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Quote:We probably agree on more than you think, just not semantics. Wink

I think that we agree on a number of topics as well.  However, I stand by my arguments unless proven wrong, and if I'm proven wrong by FACTS I will acknowledge that.  I enjoy having a good debate.  I personally think that it's important for people to debate issues and get more informed.  Sometimes a debate might go "wrong" for somebody, but it at least brings to light issues and facts that others might read.


Regarding "semantics", I am a "detailed oriented person" (why do I feel like I'm writing a resume?).  I don't always catch all of the details regarding things, yet that's kind of what I do.  I guess that I would describe myself as being more "methodical" when I approach or deal with a situation.


Once again, I enjoy having the discussions with you and others on this board as it relates to politics.
This dude really called Mexicans rapists during his announcement speech. Late night television is going to be gold for the forseeable future. Please Trump, dump all your money into this race and stay in it as long as possible. Pure entertainment. 

I cant wait for him to ask for the US money to be changed to Trump dollars.

Quote:Any politician that tried to pull that off (including Obama) would be cooked in seconds, and for good reason, by members of both parties. An effort to extend voting rights to illegal immigrants would be any and all required nails in the coffin of a politician's career.


*Edit: it seems that attempts have already been made to "accidentally" grant voting rights to them. IMO, nothing short of a voter registration card and matching ID should allow you to vote.

I don't think so.  You've got enough people in this country that are so detached from what is happening here that there's a strong likelihood they wouldn't even notice unless it happened to be mentioned as part of a punch line on a "news" show on Comedy Central. 


I've had heated debates in the past with friends who find the notion of requiring an ID to vote as racist.  They don't have any defense for needing one to cash a check, rent a car, rent a domicile, fly on a plane, etc.  Those requirements aren't racist.  Only if you're requiring them to provide an ID to vote.  I agree with you that at a minimum you should have a state issued picture ID that backs up who you are. 


As it stands, the "motor voter" law passed under Bill Clinton that allows people to register to vote when they go for a license must be racist too since essentially you have to request a state ID in order to take advantage. 


Hillary Clinton is going around talking about making voting more accessible to a larger segment of the population.  I didn't realize accessibility to voter registration was that restricted.  But, we all know what her comments are code for, and it has everything to do with greater access for those who are currently not permitted to legally vote for a host of reasons, whether it's a pesky citizenship issue, or a criminal history.



Quote:tried to avoid offending anyone by taking a strong position on any issue.

"I won't get into a discussion with you about what Trump said and how he hit on all the big issues that should matter to republican voters because you're simply not capable of seeing beyond your own bias.  You make that abundantly clear every time you post in this forum.  You're the perfect democrat voter."

Presumptions work both ways. You don't see past your own bias, although you tend to disguise it, being a TParty type republican. You make that clear in your posts. No big deal.

But I do believe you are a closet Trump supporter, for that reason and the fact your personalities are so similar. And that's ok too, that's every individual's freedom of choice.


I don't deny my bias.  I'm a dyed in the wool conservative.  I don't hide that point at all.  I don't have any need to do so. 


I can't stand Trump.  I never have liked the guy, and think he's nothing more than a circus act.  That doesn't mean he can't serve a purpose in this election cycle.  That's apparently the part you're struggling to grasp.


When you get your Hillary tramp stamp, make sure you post pictures here.

Can men get tramp stamps?


We've come a long way.

Quote:Can men get tramp stamps?


We've come a long way.

This is the 21st century.  Men can be women if they want, blacks can be white if they want, and progressive tough guys can get tramp stamps. 
Quote:Can men get tramp stamps?


We've come a long way.

You don't want to offend The Sage of the Gated Community. He'll call you a supporter of Hillary. It's the harshest charge he can make. You are sure to feel shame.
Quote:I don't think so. You've got enough people in this country that are so detached from what is happening here that there's a strong likelihood they wouldn't even notice unless it happened to be mentioned as part of a punch line on a "news" show on Comedy Central.

I've had heated debates in the past with friends who find the notion of requiring an ID to vote as racist. They don't have any defense for needing one to cash a check, rent a car, rent a domicile, fly on a plane, etc. Those requirements aren't racist. Only if you're requiring them to provide an ID to vote. I agree with you that at a minimum you should have a state issued picture ID that backs up who you are.

As it stands, the "motor voter" law passed under Bill Clinton that allows people to register to vote when they go for a license must be racist too since essentially you have to request a state ID in order to take advantage.

Hillary Clinton is going around talking about making voting more accessible to a larger segment of the population. I didn't realize accessibility to voter registration was that restricted. But, we all know what her comments are code for, and it has everything to do with greater access for those who are currently not permitted to legally vote for a host of reasons, whether it's a pesky citizenship issue, or a criminal history.

I don't deny my bias. I'm a dyed in the wool conservative. I don't hide that point at all. I don't have any need to do so.

I can't stand Trump. I never have liked the guy, and think he's nothing more than a circus act. That doesn't mean he can't serve a purpose in this election cycle. That's apparently the part you're struggling to grasp.

When you get your Hillary tramp stamp, make sure you post pictures here.
I'll post the pic when you post your new Trump tat. Maybe one of him on a big bad Kawasaki. Maybe on your gut, so when you walk it rumbles and shakes like a Harley. Maybe it can cover the pink unicorn that shows your soft side.

You can't stand him? So you say. I'll assume you have a man crush on him as you assumed I'm a Clinton supporter.

FBT ... Fascinated By Trump. ....the candidate who serves a purpose...lol.
Quote:I'll post the pic when you post your new Trump tat. Maybe one of him on a big bad Kawasaki. Maybe on your gut, so when you walk it rumbles and shakes like a Harley.

You can't stand him? So you say. I'll assume you have a man crush on him as you assumed I'm a Clinton supporter.

FBT ... Fascinated By Trump. ....the candidate who serves a purpose...lol.

Bringing the weak sauce, I see.  Not that I'd expect anything better from you.  But, the world needs your type to balance things out.

Quote:Bringing the weak sauce, I see.  Not that I'd expect anything better from you.  But, the world needs your type to balance things out.

Some don't live to meet your expectations. But I'm sure I can provide some sauce you'd enjoy.
Quote:Some don't live to meet your expectations. But I'm sure I can provide some sauce you'd enjoy.
Your employer probably wouldn't appreciate you stealing their condiments. 


How's that unionization effort going, btw?  Ready to be replaced by a robot?

Quote:Your employer probably wouldn't appreciate you stealing their condiments.

How's that unionization effort going, btw? Ready to be replaced by a robot?
Not a thief. The condiment you speak of is all mine. You'll need extra napkins to wipe your chin. Maybe more since its a double.

What has unionization have to with this? Robots? Did robots replace you at your Bleachers Report position? Hence the Administrator gig on a MB,where you could really flex?

Get off my lawn.... Lol
Quote:You make some fair points but we'll just disagree on the Palin stuff. I think she's absolutely the idiot she made herself out to be. She didn't need SNL to soil any reputation.  She did that by opening her mouth in front of microphones.  (though 70% of middle American voters probably had no clue she even existed before the McCain nod) 
see this is the problem.  Sarah Palin is some big joke...  ok.  


Then you have the president of the united states sitting in a room laughing about how "shovel ready wasn't really shovel ready,"  after wasting a trillion dollars, we learn that he and his entire team consciously decieved the entire national during the ACA debates.  We trade five high level detainees for a deserter.  We double the national debt and have interest rates at 0% and we have the worst recovery since the failures of the new deal, we get some smart $^^& answer in the third debate against romney about cutting naval vessels is like graduating from bayonets and muskets only to find out that now because of the shortage that our marines are going to have to hitch rides with foriegn countries, He missed Crimea, surrendered IRAQ to IRAN, crafted the wrost Nuclear treaty in the modern Era, allowed the death of our ambassador to lybia, called ISIS the JV team, wrong on cambrige, sent presidential representatives to the  funeral of a strong arm robber, said that we should really be worried about the Crusades and not the war on terror and thinks that the biggest threat to national security is a flying spaghetti monster...


And you think Palin is the idiot?
In general i think that Trump will be healthy for the campaign (assuming he doesn't go third party) because he actually talks about issues that matter.  He actually talks about being able to re balance trade with other nations so that we aren't hit so hard with a trade deficit and taking the steps to actually grow the economy instead of passing out carveouts.  

Quote:see this is the problem. Sarah Palin is some big joke... ok.

Then you have the president of the united states sitting in a room laughing about how "shovel ready wasn't really shovel ready," after wasting a trillion dollars, we learn that he and his entire team consciously decieved the entire national during the ACA debates. We trade five high level detainees for a deserter. We double the national debt and have interest rates at 0% and we have the worst recovery since the failures of the new deal, we get some smart $^^& answer in the third debate against romney about cutting naval vessels is like graduating from bayonets and muskets only to find out that now because of the shortage that our marines are going to have to hitch rides with foriegn countries, He missed Crimea, surrendered IRAQ to IRAN, crafted the wrost Nuclear treaty in the modern Era, allowed the death of our ambassador to lybia, called ISIS the JV team, wrong on cambrige, sent presidential representatives to the funeral of a strong arm robber, said that we should really be worried about the Crusades and not the war on terror and thinks that the biggest threat to national security is a flying spaghetti monster...

And you think Palin is the idiot?

I really hope you don't think she would've produced better results. The grass isn't always greener on the other side.

And you think Palin is the idiot?

Yes.  She's an idiot.   I never said THE idiot.  You did.


This is a thread about Trump, so I'll leave the rest of your diatribe alone. 
Quote:This dude really called Mexicans rapists during his announcement speech. Late night television is going to be gold for the forseeable future. Please Trump, dump all your money into this race and stay in it as long as possible. Pure entertainment.

He certainly got all of Mexico and Univision in an uproar. However, this is another case of people looking to be offended. He was talking about illegal immigration, and yes, there are a lot of bad and undesirable people who illegally enter this country through the Mexican border. While 99% of the people who immigrate legally from Mexico end up being fine citizens, the same can't be said about the illegal crossers. For one, theyve already broken the law, but taking that and putting it aside, the numbers are much, much worse for this group of people. Is it a majority of the illegals or even close? No. But if you are talking about 15 percent of millions of people per year, then there is a very real issue and Trump is right.

Trump is also right that we have allowed ourselves to be fleeced by the Mexican government (and others) for years because politicians are only concerned about special interest groups and voting blocks.
Quote:However, this is another case of people looking to be offended. He was talking about illegal immigration, and yes, there are a lot of bad and undesirable people who illegally enter this country through the Mexican border. While 99% of the people who immigrate legally from Mexico end up being fine citizens, the same can't be said about the illegal crossers. For one, theyve already broken the law, but taking that and putting it aside, the numbers are much, much worse for this group of people. Is it a majority of the illegals or even close? No. But if you are talking about 15 percent of millions of people per year, then there is a very real issue and Trump is right.

While people are certainly over-offended at his remarks - you are grossly understating what he said and how he said it.  Presidential candidates that aren't a laughing stock don't make statements that have entire political parties scrambling to distance themselves  - while simultaneously offending millions.  He could have made his point without being an idiot about it..... if he weren't a complete idiot. 
Quote:While people are certainly over-offended at his remarks - you are grossly understating what he said and how he said it.  Presidential candidates that aren't a laughing stock don't make statements that have entire political parties scrambling to distance themselves  - while simultaneously offending millions.  He could have made his point without being an idiot about it..... if he weren't a complete idiot. 

He's certainly no politician.  Tact isn't something that is often associated with him.  I think that's why he has as many supporters as he does, though.  Some people just want someone who is unapologetic and stands firm no matter how much blow back he gets.  He's a throwback and he isn't easily influenced by the Washington power structure.  He could use a little more couth with sensitive subjects, but you won't ever wonder where he really stands on an issue behind closed doors.
NBC to Trump:



"You're fired".



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