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Quote:So, in other words, to answer my question, none of it.  Thanks.  
Did you even read what I wrote, or just see blank space on a page and decide to type something so it wasn't empty anymore?
Quote:Let me ask you this.  Is the problem of gangs a real problem that should be addressed?


Is the fact that many of the most violent gangs are made up of illegal aliens a concern?


What about crimes not committed by gang members, but committed by illegal aliens?  It doesn't necessarily have to be a violent crime as in a shooting, a rape or something like that.  What about the drunk illegal alien that kills others while driving drunk?  Should that not be addressed?  Is confronting the problem "racist", "bigoted" or "fear mongering"?

Was the San Francisco shooter a gang member?


How about the illegal alien who had been deported 4 times, who murdered his wife with a ball peen hammer in Laredo, TX.


Not all  violent crime committed by illegals is being perpetrated by gang members.  Those stats provided in the link above just offer a glimpse.


Quote:Did you even read what I wrote, or just see blank space on a page and decide to type something so it wasn't empty anymore?

Trump never called anyone degenerate scum, so the rest of your point was, well, pointless.  It was just more agitated liberal hyperbole because you need to be offended, even if you have to make it up.


Liberals need to focus on the parts that offend them and turn that into an issue.  Otherwise they might have to talk about the facts, and that rarely ends well. 

Quote:Was the San Francisco shooter a gang member?


How about the illegal alien who had been deported 4 times, who murdered his wife with a ball peen hammer in Laredo, TX.


Not all  violent crime committed by illegals is being perpetrated by gang members.  Those stats provided in the link above just offer a glimpse.



Trump never called anyone degenerate scum, so the rest of your point was, well, pointless.  It was just more agitated liberal hyperbole because you need to be offended, even if you have to make it up.


Liberals need to focus on the parts that offend them and turn that into an issue.  Otherwise they might have to talk about the facts, and that rarely ends well. 
And you accuse me of cherry-picking? Choosing a couple of cases of violence committed by illegal immigrants and make them representative of the argument? Was the Aurora theater shooter an illegal immigrant or a gang member? How about the Sandy Hook shooter? O.J. Simpson? See, two can play at that game.


Donald Trump insinuated that the majority of people coming across the border are a criminal element, with some good people thrown in there somewhere. True or false? You seem to have this pre-conceived notion that I'm a liberal offended by everything. Frankly, I couldn't care less what an old dude with a bad rug thinks of people who cross the border from Mexico. I'm not looking for things to be "offended" by. I'm looking for things that I can get behind in the 2016 election, and when an old dude with a bad rug stands up and makes a statement that, when taken as a whole rather than cherry-picking bits and pieces of it, indicates that he believes most illegal immigrants are coming across to run drugs and rape women, I'm not going to be writing his name on any ballots, and I won't hesitate to voice my opinion that what he said is, whether he intended it to be or not, fear-mongering bigotry.

Quote:And you accuse me of cherry-picking? Choosing a couple of cases of violence committed by illegal immigrants and make them representative of the argument? Was the Aurora theater shooter an illegal immigrant or a gang member? How about the Sandy Hook shooter? O.J. Simpson? See, two can play at that game.


Donald Trump insinuated that the majority of people coming across the border are a criminal element, with some good people thrown in there somewhere. True or false? You seem to have this pre-conceived notion that I'm a liberal offended by everything. Frankly, I couldn't care less what an old dude with a bad rug thinks of people who cross the border from Mexico. I'm not looking for things to be "offended" by. I'm looking for things that I can get behind in the 2016 election, and when an old dude with a bad rug stands up and makes a statement that, when taken as a whole rather than cherry-picking bits and pieces of it, indicates that he believes most illegal immigrants are coming across to run drugs and rape women, I'm not going to be writing his name on any ballots, and I won't hesitate to voice my opinion that what he said is, whether he intended it to be or not, fear-mongering bigotry.
Trotting out the straw men.  Good on ya!  Liberals are truly like Pavlov's dogs.  Ring a bell and they come running with their canned debate points. 


Am I supposed to list ever violent crime committed by an illegal?  Is that the only way to make the point?  You cherry pick one sentence out of an entire quote because it offends you.  No other reason.  Didn't refute anything else in the quote.  Just the fact that he uttered that last sentence, and from that, you've labeled him (as good libs do) a bigot and borderline racist. 


Donald Trump basically cited an FBI report in his announcement.  He wasn't just plucking this from thin air.  So, I guess that means the FBI is borderline racist too, right?


Really fixated on his hair.  Another liberal tactic.  Attack something less substantive and more personal. 


You're more than welcome to be offended and to label him a bigot.  Calling him an old white guy with a bad rug is no less racist or bigoted, but hey, it's okay.  You're a lib.  You're allowed to spout those epithets without fear because you can't be considered a bigot or racist, right? 

Quote:You're more than welcome to be offended and to label him a bigot.  Calling him an old white guy with a bad rug is no less racist or bigoted, but hey, it's okay.  You're a lib.  You're allowed to spout those epithets without fear because you can't be considered a bigot or racist, right? 
Where did I use the word "white"?


It almost seems like you read what I wrote and interpreted it as what you wanted to hear so you would have something to whine about.


...isn't that exactly what you're accusing me of doing?
Quote:Where did I use the word "white"?


It almost seems like you read what I wrote and interpreted it as what you wanted to hear so you would have something to whine about.


...isn't that exactly what you're accusing me of doing?
Sorry, I inserted the white.  You're right.  Now you're just an ageist. 


It's a good thing you've got all that youth to pick from among your election choices. 

Quote:It's a good thing you've got all that youth to pick from among your election choices. 
Rand Paul is 52.


Just sayin'.
Now we have Trump tweeting (but later deleted the tweets) that:  



#JebBush has to like the Mexican Illegals because of his wife."
Quote:Now we have Trump tweeting (but later deleted the tweets) that:  

He retweeted something someone else tweeted.  There's a difference. 


Not defending the retweet.  Just pointing out that it was actually someone else who made the comment.  It was stupid to retweet it, but it looks like Trump manages his own Twitter account, so it's bound to happen that something stupid is going to get out there with a guy who has very little filter.

Quote:Trotting out the straw men.  Good on ya!  Liberals are truly like Pavlov's dogs.  Ring a bell and they come running with their canned debate points. 


Am I supposed to list ever violent crime committed by an illegal?  Is that the only way to make the point?  You cherry pick one sentence out of an entire quote because it offends you.  No other reason.  Didn't refute anything else in the quote.  Just the fact that he uttered that last sentence, and from that, you've labeled him (as good libs do) a bigot and borderline racist. 


Donald Trump basically cited an FBI report in his announcement.  He wasn't just plucking this from thin air.  So, I guess that means the FBI is borderline racist too, right?


Really fixated on his hair.  Another liberal tactic.  Attack something less substantive and more personal. 


You're more than welcome to be offended and to label him a bigot.  Calling him an old white guy with a bad rug is no less racist or bigoted, but hey, it's okay.  You're a lib.  You're allowed to spout those epithets without fear because you can't be considered a bigot or racist, right? 
Says the guy that calls Hillary "Cankles" and all manner of name calling to posters on here and people in general.. What a hypocrite. 
Did that hurt your feelings?  Did I offend you by calling her Cankles?  I can certainly shred Hillary based on the issues, but what's the point?  You mind-numbed drones will still worship at her feet,  Whatever you do, steer clear of actual issues.  Focus on this kind of stuff.  That's what you've been conditioned to do.  You can't help it. 

I'll be voting for Trump.. Count me in..
Quote:I'll be voting for Trump.. Count me in..
You dig old guys with bad comb-overs?  Good to know.  :woot:
Alright, I guess I'll bite.




He's unelectable.  He's also completely unworthy of any elected office, much less the highest in the land, but for right now let's just focus on the fact he's unelectable.


I find it humorous that many posters like him because "he speaks the truth."  Guys, just about everything that comes out of his mouth is an outrageous exaggeration at best, outright lie at worst. 


Just now, for instance, I heard an interview with him on his big thing, the illegal immigrants coming to this country.


His take:  the government of Mexico is sending them.  They have smarter elected leaders than us, so their government is sending us all their criminals.


My take:  Mexico is a horrible place, for many reasons, but I'm guessing one of them is not because they have smarter leaders than us.  Because Mexico sucks, people leave to find better opportunity in the States.  Unless there's some hidden voucher system I've never heard of, I can't imagine it's government promoted.


This is just one example.  Whether it's his artificially inflated net worth (he assigns an arbitrary 3 billion to his "brand") or his claim to be the only guy running qualified to fix the economy (4 bankruptcies would say otherwise), everything that comes out of his mouth is either self-aggrandizing bluster, an insult to his critics, or a lawsuit threat for his business partners that will continue to distance themselves. 


When the fact-checkers come for Trump - and they will, just as they did when he lied trying to get the current president disqualified on a technicality - he will be political toast.  The Republican party has a real interest to expose him now, because if in the extremely unlikely event that he gets past South Carolina, he may get a VP nod.  If that happens, we will be inaugurating another "D".


....And one more thing:  If Trump had done his real estate/construction act in any other city in the US, no one would know who the hell he is.  He is a product of a New York City media machine that enjoys extolling their own city.  When he inevitably blames the media that created him for bringing him down, I'm going to sit back with a cold MEXICAN beer and laugh my rear off.

Quote:Let me ask you this.  Is the problem of gangs a real problem that should be addressed?


Is the fact that many of the most violent gangs are made up of illegal aliens a concern?


What about crimes not committed by gang members, but committed by illegal aliens?  It doesn't necessarily have to be a violent crime as in a shooting, a rape or something like that.  What about the drunk illegal alien that kills others while driving drunk?  Should that not be addressed?  Is confronting the problem "racist", "bigoted" or "fear mongering"?

At no point have I said violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants is not a problem. However, you and others seem to be using that fact to insulate Trump from criticism, by portraying him as a courageous candidate unafraid to speak the truth. If you don't think he is appealing to fears by portraying the majority of illegal immigrants as thugs and a menace, my guess is we'll never agree on this subject.
Quote:You dig old guys with bad comb-overs? Good to know. :woot:

Hey.. Dudes wealthy and I have no standards..
Quote:At no point have I said violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants is not a problem. However, you and others seem to be using that fact to insulate Trump from criticism, by portraying him as a courageous candidate unafraid to speak the truth. If you don't think he is appealing to fears by portraying the majority of illegal immigrants as thugs and a menace, my guess is we'll never agree on this subject.
Is that any different than democrats using voter ID laws to gin up anger among black communities to make sure they don't vote for any evil republican who might dare to disenfranchise them by requiring the provide proof that they are who they claim to be when they enter a polling place?


There is one difference.  What Trump is saying is far closer to the truth than what is implied by what democrats are saying regarding voter ID laws.  Still, it's a scare tactic. 



Calling something scare tactics because it rightfully sheds light on a legitimate problem is disingenuous.  Not everything politicians or those seeking public office speaks is going to be rainbows and gumdrops, big warm hugs and smiles for days.  Sometimes the truth sucks.  Most politicians will spin things in a way to make them more palatable, usually after they've tested their message with focus groups.  It's clear that Trump didn't bother with that approach.  Oh well.  What he's saying is truth.  You think it's scare tactics?  That's fine.  Maybe we should wake up to the reality and actually be scared, and quit buying the tripe we're being told that everything is okay. 
Quote:Hey.. Dudes wealthy and I have no standards..
Setting a high bar.  I like it.
Quote:Alright, I guess I'll bite.




He's unelectable.  He's also completely unworthy of any elected office, much less the highest in the land, but for right now let's just focus on the fact he's unelectable.


I find it humorous that many posters like him because "he speaks the truth."  Guys, just about everything that comes out of his mouth is an outrageous exaggeration at best, outright lie at worst. 


Just now, for instance, I heard an interview with him on his big thing, the illegal immigrants coming to this country.


His take:  the government of Mexico is sending them.  They have smarter elected leaders than us, so their government is sending us all their criminals.


My take:  Mexico is a horrible place, for many reasons, but I'm guessing one of them is not because they have smarter leaders than us.  Because Mexico sucks, people leave to find better opportunity in the States.  Unless there's some hidden voucher system I've never heard of, I can't imagine it's government promoted.


This is just one example.  Whether it's his artificially inflated net worth (he assigns an arbitrary 3 billion to his "brand") or his claim to be the only guy running qualified to fix the economy (4 bankruptcies would say otherwise), everything that comes out of his mouth is either self-aggrandizing bluster, an insult to his critics, or a lawsuit threat for his business partners that will continue to distance themselves. 


When the fact-checkers come for Trump - and they will, just as they did when he lied trying to get the current president disqualified on a technicality - he will be political toast.  The Republican party has a real interest to expose him now, because if in the extremely unlikely event that he gets past South Carolina, he may get a VP nod.  If that happens, we will be inaugurating another "D".


....And one more thing:  If Trump had done his real estate/construction act in any other city in the US, no one would know who the hell he is.  He is a product of a New York City media machine that enjoys extolling their own city.  When he inevitably blames the media that created him for bringing him down, I'm going to sit back with a cold MEXICAN beer and laugh my rear off.

I don't think most here would think he's electable, and that's not really the point.  He is in a position to change the narrative.  That won't get him elected, but it will put a far more focused energy on the issues that actually matter. 


You talk about his hyperbolic talk as if he's the only one out there who has done it.  Did you pay any attention to the last 2 presidential elections?  Seriously, Obama ran around lying his posterior off and somehow he got the drones to vote  him in twice despite the fact that his only qualification for office was a pulse and he met the age requirements.  Other than that, the guy was unelectable, yet there were enough gullible souls out there to elect an empty suit because he read other people's words from a teleprompter in grandiose ways and they were inspired by a transcript. 


Politicians lie.  They bend the truth to keep their benefactors on board.  They'll say whatever they need to in order to win elections.  Trump can pretty much say whatever he wants.  He's not beholding to anyone but himself. 
Quote:I don't think most here would think he's electable, and that's not really the point.  He is in a position to change the narrative.  That won't get him elected, but it will put a far more focused energy on the issues that actually matter. 


You talk about his hyperbolic talk as if he's the only one out there who has done it.  Did you pay any attention to the last 2 presidential elections?  Seriously, Obama ran around lying his posterior off and somehow he got the drones to vote  him in twice despite the fact that his only qualification for office was a pulse and he met the age requirements.  Other than that, the guy was unelectable, yet there were enough gullible souls out there to elect an empty suit because he read other people's words from a teleprompter in grandiose ways and they were inspired by a transcript. 


Politicians lie.  They bend the truth to keep their benefactors on board.  They'll say whatever they need to in order to win elections.  Trump can pretty much say whatever he wants.  He's not beholding to anyone but himself. 
Trump takes lying to a level not seen in recent years.


Guess which presidential candidate from this young century he reminds me of.  Just guess.  I'll give you a hint:  they are both a product of the same media machine.
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