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Labour in London are out of touch with working people outside of London. That's basically what happened.

Still feels great to be British today. Though maybe the Aussie sun helps that.
Quote:Labour in London are out of touch with working people outside of London. That's basically what happened.

Still feels great to be British today. Though maybe the Aussie sun helps that.


I think there's a little more to it, but ultimately, the establishment was out of touch with the people.  The same thing is happening in this country.
Quote:I hate to dampen your smugness, moon beam, but you clearly missed my point in the initial post. This wasn't about liberal or conservative. So, you basically reworded what I said.
Well... then...

As a point of clarification, you should have mentioned both the Labour party and the conservative party...

But yes, other than that, it appears we are in agreement, buddy.
Quote:I concede the point that the older generation in the US might be generally more inclined to the sentiment you're describing. However, in Europe as well as the Netherlands specifically I see a generation that only cares about themselves. A generation that thinks they are exempt from cutbacks because they "worked all their lives", even though most of them retired well before 65.

You know Mr. Snowflake?  You are part of the problem.  Ask people from your region exactly what went on during WWII.  You all were basically cowards.  Ask those people that you seem to "hate" or "demonize" what life was like in the 1940's and 1950's.
Quote:Lol, nice try, badger. But trying to twist my words won't work. Go read stuff and then get back to me.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about... kinda like your boy trump.

The vote was initiated by Cameron, do you know the reasoning behind this initiation? Hint, it wasn't to leave the eu.

This whole thing is alot more complex than you are giving it credit for, which is making you look ignorant. With all due respect.

You really should go read up on this thing before you start bloviating nonsense that makes you look like you don't understand the topic.

And again, liberals voted to leave. Go read, then come back with facts that we can discuss.

You basically called me ignorant already when I alluded to the FACT that its primarily the left who have a problem with this whole deal. Thats a FACT. Something very weird going on with you today. I will say something and you try to argue with me by saying something, but then you come back saying you didnt really say it and I put words in your mouth. Bizarre behavior. Can only be explained by sore genitals.
Uh oh... shots fired...


I think there's a little more to it, but ultimately, the establishment was out of touch with the people.  The same thing is happening in this country.

My area of the world voted very pro brexit...


Has had high immigration from eastern europe. Wages for people at the bottom of society have totally stagnated due to the mass supply of unskilled labour and house prices have rocketed so no hope of buying a house if on a low end job.


People in London in total disbelief as they go to their well paid job and enjoy the wealth of their house prices whilst enjoying the cheap labour for their cleaners and tradesmen.
Quote:My area of the world voted very pro brexit...


Has had high immigration from eastern europe. Wages for people at the bottom of society have totally stagnated due to the mass supply of unskilled labour and house prices have rocketed so no hope of buying a house if on a low end job.


People in London in total disbelief as they go to their well paid job and enjoy the wealth of their house prices whilst enjoying the cheap labour for their cleaners and tradesmen.
this is it exactly. Open Borders isn't a good policy for a nation if it wants to remain prosperous. You will get increasing migrants till your wages stagnant and then fall. It always starts with the poorest and works its way up (but it will never get to the .01% tho, they benefit from it).
Quote:You know Mr. Snowflake?  You are part of the problem.  Ask people from your region exactly what went on during WWII.  You all were basically cowards.  Ask those people that you seem to "hate" or "demonize" what life was like in the 1940's and 1950's.
Really? You're going to fall back onto an utterly pathetic argument about the actions of people that lived 70 years ago and are now long dead? Talk about a completely and utterly brain dead point of view. I guess when your generation has no accomplishments of their own they feel the need to take credit for the accomplishments of others, It's only befitting of the self centered nature of the baby boomers. 


But let me spell it out for you; I wasn't talking about the generation that lived and fought in WW2. I was talked about the generation that they created; the aformentioned baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964. The generation that got wealth, prosperity and peace handed to them on a silver platter. The first generation called the "Me Generation". The people that took advantage of every social care program set up by their parents and grandparents and who mortgaged the future of my generation to pay for their own comfort.
Quote:You basically called me ignorant already when I alluded to the FACT that its primarily the left who have a problem with this whole deal. Thats a FACT. Something very weird going on with you today. I will say something and you try to argue with me by saying something, but then you come back saying you didnt really say it and I put words in your mouth. Bizarre behavior. Can only be explained by sore genitals.

I honestly think you may have a reading deficiency... with all due respect
Quote:I honestly think you may have a reading deficiency... with all due respect

With all due respect you're a loser.
Quote:With all due respect you're a loser.

[Image: i_know_you_are_pee_wee_herman.gif]
Quote:Trump was ahead of the curb again. The haters are mad. It happens.

Ahead of the curb? Is that the new Trumpism that replaced Bigly?
Quote:Wait 'til they find out they CAN'T leave the EU.

There's no Honest Abe in the EU.
Quote:With all due respect you're a loser.

"This is what people resort to when they don't know what to say."

- some loser
How are you guys arguing over European politics? I get exhausted debating American politics, let the Euros do as they will. Stay, go, whatever it's a European issue, why even have a side in it? 

Quote:How are you guys arguing over European politics? I get exhausted debating American politics, let the Euros do as they will. Stay, go, whatever it's a European issue, why even have a side in it?

Because one day we'll have to intervene...again...and DF will be upset about it.
Quote:Because one day we'll have to intervene...again...and DF will be upset about it.

Let it burn
Quote:Let it burn

I love u man!
[Image: boris.jpg]


If this man becomes our PM, I'm moving to the moon.

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