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Quote:I'll be long dead and gone before I concede the point to the bogan.

You Dutch will be long out of the EU too . Obviously full of bogans there too.
Quote:Define bogan...
Australian version of a hillbilly.
... Loll.
Quote:Australian version of a hillbilly.

I wanted him to say it...
Freedom and control of your own destiny is always better than submitting to the will of those who do not have your best interest in mind.

Quote:C'mon now, let's not pretend that A female modesty isn't a central tenet of conservative Islam and B all Hell wouldn't break loose if a conservative Christian politician proposed the same thing.

So, no matter what he says...


Quote:As the father of two teenage girls, I am extremely concerned about this kind of advertising which can demean people, particularly women, and make them ashamed of their bodies. It is high time it came to an end.

...he's a Muslim so it's really just the first step down the slippery slope that ends with a burqa requirement for all women.


He's talking about advertisements that set unreasonable expectations in young women, leading to anorexia.
Quote:So, no matter what he says...



...he's a Muslim so it's really just the first step down the slippery slope that ends with a burqa requirement for all women.


He's talking about advertisements that set unreasonable expectations in young women, leading to anorexia.

Words change nothing, both my points are still true.
Quote:I don't follow the Dow as much as the S&P 500. The S&P broke 2100 again today and in a convincing fashion. If the final vote comes down to "stay" then I think that we are seeing a breakout of sorts. I also believe that the Fed held off on raising interest rates precisely because of this vote in order to not cause any market instability. They have been leaning towards 2 rate hikes this year, and I suspect the first one will probably happen in July or August.

For those that don't follow the stock market, the importance of interest rates and the importance of the Brexit referendum have a huge influence not only on our economy, but the worldwide economy. Contrary to what the current administration tells us, our economy isn't exactly in the greatest shape. As our economy goes, so does the world economy.

In my opinion, in a very basic fashion, if the UK votes to leave the EU, it's just a matter of time before the EU fails (economically speaking). Right now the EU is being propped up financially by not only the UK, but also Germany. Take a look at the current state of Greece and Spain. Italy and France aren't too far behind.

Why is that important to us? Well trade is a big issue. If the Euro fails to lose value what would be used as a measure against a dollar? The yen? Not really because of the lower volume. It would be the yuan (Chinese).

The yuan is worthless as well and China is also in trouble every one will run to the dollar
Quote:The yuan is worthless as well and China is also in trouble every one will run to the dollar

True, their books are cooked so well done they need to serve them in a steakhouse.
I honestly don't see how we won't win either way
I hope everyone was smart Friday
Apparently, the "Leave" campaign was helped by highlighting, and in Donald fashion, exaggerating the amount of money the U.K. was contributing to the E.U.  Also, they highlighted the fact that the E.U. is governed largely by representatives that people in the U.K. did not elect.


So the second big reason the Leave campaign won out, aside from fear of a brown planet?


Taxation without representation.


Though I'm disappointed with the result, the irony makes me laugh.

Quote:Words change nothing, both my points are still true.

Your insight into the thoughts of a man thousands of miles away is remarkable. There has been a backlash to Khan's proposal, I suppose only a public lashing will suffice.
Quote:Freedom and control of your own destiny is always better than submitting to the will of those who do not have your best interest in mind.

The trade deals will stay the same. Everyone has too much to lose to change them.

The only real differences I see are 1) an extra hoop to jump through in going back and forth between the UK and the EU, and 2) British citizens will have their lives micromanaged by British bureaucrats in London rather than German bureaucrats in Brussels.

Quote:Your insight into the thoughts of a man thousands of miles away is remarkable. There has been a backlash to Khan's proposal, I suppose only a public lashing will suffice.

"When you understand the nature of the thing you know what it's capable of."
Quote:The trade deals will stay the same. Everyone has too much to lose to change them.

The only real differences I see are 1) an extra hoop to jump through in going back and forth between the UK and the EU, and 2) British citizens will have their lives micromanaged by British bureaucrats in London rather than German bureaucrats in Brussels.
That won't even happen. The EU is going to demand freedom of travel and employment in exchange for access to the common market. Only difference is the UK won't be able to influence who gets said freedom. 
Quote:You Dutch will be long out of the EU too . Obviously full of bogans there too.
There's only one party supporting leaving the EU and they can't even get 1/3 of the vote. 
Quote:Taxation without representation.
Except they were very much represented which, if they do leave the EU, they will not be. However there no guarantee the UK won't have to pay into the EU much the same way Iceland and Norway do. So they're likely going from taxed and represented to taxed but not represented. 

Late to the party as always.  I am curious; it appears to me as I read through the thread that "liberal ideology" is against rugged individualism and going it alone.  What is wrong with being able to take care of yourself?  What is wrong with not needing help?
Quote:"When you understand the nature of the thing you know what it's capable of."

You're quoting the movie Blade for [BLEEP] sake.

Lmaooooo no credibility
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