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OK, I just did some quick research. I had no idea about his (McCain's) war record. Turned down early release because his Father was named commander in Vietnam. Wanted all his fellow POW's to be released with him. Tortured, solitary, his fellow POW's didn't expect him to last a week but somehow he survived (after losing 50 pounds in captivity).


23 bombing mission over North Vietnam


OK, I'll admit that I was wrong to criticize his war record and Trump crossed the line to.

Quote:OK, I just did some quick research. I had no idea about his (McCain's) war record. Turned down early release because his Father was named commander in Vietnam. Wanted all his fellow POW's to be released with him. Tortured, solitary, his fellow POW's didn't expect him to last a week but somehow he survived (after losing 50 pounds in captivity).


23 bombing mission over North Vietnam


OK, I'll admit that I was wrong to criticize his war record and Trump crossed the line to.

Quote:OK, I just did some quick research. I had no idea about his (McCain's) war record. Turned down early release because his Father was named commander in Vietnam. Wanted all his fellow POW's to be released with him. Tortured, solitary, his fellow POW's didn't expect him to last a week but somehow he survived (after losing 50 pounds in captivity).

23 bombing mission over North Vietnam

OK, I'll admit that I was wrong to criticize his war record and Trump crossed the line to.

Nicely done
Quote:Well said. A hero is a hero and McCain is a true American the likes a which most on here most could only dream of.

Thank you.  I appreciate that from you.  Even though we don't agree politically, at least we can both agree regarding who a hero is in our short history.


I kind of "went over the top" a bit on my previous comments, but it's because it's something that I firmly believe in.  I will not stand for someone, especially someone that has never served, to call out any of my brother and sister military partners as not being heroes.


Many people don't have any idea what these men and women do for us.  I do.  I was not only a part of it, but I am also responsible for training our young soldiers.
Quote:Thank you.  I appreciate that from you.  Even though we don't agree politically, at least we can both agree regarding who a hero is in our short history.


I kind of "went over the top" a bit on my previous comments, but it's because it's something that I firmly believe in.  I will not stand for someone, especially someone that has never served, to call out any of my brother and sister military partners as not being heroes.


Many people don't have any idea what these men and women do for us.  I do.  I was not only a part of it, but I am also responsible for training our young soldiers.

In all honesty, I do know some military people who wouldn't be considered heroes. That's only because it's part of the job they volunteered for. McCain is the type who went about and beyond and is rightfully considered such.
Quote:Thank you. I appreciate that from you. Even though we don't agree politically, at least we can both agree regarding who a hero is in our short history.

I kind of "went over the top" a bit on my previous comments, but it's because it's something that I firmly believe in. I will not stand for someone, especially someone that has never served, to call out any of my brother and sister military partners as not being heroes.

Many people don't have any idea what these men and women do for us. I do. I was not only a part of it, but I am also responsible for training our young soldiers.

I've never served and honestly didn't want to. That won't ever stop me from respecting the livig crap out of someone who has let alone someone who was tortured and still made the "right" decisions at every step of the way. Bravery of the highest caliber.
Trump is an idiot for saying McCain isn't a hero. But, so far, I'm still voting for that idiot because I agree with his stance on a lot of the main issues.



Quote:OK, I just did some quick research. I had no idea about his (McCain's) war record. Turned down early release because his Father was named commander in Vietnam. Wanted all his fellow POW's to be released with him. Tortured, solitary, his fellow POW's didn't expect him to last a week but somehow he survived (after losing 50 pounds in captivity).


23 bombing mission over North Vietnam


OK, I'll admit that I was wrong to criticize his war record and Trump crossed the line to.

I wish more people would actually research something before they comment about it.


I appreciate the fact that you "manned up" and admitted that you were wrong.


I apologize if I offended you with any of my earlier comments, but I hope that you understand how angry I was.
Quote:I wish more people would actually research something before they comment about it.


I appreciate the fact that you "manned up" and admitted that you were wrong.


I apologize if I offended you with any of my earlier comments, but I hope that you understand how angry I was.


No Worries......  You didn't offend me. Sorry if I offended you
Good read on our hero John McCain.




Also, it is pretty laughable how Jeb Bush and Rick Perry are chastising Trump when they supported Swift Boat trying (and failing) to slander John Kerry's military career. Hypocrisy.

Quote:Good read on our hero John McCain.




Also, it is pretty laughable how Jeb Bush and Rick Perry are chastising Trump when they supported Swift Boat trying (and failing) to slander John Kerry's military career. Hypocrisy.
Pack of wild dogs is all that bunch is.
Quote:Good read on our hero John McCain.




Also, it is pretty laughable how Jeb Bush and Rick Perry are chastising Trump when they supported Swift Boat trying (and failing) to slander John Kerry's military career. Hypocrisy.

I won't discount anyone's military career, but please show how it's so "laughable" about people questioning what John Kerry tried to make his career about?  Also, I would say that John Kerry's career doesn't even come close to John McCain's military career.


The so-called "swift boating" of him came from his own actions.  I personally am proud of every single medal that I EARNED while serving in the military.  John Kerry, not so much.


He wasn't and isn't to this day someone that I would call a "hero".  In my point of view he is pretty much a "sellout" and a "traitor".
Quote:I won't discount anyone's military career, but please show how it's so "laughable" about people questioning what John Kerry tried to make his career about?  Also, I would say that John Kerry's career doesn't even come close to John McCain's military career.


The so-called "swift boating" of him came from his own actions.  I personally am proud of every single medal that I EARNED while serving in the military.  John Kerry, not so much.


He wasn't and isn't to this day someone that I would call a "hero".  In my point of view he is pretty much a "sellout" and a "traitor".


Citation for claiming treason?
Outside looking in I don't view anyone serving as greater or lesser then anyone else. I respect all those that serve but don't hold them in a higher regard then people that don't, nor do I try and rank which service members are heroic and which are not. I can respect John McCain served in the military without viewing him as heroic or cowardly I just simply respect that he served. What I can evaluate is what he has represented and done after service while holding office, and in that regard I have no respect for him.
Quote:I won't discount anyone's military career, but please show how it's so "laughable" about people questioning what John Kerry tried to make his career about? Also, I would say that John Kerry's career doesn't even come close to John McCain's military career.

The so-called "swift boating" of him came from his own actions. I personally am proud of every single medal that I EARNED while serving in the military. John Kerry, not so much.

He wasn't and isn't to this day someone that I would call a "hero". In my point of view he is pretty much a "sellout" and a "traitor".

Wow. Well that escalated quickly. I mean that got out of hand fast.

It's amazing to see how fast one's military service can be turned into selling out and being traitorous once party affiliation changes.

What exactly was Kerry's crime. I honestly don't remember.
Quote:Wow. Well that escalated quickly. I mean that got out of hand fast.

It's amazing to see how fast one's military service can be turned into selling out and being traitorous once party affiliation changes.

What exactly was Kerry's crime. I honestly don't remember.

John Kerry was a front man for the Viet Nam Veterans Against the War organization and his heavily disputed testimony about American war atrocities at the Fulbright Hearings is seen by many as an act of treason. A most likely unintended result of his testimony was that, having been validated by Kerry and his peers, the Vietnamese increased their acts of torture against American POWs until the end of the war.
Quote:John Kerry was a front man for the Viet Nam Veterans Against the War organization and his heavily disputed testimony about American war atrocities at the Fulbright Hearings is seen by many as an act of treason. A most likely unintended result of his testimony was that, having been validated by Kerry and his peers, the Vietnamese increased their acts of torture against American POWs until the end of the war.

What parts are "heavily disputed" and by whom?
Quote:One thing you should be clear on, I'm not interested in arguments based one what one side does vs. the other. As much as you'd like to paint me, or anyone, as beholden to liberal issues, causes or candidates, I think they all suck. Both sides.

I think Trump thinks things through as much as when a 12 year old sees something shiny. What he said was pure bigotry, wrapped up in the guise of eschewing political correctness. I have no respect for him, whether he is forcing discussion on a serious issue or not.

I think the labels annoy me the most. Both sides drive me crazy and why a decent discussion is impossible to have. FBT may be the worst one on this board that does it.
Quote:Good read on our hero John McCain.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://original.antiwar.com/giraldi/2013/05/29/john-mccain-war-hero-or-something-less/'>http://original.antiwar.com/giraldi/2013/05/29/john-mccain-war-hero-or-something-less/</a>

Also, it is pretty laughable how Jeb Bush and Rick Perry are chastising Trump when they supported Swift Boat trying (and failing) to slander John Kerry's military career. Hypocrisy.

Hmmmm, anyone else read that?
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