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Quote:Got a big sense of National Pride today. Been plenty of bullying from the establishment, even rolling out Obama to offer his 2 cents.

I don't know if it is good for Britian, but it shows even when the media spins it that the people's voice can count.  
Quote:My opinion on the EU is positive though I hasten to add that I dislike the sheer inefficiency and waste that goes on at that level. The EU maintains two sites, one in Strasbourg and on in Brussels, only because the French demanded it and that alone is costing us millions. The major positive point about the EU is the stability it provides within its borders. If you look at the history of Europe it's one long tale of nations at war, about to go to war or trying to impose their will after winning a war. The American hesitance to enter WW1 & WW2 was largely down to reluctance to getting involved in what was seen ase just another European conflict. So far in the EU we've had 70 years of peace, I don't think you can find a period in European history were that was ever the case.


As for a financial standpoint; if the Netherlands ever left the EU we can pretty much kiss our economy goodbye. We are a trading nation, we make money by exporting our products around the world and leaving the EU would be a monumentally stupid course of action for an economy like ours. And I'm not sure the EU would ever fail outright, the basic principle of cooperation and support have been made so much a part of European politics that the EU would still exist but in some other form or name. Much like how the Rockefeller monopoly was broken up but now exists as separate companies in BP, ExxonMobil, etc.

70 years of peace because of a government established in 1993? When did you start using the POTUS time machine? You've had peace there since 1945 because our tanks sit in Germany, otherwise you'd be speaking Russian.
Oh man. Looks like the Leave vote is set to win. Prepare for stock markets to crash today.
Quote:I don't know if it is good for Britian, but it shows even when the media spins it that the people's voice can count.  

Shows the people are in power here because every mainstream party wanted to stay in...


Don't fear the government, let the government fear the people and serve us
Quote:Shows the people are in power here because every mainstream party wanted to stay in...


Don't fear the government, let the government fear the people and serve us

It has been a long time in America since we have seen that (in some form or fashion) and though the establishment prevailed in one party and continues to fight in another, it shows how vulnerable they really are.  


The stock markets crashing seems like a line from the controlling party.  When fear becomes the main argument against then, IMO, you should start questioning the motive.  Yes, the stock market will be effected, but it is a projection of fear as put on by the party of control and eventually as reason and time goes on, it'll adjust to what is actually happening.  
Investors do not like uncertainty. And I agree that things will settle down eventually. In the meantime, it will be a great time to buy.

Regardless, this is a historic moment. It will be interesting to see what happens to the EU next.
Quote:70 years of peace because of a government established in 1993? When did you start using the POTUS time machine? You've had peace there since 1945 because our tanks sit in Germany, otherwise you'd be speaking Russian.

Oh seriously sod off with that crap. Especially since you clearly have no idea about the history of the EU. The beginnings of the EU started right after WW2 within the Low Countries.

As for your tired argument about tanks; there were three occupying powers in Germany. The US, the French and the British. Stop deluding yourself into thinking you did it all by yourself.
People in England and Wales voted Leave while Scotland and Northern Ireland voted Stay. Could we see another referendum in Scotland and potentially NI on whether to remain part of Great Britain?

Also interesting to see is that the turnout in England an Wales was higher (over 70%). Scotland was 67% and NI 63%.
So the UK is out. Question is, do they become the next Switzerland or nah? 

Quote:So the UK is out. Question is, do they become the next Switzerland or nah? 
The next Sweden???
Quote:The next Sweden???

I mean Switzerland. I get those two mixed up sometimes. 
On that note, Sweden may become the next UK. Lol. I would not be surprised if they call for a referendum given how they've been impacted by immigration recently.
Quote:People in England and Wales voted Leave while Scotland and Northern Ireland voted Stay. Could we see another referendum in Scotland and potentially NI on whether to remain part of Great Britain?

Also interesting to see is that the turnout in England an Wales was higher (over 70%). Scotland was 67% and NI 63%.

People are saying this might be the beginning of the end for the EU which I don't subscribe to. It might be the beginning of the end of the UK though. 


That is all.

Quote:People are saying this might be the beginning of the end for the EU which I don't subscribe to. It might be the beginning of the end of the UK though. 

Scotland can't afford to leave with the price of oil. Northern Ireland a more complicated dynamic, people aren't changing their mind on the UK based on the EU there.


The EU is done if they don't renegotiate the whole free movement deal. 
Quote:Scotland can't afford to leave with the price of oil. Northern Ireland a more complicated dynamic, people aren't changing their mind on the UK based on the EU there.


The EU is done if they don't renegotiate the whole free movement deal. 
The UK can't afford to leave the EU either and they just did. The point of referenda is let the people vote, whether the vote they cast makes sense politically or financially is irrelevant.


And I still don't see other countries leaving. Germany is still very pro-EU, in the Netherlands the PVV would need an absolute majority which they'll never get, none of the other smaller countries would vote to leave. 

Quote:Got a big sense of National Pride today. Been plenty of bullying from the establishment, even rolling out Obama to offer his 2 cents.
As you should brother. Brits did the right thing, and long term it will pay off (well if you consider 4-5 years long term). I am so happy for you guys I will just ignore the pain that is about to happen to my BP stocks. Looks like I will be holding on for a couple more years.
Quote:Shows the people are in power here because every mainstream party wanted to stay in...


Don't fear the government, let the government fear the people and serve us
I hope Americans send the same message in about 5 months
Quote:The UK can't afford to leave the EU either and they just did. The point of referenda is let the people vote, whether the vote they case makes sense politically or financially is irrelevant.


And I still don't see other countries leaving. Germany is still very pro-EU, in the Netherlands the PVV would need an absolute majority which they'll never get, none of the other smaller countries would vote to leave. 
I bet Greece regrets not leaving a couple years ago. They should have taken the pain then. Despite the fact that their debt was reorganized, they are getting screwed being the dumping ground for all the economic 'refugees.'


BTW, I fundamentally disagree with you on whether the UK can afford to leave the EU. They are the 5th largest economy in the world. They can do what they want. Short term the globalists will panic and drive the market crazy, but in 5 years this move will look good, and Briton won't have to hear about Londonstan or w/e they call it due to EU forced 'redistribution' of migrants.
Quote:Scotland can't afford to leave with the price of oil. Northern Ireland a more complicated dynamic, people aren't changing their mind on the UK based on the EU there.


The EU is done if they don't renegotiate the whole free movement deal. 
looking at the electoral map, I think Scotland might leave the UK if they get another vote, I agree about NI and Wales tho, they aren't going anywhere. I find it quite ironic that the Scottish who didn't want to become independent are probably the same ones who voted remain in the EU. I bet they are regretting not becoming independent when they had the chance.


I suppose that's because most of the Scots in history who wanted to be independent ended up in America and other colony's. My family was certainly was 'sent' here after they were part of the last real attempt by Scotland to get independence in the 1690's.

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