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Quote:The way that the stock market reacted today and with the latest news, it looks like the UK is going to stay in EU.

Yep, that is a solid day on Wall Street.


Oh, and when the heck did the Dow Jones hit 18,000?  Wow, just Wow

Quote:I don't think we would. Most people here distrust the EU and would like to see it's influence reduced by most also understand that the country can't survive on its own. It needs to be part of the European trade block in order to have a say in things.

The thing is if it was about trade nobody would vote to leave it, but it is increasingly about the political union.


Think that is why older people are more likely to vote leave, they were conned in the 70's that it was about the common market, 
Bremain = Sharia Law within 10 years.  In my opinion.

Quote:Bremain = Sharia Law within 10 years. In my opinion.

Quote:Yep, that is a solid day on Wall Street.


Oh, and when the heck did the Dow Jones hit 18,000?  Wow, just Wow

I don't follow the Dow as much as the S&P 500.  The S&P broke 2100 again today and in a convincing fashion.  If the final vote comes down to "stay" then I think that we are seeing a breakout of sorts.  I also believe that the Fed held off on raising interest rates precisely because of this vote in order to not cause any market instability.  They have been leaning towards 2 rate hikes this year, and I suspect the first one will probably happen in July or August.


For those that don't follow the stock market, the importance of interest rates and the importance of the Brexit referendum have a huge influence not only on our economy, but the worldwide economy.  Contrary to what the current administration tells us, our economy isn't exactly in the greatest shape.  As our economy goes, so does the world economy.


In my opinion, in a very basic fashion, if the UK votes to leave the EU, it's just a matter of time before the EU fails (economically speaking).  Right now the EU is being propped up financially by not only the UK, but also Germany.  Take a look at the current state of Greece and Spain.  Italy and France aren't too far behind.


Why is that important to us?  Well trade is a big issue.  If the Euro fails to lose value what would be used as a measure against a dollar?  The yen?  Not really because of the lower volume.  It would be the yuan (Chinese).
Quote:Appointed by elected officials. That's like complaining the judges on the Supreme Court aren't directly elected.
Similar but less transparent.  The EC Pres is probably closest. Lagarde was appointed by appointees. 
Quote:Bremain = Sharia Law within 10 years.  In my opinion.
Sometimes when I comment on American politics on this forum I get replies saying I shouldn't speak up because I don't live in the US and therefor my opinion isn't valid despite knowing more about the American political system than most Americans. I think you should refrain from commenting about European politics, not because you don't live here, but because you are obviously a clueless git who doesn't know what he's talking about. 
Quote:Sometimes when I comment on American politics on this forum I get replies saying I shouldn't speak up because I don't live in the US and therefor my opinion isn't valid despite knowing more about the American political system than most Americans. I think you should refrain from commenting about European politics, not because you don't live here, but because you are obviously a clueless git who doesn't know what he's talking about. 

Serious question(s) here.  I know that you weren't responding to me in your quote, and I do acknowledge the fact that you know a lot about U.S. politics.


What exactly is your opinion of the EU?  What are the benefits or downsides?  What if the EU fails?  How would it affect the Dutch, the United Kingdom and ultimately the rest of Europe?  I'm asking because I really don't know other than from a financial viewpoint.
Quote:I'm pretty confident the Dutch and a few others may want to follow us out the door.

I actually don't believe they will leave even if they vote so. The EU needs the UK as a big net contributor. They will offer more concessions (free movement of people) and stay in.

Seems like there's a lot of uneasy tension in the EU between everyone at the moment.Countries are just waiting for a catalyst.
Quote:What exactly is your opinion of the EU?  What are the benefits or downsides?  What if the EU fails?  How would it affect the Dutch, the United Kingdom and ultimately the rest of Europe?  I'm asking because I really don't know other than from a financial viewpoint.

My opinion on the EU is positive though I hasten to add that I dislike the sheer inefficiency and waste that goes on at that level. The EU maintains two sites, one in Strasbourg and on in Brussels, only because the French demanded it and that alone is costing us millions. The major positive point about the EU is the stability it provides within its borders. If you look at the history of Europe it's one long tale of nations at war, about to go to war or trying to impose their will after winning a war. The American hesitance to enter WW1 & WW2 was largely down to reluctance to getting involved in what was seen as just another European conflict. So far in the EU we've had 70 years of peace, I don't think you can find a period in European history were that was ever the case.


As for a financial standpoint; if the Netherlands ever left the EU we can pretty much kiss our economy goodbye. We are a trading nation, we make money by exporting our products around the world and leaving the EU would be a monumentally stupid course of action for an economy like ours. And I'm not sure the EU would ever fail outright, the basic principle of cooperation and support have been made so much a part of European politics that the EU would still exist but in some other form or name. Much like how the Rockefeller monopoly was broken up but now exists as separate companies in BP, ExxonMobil, etc. 
Shocking early results. Huge numbers higher in leave in North East England than predicted. Now going to be very close. 

Quote:Bremain = Sharia Law within 10 years.  In my opinion.

[Image: Ck_32BXVEAAEiLQ.jpg]
You really don't know much about Europe over there do you?

looks like a vote to leave...wow

Quote:You really don't know much about Europe over there do you?

Some people should try to leave their house sometime.
Quote:looks like a vote to leave...wow

10:10 it's 50.03% leave, a razor thin margin.


If vote counting in the UK is anything like the US, then the establishment will find a way to get the count in their favor, even if it's not.

I haven't enjoyed an international vote like this since the Indian presidency last year or Scottish referendum a few years ago. Or maybe the 1996 currency balancing forum in Eastern Timor. (Ok, I made that last one up)
Wow, it's looking like "exit" will win.


Based on early results, this guy has the "remain" probability at ZERO.



Last report I saw had leave at 51 and change
Got a big sense of National Pride today. Been plenty of bullying from the establishment, even rolling out Obama to offer his 2 cents.

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