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Quote:   Of the 6 candidates you mentioned,  the one that I think has the greatest uphill battle is Lindsey Graham.   I don't think Graham appeals to any segment of the Republican Party on enough key issues.   In other words,  why part of the Republican voting segments will support Graham on an issue here and there,  they will be against Graham on as many,  if not more issues.    The other 5 candidates you mentioned have much more defined voting segments that they appeal to.


   Until some of the debates take place,  it's much more difficult to predict which Republican candidates will have a realistic chance.  It's interesting to discuss it now but like we have seen so many times,  things often change.


   While Donald Trump's history of supporting left wing candidates could easily catch up to him,   the combination of the free publicity he's getting and the unlimited bank account he has makes him a wildcard.   Many people that I have met recently currently plan on voting for Trump in the primary season.    But along the lines you mentioned,   the fact that he's bringing up topics that needs to be discussed in the race is something that appeals to me.    It's evident that some of the candidates on the Republican side are very reluctant to discuss uncomfortable questions/ issues.   


  Because so many people correctly think Hillary is disingenuous,  it's clearly hurting her even in the Democrat Party.   The question becomes if this continues,  will someone like Elizabeth Warren enter the race?    I don't think any of the Democrats currently in the field have a realistic shot at the nomination.   However,  I believe Warren would appeal to a large segment of the Democrat Party.  


  If a Republican had the baggage that Hillary has,  the media would go non stop in trying to get as much on the table as possible.   

I can agree with you on your first point.  I threw Lindsey Graham out there simply because he is an "establishment" candidate that some probably support.  He's probably the one that I would say is more to the center than the right.


I do also agree that once debates begin, the field will start thinning and the "real" candidates will start emerging.


I believe that Trump could be the down fall of republicans this election cycle, unless he bows out of the race and supports a candidate.  With him threatening to be a third party candidate, I see him being another Ross Perot.  He'll take votes away from the eventual republican candidate, whoever that might be.  I can't honestly see him as earning the republican nomination.  I do commend him for speaking clearly and firmly regarding certain topics, but I don't necessarily agree with his delivery.  I personally think that he would be a bad choice to be President.  If he does stick with being a nominee in the republican party, I would think that he loses.


Regarding Elizabeth Warren, I don't think that she will enter the race, unless there is a devastating issue with Hillary.  After all, it's not "her turn".  Even then, I can't see her rising up to the top of the crop of democrat candidates.  There are quite a few on the far left that really likes her, but most sane people would not support her.
Funny, I think that most sane people would not support Rick Santorum or Mike Huckabee.

Quote:Funny, I think that most sane people would not support Rick Santorum or Mike Huckabee.

I don't support either of them (or Trump, who's a big cronyist).
 However, I don't claim that makes me sane.


But the Dems have some seriously flawed candidates.


You have a former Sec State who sold US policy to foreign governments for big donations to her foundation which she uses as a slush fund.


You have the former mayor of Baltimore. Some legacy there.


You have a former long time Republican. At least he's probably got Charlie Crist's vote locked up.


Your cleanest candidate is an avowed socialist. That word still turns off a lot of people.


As possible future entrants, you have the Dem answer to Dan Quayle who's also a plagiarist, and a woman who lied about being a Native American to get favorable affirmative action treatment, stealing a slot from someone who actually deserved it.


Add to that that both female candidates fattened their net worth cozying up to Wall Street, and then claimed to be against that very thing. Politicians lie, but the farce is strong in those two.

Quote:I don't support either of them (or Trump, who's a big cronyist).
 However, I don't claim that makes me sane.


But the Dems have some seriously flawed candidates.


You have a former Sec State who sold US policy to foreign governments for big donations to her foundation which she uses as a slush fund.


You have the former mayor of Baltimore. Some legacy there.


You have a former long time Republican. At least he's probably got Charlie Crist's vote locked up.


Your cleanest candidate is an avowed socialist. That word still turns off a lot of people.


As possible future entrants, you have the Dem answer to Dan Quayle who's also a plagiarist, and a woman who lied about being a Native American to get favorable affirmative action treatment, stealing a slot from someone who actually deserved it.


Add to that that both female candidates fattened their net worth cozying up to Wall Street, and then claimed to be against that very thing. Politicians lie, but the farce is strong in those two.

Only the Best and Brightest!
Quote:I don't support either of them (or Trump, who's a big cronyist).
 However, I don't claim that makes me sane.


But the Dems have some seriously flawed candidates.


You have a former Sec State who sold US policy to foreign governments for big donations to her foundation which she uses as a slush fund.


You have the former mayor of Baltimore. Some legacy there.


You have a former long time Republican. At least he's probably got Charlie Crist's vote locked up.


Your cleanest candidate is an avowed socialist. That word still turns off a lot of people.


As possible future entrants, you have the Dem answer to Dan Quayle who's also a plagiarist, and a woman who lied about being a Native American to get favorable affirmative action treatment, stealing a slot from someone who actually deserved it.


Add to that that both female candidates fattened their net worth cozying up to Wall Street, and then claimed to be against that very thing. Politicians lie, but the farce is strong in those two.

You forgot Joe Biden.
Elizabeth Warren did not use Affirmative action to land her jobs.


I know it's a 'liberal source', and Republicans conservatives here will dismiss it being as 'liberal media source' and not a story by Fox "News" or Breitbart or one of the other "reliable" conservative sources.  But for the reasonable people out there wondering I'll post it anyway.

Quote:You forgot Joe Biden.

No I didn't. He's the Dem Dan Quayle.

Quote:Elizabeth Warren did not use Affirmative action to land her jobs.


I know it's a 'liberal source', and Republicans conservatives here will dismiss it being as 'liberal media source' and not a story by Fox "News" or Breitbart or one of the other "reliable" conservative sources.  But for the reasonable people out there wondering I'll post it anyway.

I don't think anyone ever claimed that she used Affirmative action to land her jobs.  However, she did falsely identify herself as being a minority.  That fact really can't be denied.


I personally dislike her for her claim that nobody builds a business and gets wealthy on their own.
Quote:I don't think anyone ever claimed that she used Affirmative action to land her jobs.  However, she did falsely identify herself as being a minority.  That fact really can't be denied.


I personally dislike her for her claim that nobody builds a business and gets wealthy on their own.




and a woman who lied about being a Native American to get favorable affirmative action treatment, stealing a slot from someone who actually deserved it.
Since you're a swordsman, touche.

Quote:Elizabeth Warren did not use Affirmative action to land her jobs.


I know it's a 'liberal source', and Republicans conservatives here will dismiss it being as 'liberal media source' and not a story by Fox "News" or Breitbart or one of the other "reliable" conservative sources.  But for the reasonable people out there wondering I'll post it anyway.

Read my comment again. I did not say she used Affirmative Action to land her jobs. But when you claim to be a minority your employer takes that into consideration in hiring and raises. If nothing else it lets them off the hook for promoting a somewhat less qualified person to satisfy some minority advancement requirement.


I personally don't think a less qualified person should get the promotion just because they are a minority, but Affirmative Action is a major plank of the Democrat Party.

Quote:No I didn't. He's the Dem Dan Quayle.

You may think Biden says thinks that are gaffes, but the man has been a senator fur a long time, and had done serious things.

In my mind, you can't compare the two.
Quote:You may think Biden says thinks that are gaffes, but the man has been a senator fur a long time, and had done serious things.

In my mind, you can't compare the two.

It is insulting to Biden. Quayle was completely unqualified to be in a position to be the next in line to have lead this country.
Quote:It is insulting to Biden. Quayle was completely unqualified to be in a position to be the next in line to have lead this country.

If 6 years in the National Guard, 2 terms in the House, and 2 terms in Senate constitutes "completely unqualified" then what would you consider the current jackass living there?

Oh wait...black Dem = Messiah. My bad.
Quote:If 6 years in the National Guard, 2 terms in the House, and 2 terms in Senate constitutes "completely unqualified" then what would you consider the current [BAD WORD REMOVED] living there?

Oh wait...black Dem = Messiah. My bad.
Gotta bump this blast from the past.  Looking back, none of us knew how the country would react to the presumptive Republican nominee.


He's brought over a lot of former playground bullies to his side in only 10 short months!



Boy was I wrong about the American public.  I continue to be right about donald, who is a lying, loudmouth, misogynist and racist hypocrite, but I didn't know we were this stupid angry.  I completely missed on the over/under, and now barring indictment or death, this one plays out to November 2016.

Quote:Gotta bump this blast from the past.  Looking back, none of us knew how the country would react to the presumptive Republican nominee.


He's brought over a lot of former playground bullies to his side in only 10 short months!



Boy was I wrong about the American public.  I continue to be right about donald, who is a lying, loudmouth, misogynist and racist hypocrite, but I didn't know we were this stupid angry.  I completely missed on the over/under, and now barring indictment or death, this one plays out to November 2016.

You've lived in a shell thinking that those around you, a sizeable silent segment, agreed with you by their silence. Turns out to not be the case, as many people are furious over the last 8 years and are seizing anything out there that's "different."

Quote:Donald trump, the Sarah Palin of 2016

Look at this!!! I called the Trump/Palin 2016 ticket back I June of 2015!
Quote:Look at this!!! I called the Trump/Palin 2016 ticket back I June of 2015!

Wallbash  :pinch:  Sick
Quote:Look at this!!! I called the Trump/Palin 2016 ticket back I June of 2015!

I blame you
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