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Quote:[Image: Trump_zpsy91zfonh.png]

Haha nice.
It's true that our politics have been pretty adversarial since our inception.

If memory serves, Hamilton killed burr over a political disagreement.

But the difference then compared to know is, I think, that there was at least the concept of compromise that the majority on both sides agreed were mutually beneficial. I don't see that as much anymore...
Trump is what this country needs. I'm so sick of all of these damn pretenders who get into office, only to make the majority of the people want to puke.

Trump for Pres.. Everyone else can go to hell..
Quote:It's true that our politics have been pretty adversarial since our inception.

If memory serves, Hamilton killed burr over a political disagreement.

But the difference then compared to know is, I think, that there was at least the concept of compromise that the majority on both sides agreed were mutually beneficial. I don't see that as much anymore...

Burr killed Hamilton. Though it was associated not only with strong personal dislike of one another, but also the Federalist And Democrat-Republicans ideological differences and political mudslinging.

Side note, Burr would eventually flee the country after being involved (allegedly) in multiple secessionist plots, though he was never convicted.

Quote:2008 and 2012 presented the GOP with some pretty awful options.  The field is stronger this time around.  Trump is sucking up all the oxygen in the room at the moment, but that will just accelerate his burnout.  I know our lib friends around here disagree, but the quality of the candidates is vastly different between what the democrats are trotting out there and what the republicans are.  If I was a democrat, I'd be embarrassed at the lack of bench the party has.  They're (some here as well) getting excited about the prospects of having a socialist leading their party into 2016. Amazing how far that party has fallen and how quickly. 

 While there were some GOP candidates that I liked in the earlier parts of the 2008 and 2012 Presidential races ( Duncan Hunter and Michele Bachmann come to mind ),  the good choices certainly seemed limited by the early part of the Primaries process.   Currently,  I like the depth that the Republicans have in the field.  I'm concerned though that some of the good candidates will cancel each other out and we will end up with yet another establishment /  far less Conservative candidate.  It's an uphill battle when both the media and the Republican establishment work against the candidates that are noticeably more Conservative and genuine.  


 I certainly view the Democrat Candidates in the 2016 field very much along the lines that you do.  I just hope that their bench doesn't prove so weak that the Democrat Race is over practically when the Primary season begins.   The longer their race drags on,  the better it is for us.   Not only will dirt fly amongst their candidates but it would lead to a significant portion of their campaign funds being used to win the Democrat Nomination instead of exclusively for the general election.
Quote:Trump is what this country needs. I'm so sick of all of these damn pretenders who get into office, only to make the majority of the people want to puke.

Trump for Pres.. Everyone else can go to hell..

lol. The DNC sends their sincerest thanks.
Quote:That happens on both sides of the aisle. If you want to verify that, just look at the "Occupy Democrat" garbage that they put out on a daily basis. It's almost exclusively based on a granule of truth wrapped in a big old pile of lies.

Of course it does. Which is why I find it tiresome that one side complains the other side does XYZ when the other side does the same thing. That was kind of my point.
Quote:Burr killed Hamilton. Though it was associated not only with strong personal dislike of one another, but also the Federalist And Democrat-Republicans ideological differences and political mudslinging.

Side note, Burr would eventually flee the country after being involved (allegedly) in multiple secessionist plots, though he was never convicted.

Thanks, Vicbow.
Quote: While there were some GOP candidates that I liked in the earlier parts of the 2008 and 2012 Presidential races ( Duncan Hunter and Michele Bachmann come to mind ),  the good choices certainly seemed limited by the early part of the Primaries process.   Currently,  I like the depth that the Republicans have in the field.  I'm concerned though that some of the good candidates will cancel each other out and we will end up with yet another establishment /  far less Conservative candidate.  It's an uphill battle when both the media and the Republican establishment work against the candidates that are noticeably more Conservative and genuine.  


 I certainly view the Democrat Candidates in the 2016 field very much along the lines that you do.  I just hope that their bench doesn't prove so weak that the Democrat Race is over practically when the Primary season begins.   The longer their race drags on,  the better it is for us.   Not only will dirt fly amongst their candidates but it would lead to a significant portion of their campaign funds being used to win the Democrat Nomination instead of exclusively for the general election.

It's early in the cycle.  Out of the 20 republican candidates, I would think that it will eventually "weed down" to 5 or 6 "real" candidates that have a chance of winning.  In no particular order of who I think will be "finalists" here's my guess.


Jeb Bush

Marco Rubio

Scott Walker

Ted Cruz

Rick Santorum

Lindsey Graham


I've already stated plenty of times who my favorite is. I don't necessarily disagree with the candidates not on the list, I'm just looking at a "realistic" possibility.


On the democrat side, I see a battle between Hillary and Bernie Sanders.  Most people that I know that are democrats are not really enthused with either one.  I see that as an indicator that they either vote on the other side (depending on the republican nominee), they vote third party or don't go to the polls at all.


To stay on topic, quite a few that I know that have conservative leanings likes what Trump is doing, but they would never vote for him in a primary.  I believe that Donald Trump is "saying what many believe" and is forcing candidates to "not play politics" and actually talk about the issues.


I do think that he's being a bit "over the top" with his remarks regarding Senator McCain and Senator Graham.  I also think that he is a narcissist and is enjoying the publicity that he's getting in the media.  However, think about this a bit.  The left news media is talking about him and giving exposure to candidates that he's running against in the republican party.  That's essentially "free advertising".  How many reports are out there getting statements from Hillary, Bernie Sanders or anyone else running on the democrat side?
I see Rand sticking it out through the whole process like his dad did, out of that list I see Graham bowing out early. 

Quote:It's early in the cycle.  Out of the 20 republican candidates, I would think that it will eventually "weed down" to 5 or 6 "real" candidates that have a chance of winning.  In no particular order of who I think will be "finalists" here's my guess.


Jeb Bush

Marco Rubio

Scott Walker

Ted Cruz

Rick Santorum

Lindsey Graham

Kind of a laughable list. Lindsey Graham? Rick Santorum? No way either of those two are finalist over Rand Paul, Donald Trump, or Ben Carson.


Hell, Lindsey Graham isn't even trying to win and is a super RINO candidate. I wouldn't be surprised if he is the first one out.


Regardless, what an extremely pathetic cast if so. Just hope Trump can keep it up into next year.



Quote:lol. The DNC sends their sincerest thanks.

You actually believe any of the RNC candidates bar Trump could win against Hillary? Who? They are all beta pushovers and will be blown away by an extremely aggressive media.

Quote:One thing you can count on is change. I just don't know how we can continue surviving as a nation with us vs them mentality.
That's the problem. It should never be an 'us vs them' mentality. It should be what's best for the people/the country, but it will never be that way because everyone has an agenda. It's human nature. And it's even more polarizing than ever before because everyone has a soapbox from which to spell out their opponents faults instead of campaigning/running on their platform (social media, their cellphones, mainstream media, etc.). I cannot stand any politician that runs more negative ads than tells us what they're going to do and sadly that's pretty much all of them. It's getting to where I can't stand the thought of voting one more of these morons from either party into office of any kind. 
Quote:Kind of a laughable list. Lindsey Graham? Rick Santorum? No way either of those two are finalist over Rand Paul, Donald Trump, or Ben Carson.


Hell, Lindsey Graham isn't even trying to win and is a super RINO candidate. I wouldn't be surprised if he is the first one out.


Regardless, what an extremely pathetic cast if so. Just hope Trump can keep it up into next year.




You actually believe any of the RNC candidates bar Trump could win against Hillary? Who? They are all beta pushovers and will be blown away by an extremely aggressive media.

If I could place a wager on this board I would.  Rand Paul, Donald Trump and Ben Carson will probably make it to the first debate (10 candidates) but I seriously doubt that any one of them will make it to the second debate except perhaps Rand Paul.


The bottom line is, when the field is dropped down to the last 5 or 6, I don't think any of your above candidates will be on the list.
Quote:If I could place a wager on this board I would.  Rand Paul, Donald Trump and Ben Carson will probably make it to the first debate (10 candidates) but I seriously doubt that any one of them will make it to the second debate except perhaps Rand Paul.


The bottom line is, when the field is dropped down to the last 5 or 6, I don't think any of your above candidates will be on the list.
I think Rand makes it through much further than Graham does. 
Quote:You actually believe any of the RNC candidates bar Trump could win against Hillary? Who? They are all beta pushovers and will be blown away by an extremely aggressive media.

By the way, I would think that any one of the candidates running for the republican nomination could beat Hillary.  Since you seem to know so much, please tell us exactly what Hillary has actually done and accomplished?
Quote:I think Rand makes it through much further than Graham does. 

Perhaps, but you do have to keep in mind.  Rand Paul appeals to both the left and the right.  We are talking about a republican field.  There is no way that he will ever get the support of those on the "far right".
Quote:By the way, I would think that any one of the candidates running for the republican nomination could beat Hillary.  Since you seem to know so much, please tell us exactly what Hillary has actually done and accomplished?
Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  if you "think" Rick Santorum could beat HIllary.  
Quote:Perhaps, but you do have to keep in mind.  Rand Paul appeals to both the left and the right.  We are talking about a republican field.  There is no way that he will ever get the support of those on the "far right".
This is true. He's the most likely to be "out-concervatived" right out of the primary. 
Quote:By the way, I would think that any one of the candidates running for the republican nomination could beat Hillary.  Since you seem to know so much, please tell us exactly what Hillary has actually done and accomplished?

Nothing worth noting. She is a corrupt, scandelous career politician. But the media and hollywood will tell the public to vote for her because she is the "cool" candidate, she is relatable (not), and it is her turn. They will vote for her and she will win. If Jeb Bush, who everyone thinks will get the nomination, wins the primaries, it will absolutely be a repeat of 2012.
Quote:No, because it does nothing for the conversation. People's view points most of the time go a lot deeper than grouping them all together. Maybe you do it out of laziness because it is easier. What it does do is keep this us vs them and prove my view point right instead of looking at things from different perspectives. It becomes something you win. God forbid we go hmmmm didn't think of it that way. Or you make a good point but... Nope let's just keep the name calling going.

It has nothing to do with political correctness. Different topic/discussion.
And others do exactly the same thing from the other side of the coin.  Yet you call out FBT and him only?  Look I have offered not only complaints but solutions as well.  Yet at every turn compromise and actual dialog are impossible.  This two party system has us so pitted against each other that we are ingrained to win at all cost regardless of actual thought.  The saddest part of this reality to me is that if you and I sat down over a plate of wings and a beer we could agree on just about everything at least until we included politics of the matter.
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