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Quote:I think the labels annoy me the most. Both sides drive me crazy and why a decent discussion is impossible to have. FBT may be the worst one on this board that does it.
Because I'll call a spade a spade?  That bothers you to hear the truth?  Sorry 'bout that.


Political correctness is like a cancer on this society.

Quote:Because I'll call a spade a spade? That bothers you to hear the truth? Sorry 'bout that.

Political correctness is like a cancer on this society.
No, because it does nothing for the conversation. People's view points most of the time go a lot deeper than grouping them all together. Maybe you do it out of laziness because it is easier. What it does do is keep this us vs them and prove my view point right instead of looking at things from different perspectives. It becomes something you win. God forbid we go hmmmm didn't think of it that way. Or you make a good point but... Nope let's just keep the name calling going.

It has nothing to do with political correctness. Different topic/discussion.
Quote:No, because it does nothing for the conversation. People's view points most of the time go a lot deeper than grouping them all together. Maybe you do it out of laziness because it is easier. What it does do is keep this us vs them and prove my view point right instead of looking at things from different perspectives. It becomes something you win. God forbid we go hmmmm didn't think of it that way. Or you make a good point but... Nope let's just keep the name calling going.

It has nothing to do with political correctness. Different topic/discussion.

It's come to the point where both sides view each other as the "enemy".  And it's not in the way that Jags fans see tacks fans as the enemy.  It's more in the way the United States viewed the Axis powers the enemy during world war II.  Politics have become so polarized.  

All of it is a symptom of two party politics.  Everyone chooses sides, and their side are the good guys, and the other side are the bad guys.  

Republicans vs Democrats is basically just Alien vs Predator.  Whoever wins, we lose.  Because it's come to the point where there's only two view points on everything.  If people don't side with their party, they lose favor.  And we're limited to two choices.  Which is what drives politics into being so polarized.  When there's only two viable options, why wouldn't many people see the other side as the 'enemy'.  
Quote:No, because it does nothing for the conversation. People's view points most of the time go a lot deeper than grouping them all together. Maybe you do it out of laziness because it is easier. What it does do is keep this us vs them and prove my view point right instead of looking at things from different perspectives. It becomes something you win. God forbid we go hmmmm didn't think of it that way. Or you make a good point but... Nope let's just keep the name calling going.

It has nothing to do with political correctness. Different topic/discussion.
Well said. 
Trump's comments on American hero John McCain moved his under/over on his leaving the campaign in disgrace from November 2015 to late August 2015.


I'm constantly amazed at how he tries to bully his critics, but this is an incredible low.  I think he can still go even lower, but this is pretty far down.

Quote:Because I'll call a spade a spade?  That bothers you to hear the truth?  Sorry 'bout that.


Political correctness is like a cancer on this society.
Because you'll call a spade any manner of antagonistic terms other than actually a spade to get a rise out of people you think may like the spade when you like the rake. Then you feign innocence while deflecting as you just did. 
Quote:Because you'll call a spade any manner of antagonistic terms other than actually a spade to get a rise out of people you think may like the spade when you like the rake. Then you feign innocence while deflecting as you just did. 

Feign innocence? Hardly.  I'm not apologizing for having an opinion, and not giving you the kid glove treatment in order to assure you're not offended.  If you don't want to be offended, don't read my stuff.  Simple as that.  There's an ignore feature.  Use.it.


Quote:No, because it does nothing for the conversation. People's view points most of the time go a lot deeper than grouping them all together. Maybe you do it out of laziness because it is easier. What it does do is keep this us vs them and prove my view point right instead of looking at things from different perspectives. It becomes something you win. God forbid we go hmmmm didn't think of it that way. Or you make a good point but... Nope let's just keep the name calling going.

It has nothing to do with political correctness. Different topic/discussion.
Politics is intended to be adversarial.  Nobody agrees on everything, and not every discourse should end up being a big Kumbaya fest.  Sorry.  Nobody's mind is going to be changed here on the big issues no matter how hard you try to "soften" commentary to make it palatable for the perpetually offended.

Quote:It's come to the point where both sides view each other as the "enemy".  And it's not in the way that Jags fans see tacks fans as the enemy.  It's more in the way the United States viewed the Axis powers the enemy during world war II.  Politics have become so polarized.  

All of it is a symptom of two party politics.  Everyone chooses sides, and their side are the good guys, and the other side are the bad guys.  

Republicans vs Democrats is basically just Alien vs Predator.  Whoever wins, we lose.  Because it's come to the point where there's only two view points on everything.  If people don't side with their party, they lose favor.  And we're limited to two choices.  Which is what drives politics into being so polarized.  When there's only two viable options, why wouldn't many people see the other side as the 'enemy'.  

It's a darn shame they instituted that two party deal last year, huh?
Quote:It's come to the point where both sides view each other as the "enemy".  And it's not in the way that Jags fans see tacks fans as the enemy.  It's more in the way the United States viewed the Axis powers the enemy during world war II.  Politics have become so polarized.  

All of it is a symptom of two party politics.  Everyone chooses sides, and their side are the good guys, and the other side are the bad guys.  

Republicans vs Democrats is basically just Alien vs Predator.  Whoever wins, we lose.  Because it's come to the point where there's only two view points on everything.  If people don't side with their party, they lose favor.  And we're limited to two choices.  Which is what drives politics into being so polarized.  When there's only two viable options, why wouldn't many people see the other side as the 'enemy'.  

You're premise is flawed right there.  It's not republican vs. democrat at all.  It's conservative vs. progressive.  Big difference.  There are progressive republicans who are no better than the democrats you think they're opposed to. 
Quote:It's a darn shame they instituted that two party deal last year, huh?
Honestly, it's not even a 2 party system any more.  There's Democrats, and Democrat Lites (GOP).  There isn't an opposition party, and that's the way progressives want it.  Anyone who dares to oppose the views of the establishment is targeted and attacked by those who claim to be the tolerant ones.

Quote:Honestly, it's not even a 2 party system any more.  There's Democrats, and Democrat Lites (GOP).  There isn't an opposition party, and that's the way progressives want it.  Anyone who dares to oppose the views of the establishment is targeted and attacked by those who claim to be the tolerant ones.

There you go again. If there is one constant in all your messages/arguments it's self pity. Is that how you and the boys at the country club do it? Whine about how it's not like it used to be? How there are no "real" Republicans any more. I mean, where is a good fascist when you need one.


So who is the Man on the White Horse?  Let's see you declare for someone. But you probably won't - that would mean you'd have to stand for something more than the general "it's not 1955 anymore and the world is passing me by."
Quote:There you go again. If there is one constant in all your messages/arguments it's self pity. Is that how you and the boys at the country club do it? Whine about how it's not like it used to be? How there are no "real" Republicans any more. I mean, where is a good fascist when you need one.


So who is the Man on the White Horse?  Let's see you declare for someone. But you probably won't - that would mean you'd have to stand for something more than the general "it's not 1955 anymore and the world is passing me by."

Recognizing the reality that the current republicans in the current political realm are nothing more than democrat lite is somehow equated to self pity? 


Look, if you want the homogenization of American politics, celebrate because you've got it.  We're living in George Orwell's 1984, and the drones are just following orders.  If you're fine with that, more power to you. 


Declare for someone?  It's July 2015. I know people of your ilk have this need to walk in lock step.  I haven't committed to any candidate at this point, and I'm pretty sure I've got plenty of time to do so, but you go right ahead and slip on your boots and get to marching.   The fact that you think someone has to commit to a candidate at this point really validates my drone comment above.  When is your next download from the mother ship going to be transmitted so you get your talking points?

Quote:Recognizing the reality that the current republicans in the current political realm are nothing more than democrat lite is somehow equated to self pity? 


Look, if you want the homogenization of American politics, celebrate because you've got it.  We're living in George Orwell's 1984, and the drones are just following orders.  If you're fine with that, more power to you. 


Declare for someone?  It's July 2015. I know people of your ilk have this need to walk in lock step.  I haven't committed to any candidate at this point, and I'm pretty sure I've got plenty of time to do so, but you go right ahead and slip on your boots and get to marching.   The fact that you think someone has to commit to a candidate at this point really validates my drone comment above.  When is your next download from the mother ship going to be transmitted so you get your talking points?

Yeah, that's what I figured. Gutless.


Keep the cliches coming - "lock step", "people of your ilk", "drone". Time to stock up for some new ones when you return to the gated community. I'm sure the boys will help you out. Found any "real Republicans" yet? Maybe you need to look at Idaho. 
Quote:Yeah, that's what I figured. Gutless.


Keep the cliches coming - "lock step", "people of your ilk", "drone". Time to stock up for some new ones when you return to the gated community. I'm sure the boys will help you out. Found any "real Republicans" yet? Maybe you need to look at Idaho. 
Gutless?  Yeah, keeping an open mind and listening to what the candidates have to say to determine which one comes closest to my political philosophy is really a gutless approach.  Better to take your brave position of picking whoever the talking head on the television thing tells me to pick.


Let me know when you've gotten beyond puberty. 


I do get a kick out of how I'm the one who gets blasted for stereotyping people by hypocrites like you, but when you do it, it's quite alright. Unlike you and others of your politica ilk, it doesn't bother me when you attempt to pigeonhole me, even if you're about as far off base as you could possibly be. 

Quote:Gutless?  Yeah, keeping an open mind and listening to what the candidates have to say to determine which one comes closest to my political philosophy is really a gutless approach.  Better to take your brave position of picking whoever the talking head on the television thing tells me to pick.


Let me know when you've gotten beyond puberty. 


I do get a kick out of how I'm the one who gets blasted for stereotyping people by hypocrites like you, but when you do it, it's quite alright. Unlike you and others of your politica ilk, it doesn't bother me when you attempt to pigeonhole me, even if you're about as far off base as you could possibly be. 
Pot meet kettle. 
Quote:Pot meet kettle. 
I don't deny stereotyping people, nor do I whine about it when people do so like you and others here despite doing it yourself, so feel free to explain how that makes me a hypocrite exactly.  I know it'll be difficult for you to spin it that way, so just do what libs do and scurry along. You've made the accusation.  That should be good enough.

Now Lindsay Graham is an "idiot".

If there actually is a filter between Trump's brain and his mouth, the mesh must be as wide as a tennis ball.
You mean Lindsay Grahamesty? He's pushing for the Illegals to be here permanant. He IS an Idiot

Quote:I don't deny stereotyping people, nor do I whine about it when people do so like you and others here despite doing it yourself, so feel free to explain how that makes me a hypocrite exactly.  I know it'll be difficult for you to spin it that way, so just do what libs do and scurry along. You've made the accusation.  That should be good enough.
I could dig through the other times in the past that I have pointed out your hypocrisy and you ignored then. It's not the first time you've been called on it.


You make unfounded accusations all the live long day while tossing a myriad of insults every which way you can. It's cool, it's who you are. You are nothing if not consistent in that regard. Go ahead and keep doing what you do. Name calling, being angry, basically a high school bully. 

Quote:It's come to the point where both sides view each other as the "enemy". And it's not in the way that Jags fans see tacks fans as the enemy. It's more in the way the United States viewed the Axis powers the enemy during world war II. Politics have become so polarized.

All of it is a symptom of two party politics. Everyone chooses sides, and their side are the good guys, and the other side are the bad guys.

Republicans vs Democrats is basically just Alien vs Predator. Whoever wins, we lose. Because it's come to the point where there's only two view points on everything. If people don't side with their party, they lose favor. And we're limited to two choices. Which is what drives politics into being so polarized. When there's only two viable options, why wouldn't many people see the other side as the 'enemy'.

In order for us to progress, truly, we will need to get rid of the two party system.
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