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Quote:Wrong about what? The vote includes Scotland in Brexit...

Triggered? Ya i guess if pointing out flawed logic is "triggered". Guilty.

You're right.

Oh by the way, I forgot to congratulate you on electing the first black man as president on 2008 and then reelecting him in 2012.

Also, congrats on Obam-care!!

Good job taking your country back.
Quote:It has helped with economic stability but its role in the resolving of the peace process and the ending of the Troubles is quite small in comparison with everyone else involved.Outside of funding the EU did next to nothing.
Yeah, reading back my comment now I realize I phrased my argument really poorly. My general point is that the contributions of the EU to the Northern Irish economy helped create a (relatively) stable community after the Good Friday agreement which the EU admittedly had little to do with. IMO that stability is a large reason why the region has seen much less violence over the past two decades. 
Quote:You're right.

Oh by the way, I forgot to congratulate you on electing the first black man as president on 2008 and then reelecting him in 2012.

Also, congrats on Obam-care!!

Good job taking your country back.

Case in point, if somebody was referring to me as a citizen of this country, they would be right.


Pointing out my losing vote is literally irrelevant... which is what's being done by the "OH MYY GAAWD CAN YOU BELIEVE TRUMP SAID THIS???" people.


Get over it.

Quote:The reality is Scotland is included in Brexit... that's like a fact

Trump was ahead of the curb again. The haters are mad. It happens.
BTW; here's a poll showing the splits among age groups:

  • 18-24: 75% Remain
  • 25-49: 56% Remain
  • 50-64: 44% Remain
  • 65+: 39% Remain
<p style="margin:0px;font-size:1em;"> 

<p style="margin:0px;font-size:1em;">So looks like the Me Generatiion has once again gotten their greedy little claws all over the benefits and prosperity and once they didn't need it anymore they voted to get rid of it leaving the younger generations to pick up the pieces. Seriously I can't wait until the Baby Boomers shuffle off their mortal coil.

Trump is a jokester and can't be taken seriously.  Smile

Quote:Case in point, if somebody was referring to me as a citizen of this country, they would be right.

Pointing out my losing vote is literally irrelevant... which is what's being done by the "OH MYY GAAWD CAN YOU BELIEVE TRUMP SAID THIS???" people.

Get over it.

Keep dancing, my little ballerina.

Based on your stupid logic, why haven't any of you trumpettes congratulated JIB that trump is the republican nominee? I mean, JIB's a republican.

You know why, the same reason nobody goes into Texas and congratulates the people of Texas that they elected Obama. Because they would look like morons.

But hey, some people are into morons. Just don't come here and pretend that your spin is valid. Everyone gets that he made a mistake. The fact that you can't admit it is quite sad.
Quote:BTW; here's a poll showing the splits among age groups:
  • 18-24: 75% Remain
  • 25-49: 56% Remain
  • 50-64: 44% Remain
  • 65+: 39% Remain

So looks like the Me Generatiion has once again gotten their greedy little claws all over the benefits and prosperity and once they didn't need it anymore they voted to get rid of it leaving the younger generations to pick up the pieces. Seriously I can't wait until the Baby Boomers shuffle off their mortal coil.

I read an article in the economist, it mentioned that the austerity measure and the overall weak economy made it much easier for voter's to want to leave. If workers are getting hosed in the economy under the eu, the fear of an economic downturn by leaving the eu looses it's teeth...
Quote:I hope Americans send the same message in about 5 months

It's gonna be a huge message. A great message. The best message you ever saw.
Quote:I read an article in the economist, it mentioned that the austerity measure and the overall weak economy made it much easier for voter's to want to leave. If workers are getting hosed in the economy under the eu, the fear of an economic downturn by leaving the eu looses it's teeth...

That combined with the fears of the migrant crisis created the perfect storm. I think there's a lot of overreaction to the effect of the Brexit. In reality, I don't think much will change for awhile.
Quote:Further proof that all the media reports about a "financial crisis" were nothing more than fearmongering and propaganda.

I don't know if I would go that far.  The world economy overall is fairly weak.  Global economies, including ours are going to be affected.  I suspect that there will be no rate hike from The Fed this year, even though they were planning for two of them.  Janet Yellen held off on a rate hike precisely because of the chances of a Brexit.  Now that it's happened, I'm betting that it doesn't happen in July or August (as was expected).  It certainly won't happen in September or October with a looming presidential election.


As expected, world stock markets reacted by falling today, but most of that is more "knee jerk" than anything else.  Expect the market to recover over the next couple of weeks.
Quote:It's gonna be a huge message. A great message. The best message you ever saw.
Except like 90% of the polls predict a Clinton win. Sure it's early and a lot can change but I'm not holding my breath. 
[Image: QlYa7nb.jpg]

Quote:Except like 90% of the polls predict a Clinton win. Sure it's early and a lot can change but I'm not holding my breath. 

A Clinton win is a huge message. It says "the Republicans are so pathetic they couldn't beat the worst candidate the Dems have offered since Walter Mondale."
Quote:A Clinton win is a huge message. It says "the Republicans are so pathetic they couldn't beat the worst candidate the Dems have offered since Walter Mondale."
Absolutely true. I concede the point, well done good sir. 
Quote:Keep dancing, my little ballerina.

Based on your stupid logic, why haven't any of you trumpettes congratulated JIB that trump is the republican nominee? I mean, JIB's a republican conservative.

You know why, the same reason nobody goes into Texas and congratulates the people of Texas that they elected Obama. Because they would look like morons.

But hey, some people are into morons. Just don't come here and pretend that your spin is valid. Everyone gets that he made a mistake. The fact that you can't admit it is quite sad.

Quote:BTW; here's a poll showing the splits among age groups:
  • 18-24: 75% Remain
  • 25-49: 56% Remain
  • 50-64: 44% Remain
  • 65+: 39% Remain

So looks like the Me Generatiion has once again gotten their greedy little claws all over the benefits and prosperity and once they didn't need it anymore they voted to get rid of it leaving the younger generations to pick up the pieces. Seriously I can't wait until the Baby Boomers shuffle off their mortal coil.

Yeah, everyone who disagrees with you should just die right? You should be ashamed.

As usual, people who are old enough to pay taxes generally favor less government intrusion.
Quote:I don't know if I would go that far.  The world economy overall is fairly weak.  Global economies, including ours are going to be affected.  I suspect that there will be no rate hike from The Fed this year, even though they were planning for two of them.  Janet Yellen held off on a rate hike precisely because of the chances of a Brexit.  Now that it's happened, I'm betting that it doesn't happen in July or August (as was expected).  It certainly won't happen in September or October with a looming presidential election.


As expected, world stock markets reacted by falling today, but most of that is more "knee jerk" than anything else.  Expect the market to recover over the next couple of weeks.

Folks invested in utilities are still smiling today.
Quote:Folks invested in utilities are still smiling today.
I never liked Monopoly.
Quote:Folks invested in utilities are still smiling today.

Like me as well as folks invested in SWHC.   :yes:   There are some good buy opportunities, but I don't usually like to make trades on a Friday.
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