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Quote:Feign innocence? Hardly. I'm not apologizing for having an opinion, and not giving you the kid glove treatment in order to assure you're not offended. If you don't want to be offended, don't read my stuff. Simple as that. There's an ignore feature. Use.it.

Politics is intended to be adversarial. Nobody agrees on everything, and not every discourse should end up being a big Kumbaya fest. Sorry. Nobody's mind is going to be changed here on the big issues no matter how hard you try to "soften" commentary to make it palatable for the perpetually offended.

I'm not sure softening is the right word. We go in circles when you group someone with ideas they may disagree with. There is certainly a better way to go about getting your point across than lumping anyone who disagrees with you into one group. I just think it comes down to laziness. In essence, the two party system caters to the lazy and uninformed. Who should I vote for? Well my voting card says democrat so decisions already been made.
Quote:Gutless? Yeah, keeping an open mind and listening to what the candidates have to say to determine which one comes closest to my political philosophy is really a gutless approach. Better to take your brave position of picking whoever the talking head on the television thing tells me to pick.

Let me know when you've gotten beyond puberty.

I do get a kick out of how I'm the one who gets blasted for stereotyping people by hypocrites like you, but when you do it, it's quite alright. Unlike you and others of your politica ilk, it doesn't bother me when you attempt to pigeonhole me, even if you're about as far off base as you could possibly be.

So those who vote democrat don't do any research? Politics and religion are so close together it is scary.
Quote:I don't deny stereotyping people, nor do I whine about it when people do so like you and others here despite doing it yourself, so feel free to explain how that makes me a hypocrite exactly. I know it'll be difficult for you to spin it that way, so just do what libs do and scurry along. You've made the accusation. That should be good enough.
You scurrying libs! I'd chase after ya, but I'm just a crotchety old conservative stuck in the past!

Am I doing this right?
According to a recent poll,  Donald Trump now has a double digit lead in the Republican Nomination for President Race.   It's extremely early in the process though:



Quote:So those who vote democrat don't do any research? Politics and religion are so close together it is scary.
Evidently, for at least one in this discussion that seems to be the case.
Quote:According to a recent poll,  Donald Trump now has a double digit lead in the Republican Nomination for President Race.   It's extremely early in the process though:



Hillary Clinton was the lock for the nomination at this point in 2008.  Huckabee was a shoe-in for the nomination in 2012. 


It's very early, but the presidential election cycle seems to start earlier and earlier as people start to position themselves for the rubber chicken circuit and the money they have to raise to be viable. 
Quote:According to a recent poll, Donald Trump now has a double digit lead in the Republican Nomination for President Race. It's extremely early in the process though:

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-soars-big-poll-lead-whats-going-151645894.html'>http://news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-soars-big-poll-lead-whats-going-151645894.html</a>

It is entertaining that is for sure. I do agree though that like him or not, he is making politicians uncomfortable and I'm okay with that.
Quote:Evidently, for at least one in this discussion that seems to be the case.

And the same can be said for republican or conservative voters. I can't tell you how many things I've corrected by conservative friends and family on Facebook posting unresearched and incorrect information.
Quote:Hillary Clinton was the lock for the nomination at this point in 2008.  Huckabee was a shoe-in for the nomination in 2012. 


It's very early, but the presidential election cycle seems to start earlier and earlier as people start to position themselves for the rubber chicken circuit and the money they have to raise to be viable. 

  I also recall that John McCain's 2008 Presidential Campaign was written off for dead.   Unfortunately,  that didn't become a reality before the Primaries began.


  One of the interesting dynamics of the 2016 Republican Race is unlike the other candidates,   raising money isn't something Donald Trump needs to do.    While I don't think Trump will emerge as the Republican Nominee,  his financial resources make him an X factor that can't be dismissed.  
Quote:It is entertaining that is for sure. I do agree though that like him or not, he is making politicians uncomfortable and I'm okay with that.

  I agree that it's a good thing to make politicians uncomfortable.   From my perspective,  I wish that Donald Trump was in the 2012 Republican Race.   While he wouldn't have been my choice in the Republican field,   I think he could have influenced the race positively.   
Quote:In order for us to progress, truly, we will need to get rid of the two party system.
I can think of two parties that won't like that.
Quote:I can think of two parties that won't like that.

One thing you can count on is change. I just don't know how we can continue surviving as a nation with us vs them mentality.
It's always been "US vs THEM" in politics. If you thinik the mudslinging is bad now, google how it was in Lincolns time. It was Far worse.

[Image: Trump_zpsy91zfonh.png]

Quote:Now Lindsay Graham is an "idiot".

If there actually is a filter between Trump's brain and his mouth, the mesh must be as wide as a tennis ball.

Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade.


Oh wait, there is.
Quote:And the same can be said for republican or conservative voters. I can't tell you how many things I've corrected by conservative friends and family on Facebook posting unresearched and incorrect information.
That happens on both sides of the aisle.  If you want to verify that, just look at the "Occupy Democrat" garbage that they put out on a daily basis.  It's almost exclusively based on a granule of truth wrapped in a big old pile of lies.


Quote:It's always been "US vs THEM" in politics. If you thinik the mudslinging is bad now, google how it was in Lincolns time. It was Far worse.

Exactly.  When this country was founded, about 30% supported declaring independence. 


We had a war between the states because of divisions. 


If we actually abandoned the true 2 party system in favor of some homogeneous system, that would spell the end for this country.  There's a need for an adversarial relationship between the parties.  From great division comes great action.  Civil rights was adamantly opposed by democrats, but it was a democrat president working with republicans who made that happen.  All of the success Bill Clinton takes credit for economically?  Had it not been for the republicans taking control of congress, that probably wouldn't have been nearly the case. 
Quote:  I agree that it's a good thing to make politicians uncomfortable.   From my perspective,  I wish that Donald Trump was in the 2012 Republican Race.   While he wouldn't have been my choice in the Republican field,   I think he could have influenced the race positively.   
2008 and 2012 presented the GOP with some pretty awful options.  The field is stronger this time around.  Trump is sucking up all the oxygen in the room at the moment, but that will just accelerate his burnout.  I know our lib friends around here disagree, but the quality of the candidates is vastly different between what the democrats are trotting out there and what the republicans are.  If I was a democrat, I'd be embarrassed at the lack of bench the party has.  They're (some here as well) getting excited about the prospects of having a socialist leading their party into 2016. Amazing how far that party has fallen and how quickly. 
Quote:Amazing how far that party has fallen and how quickly. 

And yet the Democratic candidate has received the most votes in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections. And Hillary has a comfortable lead against all Republican candidates in every poll, many by double digits.
Quote:And yet the Democratic candidate has received the most votes in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections. And Hillary has a comfortable lead against all Republican candidates in every poll, many by double digits.

Keep clinging to the polls in July 2015.  Hillary was the president in waiting 8 years ago too. 


What we're seeing today is the coming to fruition of the indoctrination of generations over the span of decades.  We're headed toward the same fate as Greece because people now vote based on entitlement, and not based on what's best for the country.  The pendulum will swing the other way soon enough.


BTW, how has that same democrat party been doing downstream with federal, state, and local elections?  If you want to get a good indication of the implosion taking place, look at that and not just who hoodwinked enough people into voting for a president.

Quote:It's always been "US vs THEM" in politics. If you thinik the mudslinging is bad now, google how it was in Lincolns time. It was Far worse.

Not sure I agree simply because social media and the internet has changed the game.
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