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Quote:McCain wasn't going to beat Obama even if he stuck to his RINO roots. Palin didn't cost him the presidency. I think you're buying into the notion that his "maverick" status somehow made him electable, and it didn't. It got him the nomination vs. a weak field.

Maybe but anecdotaly, as I was more moderate at the time, I was leaning McCain up until the real Palin showed up. Made me question his ability to appoint staff if she passed the muster for him. I know a lot of moderates that felt the same way.


Apparently implying that Mexicans that are in America  are trash and rapists, doesn't fly when you're actually a presidential candidate.  Who knew?

It flies perfectly well for a small group of voters
I predict that within a month Trump will withdraw and say he is doing it to protect all the little people who work for him, and that if he had stayed, he would have won, and it was all the PC-liberals who undermined his campaign, told lies about him, and were really really afraid of him, because he was so obviously the best candidate.   


Then he'll quietly go into damage control because he has seriously offended a lot of customers and business partners with his remarks about Mexicans.  Latinos constitute 13% of the population of the US, and probably 90% of the population in Central and South America.  You watch how many of his business partners go running for the hills as a result of these remarks.  Already NBC and Univision have dropped him, and pretty soon everyone who doesn't want to tick off the Latino market will start quietly slinking  towards  the exit.  

Trump strikes again. ...long live the Trump presidency and its, well, its. ... hilariousness?!?!
Let me preface this by saying I can't stand this guy. But he certainly will make for interesting debates... Entertainment value... I must admit there are things about him that captures my interest. He doesn't use doublespeak, PC and speaks of issues that are too sensitive for all the others. In other words, no same,tired clichés and bs from the usual politicians.

Of course his analogy of all Mexicans hit a nationwide shite storm , which was stupid on his part. We have immigration issues, but his way of explaining it cost him. Sad thing is I'm sure many agree with him, yet in the PC community they all depart ways. I'm speaking of media.

He deserves it, purely out of his own arrogance. But he will shake things up in the political field.

As the TV and other outlets alienate themselves, I bet their salivating for the upcoming debates, since he will get an audience.
I have to say, the more I hear about the coverage of his opening press conference the more I am troubled by political correctness.  He was too HARSH?  Never mind the fact that the first TV station to dump him reported a statistic that 80% of the women entering this country illegally are being rapped.  It's to the point now where people are seriously saying "well he was right, but he should have said it different!" 


for all the talk about rape culture, I find it alarming that the main stream media and pop culture is seriously asking the American people to turn their back on a verified rape epidemic because of rethoric!  Imagine if it turned out that 80% of the jaguars cheerleaders had been sexually assaulted.  how long do you think it would take for the NOW to shut down the entire facility pending an investigation.  How would that not lead the news everyday for all eternity.  But in this case were supposed to just turn a blind eye to the problem because we don't want to offend the rapists (illegal aliens that raped the women).  Think about that for a second.

Quote:Let me preface this by saying I can't stand this guy. But he certainly will make for interesting debates... Entertainment value... I must admit there are things about him that captures my interest. He doesn't use doublespeak, PC and speaks of issues that are too sensitive for all the others. In other words, no same,tired clichés and [BAD WORD REMOVED] from the usual politicians.

Of course his analogy of all Mexicans hit a nationwide shite storm , which was stupid on his part. We have immigration issues, but his way of explaining it cost him. Sad thing is I'm sure many agree with him, yet in the PC community they all depart ways. I'm speaking of media.

He deserves it, purely out of his own arrogance. But he will shake things up in the political field.

As the TV and other outlets alienate themselves, I bet their salivating for the upcoming debates, since he will get an audience.

You are certainly right about the entertainment value Trump brings to the contest. But once you become a national joke it's impossible to be taken seriously by a large number of people. Sure, he got some yahoos all fired up but I don't think a lot of voters will think of Donald Trump when they think - "Who would I like to represent me and my country?"


Of course, a number of people have always thought of him as a blowhard joke, and he may have blown any chance to counter that impression. 
Quote:I have to say, the more I hear about the coverage of his opening press conference the more I am troubled by political correctness.  He was too HARSH?  Never mind the fact that the first TV station to dump him reported a statistic that 80% of the women entering this country illegally are being rapped.  It's to the point now where people are seriously saying "well he was right, but he should have said it different!" 


for all the talk about rape culture, I find it alarming that the main stream media and pop culture is seriously asking the American people to turn their back on a verified rape epidemic because of rethoric!  Imagine if it turned out that 80% of the jaguars cheerleaders had been sexually assaulted.  how long do you think it would take for the NOW to shut down the entire facility pending an investigation.  How would that not lead the news everyday for all eternity.  But in this case were supposed to just turn a blind eye to the problem because we don't want to offend the rapists (illegal aliens that raped the women).  Think about that for a second.

I believe the outrage is because Trump is portraying illegal immigrants as being dangerous because they are rapists, and will be committing rapes once they get into this country. What is happening is the rapists are the coyotes (the term used for those guiding illegals across the borders) and bandits preying on defenseless immigrant women. The majority of illegal immigrant men are not the ones committing the rapes, and are not a danger to women here.
Lol tell that to the ranchers finding dead bodies on there property or try and round up all the illegals that willfully ignore court appearances. Even if you are pro migrant the idea that we should turn a blind eye to a system so Barbarick and chide tge person pointing out said barbarism its political correctness at its worst.
The problem is Trump is playing to fears by depicting all illegal immigrants as rapists and murderers who are a threat to our population. There is nothing politically correct about pointing out his blatant bigotry.

Interesting take by Donald Trump:


...More like China?

So he's an Authoritarian Communist? 

Did he say all? I never heard him say all. I heard him say "some im sure are good people" and since when is it a stretch to say that those actively breaking the law may be more likely to break the law in the future?
Quote:Did he say all? I never heard him say all. I heard him say "some im sure are good people" and since when is it a stretch to say that those actively breaking the law may be more likely to break the law in the future?


I'm very pleased to see how Ted Cruz responded to the criticism that came Donald Trump's way.  From my perspective,  Ted Cruz's leadership continues to standout:


Quote:I'm very pleased to see how Ted Cruz responded to the criticism that came Donald Trump's way. From my perspective, Ted Cruz's leadership continues to standout:

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.businessinsider.com/ted-cruz-donald-trump-immigration-2015-7'>http://www.businessinsider.com/ted-cruz-donald-trump-immigration-2015-7</a>

That was a good response +1 in the Cruz box
Quote:That was a good response +1 in the Cruz box

Eric,  I thought of you when reading the introduction of Ted Cruz' new book  ( Time for Truth ).  Cruz focused on something you expressed many times,  in that both parties in Washington are the problem,  not just the Democrats.  In essence,  he heavily criticized Republican Senate Leadership for having the mindset that they will consciously break their promises to those they serve in order to help their chances remain in office.   Cruz made an extremely strong case from my viewpoint that term limits are a necessity.  
Quote:The problem is Trump is playing to fears by depicting all illegal immigrants as rapists and murderers who are a threat to our population. There is nothing politically correct about pointing out his blatant bigotry.

First of all, I am not saying that I like his delivery method.  However, he is pointing out a very serious problem in our country today, and I could be mistaken, but I don't think that he said that ALL illegal aliens are murderers and rapists.  My point is that to deny that part of the problem with violent crime in some areas of our country is directly tied to illegal aliens is a misguided stance.  MS13 is a perfect example, or more recently, this incident in San Francisco.
Quote:I'm very pleased to see how Ted Cruz responded to the criticism that came Donald Trump's way.  From my perspective,  Ted Cruz's leadership continues to standout:




Quote:Eric,  I thought of you when reading the introduction of Ted Cruz' new book  ( Time for Truth ).  Cruz focused on something you expressed many times,  in that both parties in Washington are the problem,  not just the Democrats.  In essence,  he heavily criticized Republican Senate Leadership for having the mindset that they will consciously break their promises to those they serve in order to help their chances remain in office.   Cruz made an extremely strong case from my viewpoint that term limits are a necessity.  

I do like Ted Cruz's remarks, and I admire him for not being afraid to speak his mind.  That being said, I also like what Marco Rubio had to say about it.   Wink 


I'm going to add A Time for Truth to my reading list.  I would also recommend American Dreams by Marco Rubio.  In it he lays out specific ideas that I can agree with.
Quote:I do like Ted Cruz's remarks, and I admire him for not being afraid to speak his mind.  That being said, I also like what Marco Rubio had to say about it.   Wink


I'm going to add A Time for Truth to my reading list.  I would also recommend American Dreams by Marco Rubio.  In it he lays out specific ideas that I can agree with.

 Thanks for mentioning Marco Rubio's book.   After I finish Ted Cruz's book,  I plan on reading Rubio's book.   If Ted Cruz isn't the Republican Nominee for President in 2016 and the other candidates that are in my current top 5 come up short as well,   I hope that my enthusiasm for Rubio from a few years ago is back.    To the point that I will want to donate directly to his President Campaign.   This election is absolutely vital. 


  To Marco Rubio's credit,  he decided not to run for another U.S. Senate term in this campaign cycle.   Regarding that Senate seat,  I'm hoping that Lt. Col. Allen West emerges as the next elected U.S. Senator in Florida or becomes part of Ted Cruz's Presidential Cabinet.
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