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Quote:LOL. I have been watching the same offseason and games that you have and figured out we were progressing long before the MIA game. Bradley has never been a HC and hasn't done anything, in my perspective, to cost us games. He has been questionable at times but is the reason our team is progressing without a doubt. The GM and HC speak about every player at every position before the draft and FA, if im not mistaken, so every step forward is because of both men as well as who they hire.

I mean, even NFL analyst knew AR15 could breakout this year in case you dont have tv, so whats your point. Also, every debate about the position on this board was whether hurns would stay consistent, and whether lee would stay on the field and be the game changer he was drafted to be. You probably are the only one defending negativity with statements already debated and agreed upon months ago. Bortles has shown progression since the end of last year, all the way up until this point and the arrow is still pointing up so saying that players need to progress, is not stating anything but " aww duh" types of facts and statements.

This is Bradleys' type of team and until i see regression instead of progression i will not call for his head. You have a nice, middle of the road type of stance, and hopefully that makes you feel like your always right since your only half wrong all season. I'll keep my judgement focused on whether or not the team improves over last season before i start making comments like, if players play like they're suppose too then im happy; but if they dont, just draft someone else. It works for you but i have a life, so i have better things to worry about than making dumb statements and playing the glass half empty, half full games you like to play.

Ah whatever your butt hurt because I'm not sitting here jumping for joy after one win. What your mad about is the fact that I stay true to how I feel and not over reacting to one win. If you think Bradley is the answer more power to you. But your wrong. What's his record again? Guess what these players should be making progress that's what they're getting paid to do. But can we keep it up. We've all seen this movie before. We get a little taste of what could be only to see them fall back to earth.

I hate fans like you. The ones that see no wrong and are critical and question the fandom of a person who questions the progress or personnel of its team. All I want is for this team to win. Why the hell do you think I get ticked off about the years of suckage?
I never said once that we didn't have problems.  Constructive criticism is ok but instead of constantly bashing the team about the negatives, you should try and post some solutions.  You've stated you want Gus gone so who's the new hire to lead us into the future?  Don't give me the marrone, b....s.  Give me some points that will put some light into your thoughts from my perspective, humor me.  Gus is gone today so who is the hire tomorrow basically.  Bortles was trash, as you stated as well, even though he has steadily improved since last year so who should we pick up or trade for instead?  The Wrs get hurt on every team so what would you have done to prevent this from happening or what players would you have gotten instead this year?  I just need some actual information instead of bashing if you want respect regarding your opinions. 


Every team is always trying to get better and correct mistakes so if you think even the SB champions each year don't or didn't have problems even before they became champions then you're delusional.  All im saying is that pointing out flaws and inconsistencies can be done to any one player or team in any sport but calling yourself a fan while doing so, is just holding on to hope so that when the team does win you can say you knew it COULD happen.  Go root for another team with that kind of attitude because i speak with fans of other teams daily who say the same as you and some that even have more positive statements and information to back up those statements than i have ever read from you.  Well, let me apologize.  I actually have read positive statements from you but they only come around when the team does get a W and you try and justify your glass half full approach but "Do You."


Im happy with my team's progress and don't need to feel like we have an all star squad before i start believing in the potential im seeing every week.  Some players pan out and some don't but you stay neutral so you can always feel like the smartest man in the room while looking like the biggest joke of a real fan in my eyes period.  You either roll with the punches or cash it in, but dont EVER, i mean, EVER call yourself intelligent or even intellectual when it comes to making a point about this team until you show what side your really on.  If you hate the coach then don't enjoy any positives he coaches the players to achieve and just stay negative and dont forget that the BUST BORTLES throws to those WRs that you said needed improvement on catching and consistency.

Quote:I never said once that we didn't have problems. Constructive criticism is ok but instead of constantly bashing the team about the negatives, you should try and post some solutions. You've stated you want Gus gone so who's the new hire to lead us into the future? Don't give me the marrone, b....s. Give me some points that will put some light into your thoughts from my perspective, humor me. Gus is gone today so who is the hire tomorrow basically. Bortles was trash, as you stated as well, even though he has steadily improved since last year so who should we pick up or trade for instead? The Wrs get hurt on every team so what would you have done to prevent this from happening or what players would you have gotten instead this year? I just need some actual information instead of bashing if you want respect regarding your opinions.

Every team is always trying to get better and correct mistakes so if you think even the SB champions each year don't or didn't have problems even before they became champions then you're delusional. All im saying is that pointing out flaws and inconsistencies can be done to any one player or team in any sport but calling yourself a fan while doing so, is just holding on to hope so that when the team does win you can say you knew it COULD happen. Go root for another team with that kind of attitude because i speak with fans of other teams daily who say the same as you and some that even have more positive statements and information to back up those statements than i have ever read from you. Well, let me apologize. I actually have read positive statements from you but they only come around when the team does get a W and you try and justify your glass half full approach but "Do You."

Im happy with my team's progress and don't need to feel like we have an all star squad before i start believing in the potential im seeing every week. Some players pan out and some don't but you stay neutral so you can always feel like the smartest man in the room while looking like the biggest joke of a real fan in my eyes period. You either roll with the punches or cash it in, but dont EVER, i mean, EVER call yourself intelligent or even intellectual when it comes to making a point about this team until you show what side your really on. If you hate the coach then don't enjoy any positives he coaches the players to achieve and just stay negative and dont forget that the BUST BORTLES throws to those WRs that you said needed improvement on catching and consistency.
Look up my post history and find your answers. Not gonna cater to you. I've posted many ideas and wants for this team. You may not like my perspective but I'm a fan none the less and you can't change that. Peace.


it really isn't that hard.

Quote:Look up my post history and find your answers. Not gonna cater to you. I've posted many ideas and wants for this team. You may not like my perspective but I'm a fan none the less and you can't change that. Peace.

Just a quick question.


Did you (yes or no,) believe we'd be .500 after two games?
Quote:Look up my post history and find your answers. Not gonna cater to you. I've posted many ideas and wants for this team. You may not like my perspective but I'm a fan none the less and you can't change that. Peace.

It's okay to be happy after a win. Seriously, try it out.
Quote:Look up my post history and find your answers. Not gonna cater to you. I've posted many ideas and wants for this team. You may not like my perspective but I'm a fan none the less and you can't change that. Peace.

Hey man. Just check out those Touchdowns we had!
Quote:A decade of bad drafting has an effect, but there are two problems with what you're saying. First is that the team is still horrificly bad, so bad it got physically whooped by a bad team at home last week. Losing by double digits to other bottom feeders is a bad indication of the quality of the team assembled so far. Second is that this is the era of free agency. A team doesn't have to just stick with whatever they can get in years of poor drafts. The Jaguars have had plenty of cap space and a wealthy owner. The problems we're seeing right now aren't because the team couldn't be decent under the circumstances surrounding them, the problems we're seeing right now seem to be because Gus and Dave think "it's built."


The problem with Fowler isn't that he's injured, he's symbolic of everything wrong with the way Dave Caldwell approaches the draft. Need drafting is for bad teams that stay bad. When you come to the draft and say "we need an impact player at DE" you're not necessarily going to get one by selecting one, sometimes it's a bad year for DEs, in which case you need to take the great player at WR or DT, because we're finding out right now that the Jaguars aren't nearly as "set" at WR as people were thinking at draft time.


The best drafters blend need with talent. Caldwell understands these concepts well, and Fowler represents just as great a talent as Amari Cooper, and you could argue even more so. Most league experts would argue that after QB, the most important positions are LT and pass rusher, so his merely playing the LEO spot gives Fowler somewhat of an edge on the talent scale.


As for losing to the Panthers, they are by no means a "bad team" or a "bottom feeder." This is a team who finished last year with one of the top rated defenses having won their division, and they are still undefeated this year and expected by and large to win their division again. Futhermore, I woudn't say the Jaguars got whooped. The Jaguars actually played dead even with the Panthers until the pick-six happened, and that was largely a result of Sam Young having come in cold to replace Joekel. Congrats to Sam for picking his game up after a week of practice with starters, but he STUNK last week. Soon after the pick six, the Panthers went on a methodical drive with Cam popping out key runs up the middle that he likely wouldn't have been able to do if Sen'Derrick was healthy. That defense ultimately was on the field way too long and the game got away from them. The Raiders, Bucs and Browns got whooped week one. The Jaguars merely got beat.

Quote:I've been hard on Blake but he played like the #3 pick in the draft he was a beast have to give him props


I can't believe me eyes. Did JAGANTIUS actually say this?

Quote:The drops by a later round rookie need to be cleaned up, but they are less of a concern than seeing your front line guys making mistakes.


Also, I noticed Greene sustained an injured thumb in the game. I'm wondering if this may have contributed to the drops. He did field a punt after that, but later in the game they put in Marshall instead to return a punt.

Quote:A decade of bad drafting has an effect, but there are two problems with what you're saying. First is that the team is still horrificly bad, so bad it got physically whooped by a bad team at home last week. Losing by double digits to other bottom feeders is a bad indication of the quality of the team assembled so far. Second is that this is the era of free agency. A team doesn't have to just stick with whatever they can get in years of poor drafts. The Jaguars have had plenty of cap space and a wealthy owner. The problems we're seeing right now aren't because the team couldn't be decent under the circumstances surrounding them, the problems we're seeing right now seem to be because Gus and Dave think "it's built."


The problem with Fowler isn't that he's injured, he's symbolic of everything wrong with the way Dave Caldwell approaches the draft. Need drafting is for bad teams that stay bad. When you come to the draft and say "we need an impact player at DE" you're not necessarily going to get one by selecting one, sometimes it's a bad year for DEs, in which case you need to take the great player at WR or DT, because we're finding out right now that the Jaguars aren't nearly as "set" at WR as people were thinking at draft time.
The confusing thing with this is DF was a top 5 prospect. It wasn't like ha had a third round grade and Caldwell reached.
Quote:The confusing thing with this is DF was a top 5 prospect. It wasn't like ha had a third round grade and Caldwell reached.

Yeah.... he was clearly both BAP and need. TB or Ten would have taken him easily if they didn't need a QB
Quote:I can't believe me eyes. Did JAGANTIUS actually say this?

I have to be honest 02 he played really well. Am I completely sold no but it was nice step into being a very good QB
Quote:Bradley has never been a HC and hasn't done anything, in my perspective, to cost us games.


I'm still in Gus' corner, but I have to admit I got a little worried when he wasted a TO and Challenge by throwing that red flag. Don't we have guys in the booth to help him out? Even a kindergartner could see that was an incomplete pass.

Quote:It's okay to be happy after a win. Seriously, try it out.

I'm happy and said as much but then immediately got flamed. As if I can't be happy after a win. I was attacked from the get go and told my criticism is hand wringing. Then I was told by some other scrub that I flopped stances because I simply stated that I'm glad we won. I'm not going to sit here and pretend everything is great but I wasnt crapping the win either. Some posters just can't be objective. It's all good though.
Quote:I'm still in Gus' corner, but I have to admit I got a little worried when he wasted a TO and Challenge by throwing that red flag. Don't we have guys in the booth to help him out? Even a kindergartner could see that was an incomplete pass.
What you did there. I see it.


it really isn't that hard.

Quote:Just a quick question.

Did you (yes or no,) believe we'd be .500 after two games?

I hoped we could be 2-0. What's uoire next question?
To say there are things that need fixing is a no brainier. The Fins are saying that now as well. in fact there was a lonnnng line up outside the Modis.

The difference is, there was a lot of fixing needed after week 1. IMuch was fixed week 2. That's progress. That's what most fans want.

We lost to a team I thought we should beat, and beat a team I thought we would lose to.

Look at this weeks upsets. We are far from the team with most issues.... And for those who want Gus outta here? You could be in Philly right now.

Every team needs tweaks. But let's enjoy this week. It's been too long since the Bank shook.
Quote:Hey man. Just check out those Touchdowns we had!

Yes yes! 2 touchdowns hahahaha. Next week boys and girls maybe count bortles will teach us about the number 3 hahahaha.
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