your response tho. The US 'winning' any trade deals now-a-days is hilarious to me. Thats the reason Trump is the Republican nominee, even without some huge Nation state like the EU, and with the largest economy, the US still manages to make horrible trade deals due to our corrupt globalist leaders.

Quote:The way that the stock market reacted today and with the latest news, it looks like the UK is going to stay in EU.

LOL Well this isn't the first time your analysis has been WAAAAAAAY off...
I'm not taking credit for this post, and I'm still not sure how I exactly feel about the Brexit... But I thought I'd leave this here for everyone to ponder this morning:

Australia has had five prime ministers in five years, the poor yanks look as though they'll have to choose between two options both of which have more disapproval than approval, and the UK leaves the EU. It seems like a ridiculous amount of instability. One might even call it absurd.

But it's not surprising.

You can't feed a society exaggeration, hyperbole and propaganda for over a decade, and then claim surprise when people don't seem to be making rational decisions on the basis of well established truth.

There's a cost associated with not telling the truth. There's a cost associated with polarized, adversarial public discourse. There's a cost associated with media more concerned with profits than the public interest.

It is, apparently, time to pay the piper.
Quote:Sometimes when I comment on American politics on this forum I get replies saying I shouldn't speak up because I don't live in the US and therefor my opinion isn't valid despite knowing more about the American political system than most Americans. I think you should refrain from commenting about European politics, not because you don't live here, but because you are obviously a clueless git who doesn't know what he's talking about. 

Perhaps you should refrain from commenting on an American forum.  Insults are against the forum policy. 


As for whether I know anything about the subject, do you live in the U.K.?  My wife is from the Midlands near Telford.  This vote is very meaningful for her. 


As for the opinion I posted, perhaps you'd like to try a rebuttal instead of hollow insults.  How is U.K. gonna stop a massive refugee influx when they no longer have any say in such things? 
Quote:The UK can't afford to leave the EU either and they just did. The point of referenda is let the people vote, whether the vote they cast makes sense politically or financially is irrelevant.


And I still don't see other countries leaving. Germany is still very pro-EU, in the Netherlands the PVV would need an absolute majority which they'll never get, none of the other smaller countries would vote to leave. 

UK can absolutely afford to leave, Germany is not about to put tariffs on the UK they buy way too many German cars etc. Not to mention being a huge net payer into the project.


There's going to be demands for referendums all over europe, euroscepticism is huge.
It's certainly going to be interesting.


I'm just glad I got a whole load of dollars last month..


I hope the exchange rate comes back up before our visit in September!

For our UK friends, how much of this is a Nationalistic referrendum. Trump is trying to portray Brexit as a reaction to immigration and taking your nation back. Was that a major theme in the run up to the Brexit election?
Quote:For our UK friends, how much of this is a Nationalistic referrendum. Trump is trying to portray Brexit as a reaction to immigration and taking your nation back. Was that a major theme in the run up to the Brexit election?

A lot of the people that I follow on Facebook/Twitter used immigration as a reason for their 'out' vote... I don't think it will change a great deal as far as that's concerned. FWIW I voted in.
I don't know much about the pro's and con's of the EU but I'm sure the UK is going to be fine without the EU. 

Looks like France, Italy and even DragonFury's Netherlands are demanding Exit referendums.  And why not?  Time to climb out of Mommy's lap and stand on your own feet. 

Cameron is resigning?  Was this the plan all along or is this a surprise?


Looks like Scotland and Northern Ireland are already beginning to revisit leaving the UK.  Scotland might switch to the Euro.


This is very interesting.  The Pound should be unstable for a few months.

Quote:Looks like France, Italy and even DragonFury's Netherlands are demanding Exit referendums.  And why not?  Time to climb out of Mommy's lap and stand on your own feet. 
Wilders is demanding a referendum. His party currently holds 12 out of 150 seat in the lower house and none of the other parties will cooperate with him on a referendum. Even with current polling he wouldn't even get a third of the vote needed to call a referendum. 
Quote:For our UK friends, how much of this is a Nationalistic referrendum. Trump is trying to portray Brexit as a reaction to immigration and taking your nation back. Was that a major theme in the run up to the Brexit election?

It's not really nationalistic. A lot to do with EU migration (not muslims) and a lot to do with the Basket case that is the EU itself and its self serving nature.
Quote:Cameron is resigning?  Was this the plan all along or is this a surprise?


Looks like Scotland and Northern Ireland are already beginning to revisit leaving the UK.  Scotland might switch to the Euro.


This is very interesting.  The Pound should be unstable for a few months.

Cameron didn't think he would lose. This is people power at it's finest. Hope it inspires some of you guys not to fear your government so much. They should always fear the people if they don't do their job.
Quote:Wilders is demanding a referendum. His party currently holds 12 out of 150 seat in the lower house and none of the other parties will cooperate with him on a referendum. Even with current polling he wouldn't even get a third of the vote needed to call a referendum. 

Too bad.  But the EU citizenry will get to watch the Brexit experiment unfold.  I would encourage them to especially note how the EU leaders react to Brexit. 
Well, this just got interesting.
Quote:It's not really nationalistic. A lot to do with EU migration (not muslims) and a lot to do with the Basket case that is the EU itself and its self serving nature.

Hold the press you mean to tell me the ultimate form of centralized government is self-serving?!? Wow
Quote:Well, this just got interesting.

If I told you 10 years ago that the UK would leave the EU and the presidential campaign was between Hillary and Trump you'd probably have a bunker too!
Quote:A lot of the people that I follow on Facebook/Twitter used immigration as a reason for their 'out' vote... I don't think it will change a great deal as far as that's concerned. FWIW I voted in.

I appreciate you helping us dim witted Yankees.

I'm studying up on all the repercussions right now, but I have a feeling I'm going to have alot more questions.

For instance, I'm reading one article that says the Labour party was disappointed with the result...

I would think that leaving the eu would favor workers. Why would Labour want to stay in the eu?
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