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Quote:If I told you 10 years ago that the UK would leave the EU and the presidential campaign was between Hillary and Trump you'd probably have a bunker too!

Donald Trump and Boris Johnson to lead the USA & UK respectively.


That sounds like the synopsis of a truly terrible sitcom.
Quote:I appreciate you helping us dim witted Yankees.

I'm studying up on all the repercussions right now, but I have a feeling I'm going to have alot more questions.

For instance, I'm reading one article that says the Labour party was disappointed with the result...

I would think that leaving the eu would favor workers. Why would Labour want to stay in the eu?

I'm going to guess its jobs and job opportunities. This will put a serious dent in that.

Other than that, I'm surprised at the result. Good thing I didn't wager anything.
how long before some kind of bail out is passed because those mean Brits ruined everything?

Morgan Stanley moving 2000 jobs out of UK.  Oh they mad.

Quote:Morgan Stanley moving 2000 jobs out of UK.  Oh they mad.

They've denied that report
Quote:I'm going to guess its jobs and job opportunities. This will put a serious dent in that.

Other than that, I'm surprised at the result. Good thing I didn't wager anything.

There are very good articles at www.economist.com

Apparently the leaders of the Labour party did not have the pulse of their voters when it came to this vote... sounds oddly familiar.

Also, it's universal that the short term results are going to be negative, but it appears because of GB's interconnectivity to the eu, the long term effect to their gdp also doesn't look good. And the bankers are also up in arms.

I think corporatists are wringing their hands, but for workers, perhaps they see the shrinking of the economy as an acceptable ratification of shrinking the job market in their country.
I gotta be honest, I'm torn over this whole thing. I'm pro workers and anti corporatist...

Yet, I'm not sure how this is all gonna play out.

That Morgan Stanley leaked story almost seems like the banks and conglomerates want to put fear in the workers so that a revote can occur. If that's the case, I would hope the workers stay resolute
Well either BP is having a dead cat bounce or the impact on the stock market was very short lived. It was down 8% in futures, but it went right back up to only a 3% loss with the first hour of trading. Thats actually pretty normal for BP.

Wasn't expecting that result atall.

Very testing times.We currently have a lame duck government and there are many complex scenarios to get through in the next few months.

Interesting what will happen to Northern Ireland.Some have said a border will have to go up between us where as others have said that this may lead to Northern Ireland leaving Britain. Even though I'm pretty sure that the Northern Irish economy is totally dependent on the UK and would ruin Ireland if we unified.


Quote:Well either BP is having a dead cat bounce or the impact on the stock market was very short lived. It was down 8% in futures, but it went right back up to only a 3% loss with the first hour of trading. Thats actually pretty normal for BP.
Further proof that all the media reports about a "financial crisis" were nothing more than fearmongering and propaganda.
EU = certainty. Whether the outcome is a net positive or negative for the people, predictability is a huge asset for the institutional investors, so banks are going to pan this.

Labor = bigger more centralized government. They favor institutions like the EU etc.

EU was supposed to = trade and economic prosperity. Switzerland has more trade agreements in force than the whole of the EU+ its internal GDP. Think about that.

EU = the washed elite. They give money to arts projects and universities to buy the opinions of the elites. There are 10000 people working at the EU who earn more than Cameron. Think about that. And 99% of them will never face an actual election. European parliament did not have the power to propose a new law or repeal existing law. That's a problem.

With the advent of the WTO etc. The EU became obsolete. Britain's trade relationship with the rest of the world has been growing exponentially and trade inside Europe had been shrinking anyway.
Quote:I would think that leaving the eu would favor workers. Why would Labour want to stay in the eu?

Why do you think it'd favor workers?  As far as I understand it (which admittedly isn't too much), it doesn't.
Quote:EU = the washed elite. They give money to arts projects and universities to buy the opinions of the elites. There are 10000 people working at the EU who earn more than Cameron. Think about that. And 99% of them will never face an actual election. European parliament did not have the power to propose a new law or repeal existing law. That's a problem.
They spent massive amounts of money to increase growth and create economic opportunities in poverty stricken areas. Why do you think Scotland and Northern Ireland overwhelming voted to stay in? It's because they were receiving millions upon millions of pounds/euros to fund projects in those areas. Money they won't be getting once the UK leaves. Not to mention the fact the EU was instrumental in promoting peace and ending the Troubles in Northern Ireland. 
Quote:Why do you think it'd favor workers? As far as I understand it (which admittedly isn't too much), it doesn't.

Theoretically the pool of workers within the job market would shrink. With out migrant workers coming from poor countries that are willing to work for cheaper wages, the wages of those British workers would increase as the supply of cheap immigrant labor dries up.
Quote:They spent massive amounts of money to increase growth and create economic opportunities in poverty stricken areas. Why do you think Scotland and Northern Ireland overwhelming voted to stay in? It's because they were receiving millions upon millions of pounds/euros to fund projects in those areas. Money they won't be getting once the UK leaves. Not to mention the fact the EU was instrumental in promoting peace and ending the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
Please tell me how the EU was instrumental in promoting peace and ending the Troubles in Northern Ireland?

All the EU has done is provide funding to Northern Ireland.
Quote:All the EU has done is provide funding to Northern Ireland.
You think those millions haven't contributed to the relative stability of the region over the past years? 
Who will pay for the wall along Northern Ireland's border?
Quote:Who will pay for the wall along Northern Ireland's border?

Quote:You think those millions haven't contributed to the relative stability of the region over the past years?

It has helped with economic stability but its role in the resolving of the peace process and the ending of the Troubles is quite small in comparison with everyone else involved.Outside of funding the EU did next to nothing.
Quote:They spent massive amounts of money to increase growth and create economic opportunities in poverty stricken areas. Why do you think Scotland and Northern Ireland overwhelming voted to stay in? It's because they were receiving millions upon millions of pounds/euros to fund projects in those areas. Money they won't be getting once the UK leaves. Not to mention the fact the EU was instrumental in promoting peace and ending the Troubles in Northern Ireland. 

The EU money presumably comes from member countries, like the UK. So they take money from the UK, use 50% of it to pay the ruling elite EU bureaucracy, and then return some of it back to the UK, in the form of which some bureaucrat in Brussels decides?

The UK did well to eliminate the middle man and leave the decisions to people closer to where the money is needed.

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