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Quote:I've noticed the ones that talk about it and think snatching a grab is great stuff, are the ones whose hands get the most exercise. It doesn't make you a man. It may be guy talk and one upmanship but it certainly doesn't define what a man is.

No different than a bad [BAD WORD REMOVED] behind a keyboard.

Eh... whatever cupcake.  


Men regularly participate in "guy talk" (your words).  I don't know of too many men that get offended by it.
Quote:Everything this idiot has done and the Trump-stans keep stanning.


I am legitimately curious what could come out about Trump, a quote, a story, anything, that the Trumpkins would not bend over backwards attempting to spin or discredit?


Seriously, where would the line be drawn? In all honesty, it seems like there is literally nothing he could do that wouldn't be defensible in your eyes by pointing at Hillary. Hillary is an awful candidate, but this is about Donald Trump and how he is an infallible candidate.


Headline: "Trump Admits to Sexual Assault"


Trump-stans: "Shillary has cankles!"


Headline: "Trump shoots a Mexican child in broad daylight"


Trump-stans: "Yeah well where are all of Shillary's emails?"


Headline: "Trump lights a box of puppies on fire while [BAD WORD REMOVED] on a Vietnam Vets' grave


Trump-stans: "Yeah but what about Bill Clinton?!?!"

interesting theory based on 0 facts. focus on what it is exactly that the outrage is over.  this is about two guys having a private conversation and crude language resulted.  please.


excuse me for not saying "how high" when the media says "jump"


the guy i dont doubt is an [BAD WORD REMOVED]. that doesn't make him bad at his job nor bad for the Presidency.  his basic stances on nationalism, anti-TPP, anti-open borders, anti-globalism is what people like about him. everything else is irrelevant and why you will see people defending him over these fringe meaningless issues (like something he said 11 years ago on a bus in a private convo about some girl.)


edit: bad word rhymes with grass pole

Quote:Everything this idiot has done and the Trump-stans keep stanning.


I am legitimately curious what could come out about Trump, a quote, a story, anything, that the Trumpkins would not bend over backwards attempting to spin or discredit?


Seriously, where would the line be drawn? In all honesty, it seems like there is literally nothing he could do that wouldn't be defensible in your eyes by pointing at Hillary. Hillary is an awful candidate, but this is about Donald Trump and how he is an infallible candidate.


Headline: "Trump Admits to Sexual Assault"


Trump-stans: "Shillary has cankles!"


Headline: "Trump shoots a Mexican child in broad daylight"


Trump-stans: "Yeah well where are all of Shillary's emails?"


Headline: "Trump lights a box of puppies on fire while [BAD WORD REMOVED] on a Vietnam Vets' grave


Trump-stans: "Yeah but what about Bill Clinton?!?!"

Actually this is about liberals including the media trying to spin private "guy talk" into something that it isn't.
Quote:interesting theory based on 0 facts. focus on what it is exactly that the outrage is over.  this is about two guys having a private conversation and crude language resulted.  please.

This is about a year of him saying despicable things, that most people would be embarrassed to hear anyone say, yet you and your friends twist and turn and do the most spectacular gymnastics in order for you to justify it not being a big deal.


Talk about a woman's period on national TV - no big deal


Shame a POW for being captured by the enemy - who cares


Typecast millions of people as rapists and thieves (and some of them are okay people I assume) - he just tells it how it is!


Mock a disabled reporter on stage for the world to see - Stop being so sensitive!


Brag about sexual assault - boys being boys
Quote:Actually this is about liberals including the media trying to spin private "guy talk" into something that it isn't.

What exactly isn't it?
Interesting section of society. Get upset at kneeling or not putting your hand over heart at an anthem, not upset by boasting about sexual assault...
Quote:This is about a year of him saying despicable things, that most people would be embarrassed to hear anyone say, yet you and your friends twist and turn and do the most spectacular gymnastics in order for you to justify it not being a big deal.


Talk about a woman's period on national TV - no big deal


Shame a POW for being captured by the enemy - who cares


Typecast millions of people as rapists and thieves (and some of them are okay people I assume) - he just tells it how it is!


Mock a disabled reporter on stage for the world to see - Stop being so sensitive!


Brag about sexual assault - boys being boys

I would bet that the vast majority of heterosexual males would not be embarrassed hearing "guy talk".  It even happens on this very forum, though it is censored.
Quote:Eh... whatever cupcake.

Men regularly participate in "guy talk" (your words). I don't know of too many men that get offended by it.
It may not offend men, I'm sure it does women. If you have any females in your life and they are offended by some of this banter, just tell them it's guy talk .

But you certainly fit the keyboard tough guy persona. When in reality you're more likely what Trump likes grabbing.
Quote:What exactly isn't it?

Sexual assault and/or being derogatory towards women.  It was "leaked" audio in order to try to cast him in a negative light.
Quote:I would bet that the vast majority of heterosexual males would not be embarrassed hearing "guy talk".  It even happens on this very forum, though it is censored.

You are such a manly-man and I am totally emasculated because of how much more testosterone you have pumping through your veins, oh my God, impressive...
Quote:It may not offend men, I'm sure it does women. If you have any females in your life and they are offended by some of this banter, just tell them it's guy talk .

But you certainly fit the keyboard tough guy persona. When in reality you're more likely what Trump likes grabbing.

Whatever cupcake.  Again, a vast majority of heterosexual males are probably not offended and if you think that the average heterosexual female is "offended" then you truly lead a sheltered life.  Females are often more crude than males.


Regarding the "keyboard tough guy persona", go take a look in the mirror kitty.
Quote:You are such a manly-man and I am totally emasculated because of how much more testosterone you have pumping through your veins, oh my God, impressive...

LOL.  I guess you're triggered.
Quote:Sexual assault and/or being derogatory towards women.  It was "leaked" audio in order to try to cast him in a negative light.


Quote:<b>Sexual assault</b> is a sexual act in which a person is coerced or physically forced to engage against their will, or a non-consensual sexual touching of a person

^He bragged about doing this. Whether or not you believe he did it or not doesn't really matter (spin, twist, deflect, ignore, deny). They are his words. If he is cast in a negative light, then he has only himself to blame. 


But please, remind me how this is all Bill Clinton's fault...
Quote:LOL.  I guess you're triggered.

Not triggered, I just noticed your non-too subtle implication that if someone doesn't approve of what Donald said in the recording then they are probably homosexual.


And if I am wrong, what exactly did you mean by: "I would bet that the vast majority of heterosexual males would not be embarrassed hearing "guy talk"."
Quote:^He bragged about doing this. Whether or not you believe he did it or not doesn't really matter (spin, twist, deflect, ignore, deny). They are his words. If he is cast in a negative light, then he has only himself to blame. 


But please, remind me how this is all Bill Clinton's fault...

I guess if he did that then the list of complaints must certainly be long.


I never brought up Bill Clinton, you did.  Are you trying to compare Trump having a private conversation to someone that has actually had complaints filed against him?
Quote:LOL.  I guess you're triggered.

LOL how triggered are you going to be next month when the shrill, email-deleting, Bengazi-doing, cankle queen sends your man Trump back to his tower?


You are going to be so mad and it is going to be hilarious. Man, what are you gonna do without your wall?!?  :woot:
Quote:Not triggered, I just noticed your non-too subtle implication that if someone doesn't approve of what Donald said in the recording then they are probably homosexual.


And if I am wrong, what exactly did you mean by: "I would bet that the vast majority of heterosexual males would not be embarrassed hearing "guy talk"."

I meant exactly what I said.  I never said that somebody that doesn't approve of what Trump said is probably homosexual.  I said that the vast majority of heterosexual males would not be embarrassed by hearing "guy talk".  There are probably some that are "embarrassed" or disapprove for whatever reason, that's why I didn't say "all".
Quote:^He bragged about doing this. Whether or not you believe he did it or not doesn't really matter (spin, twist, deflect, ignore, deny). They are his words. If he is cast in a negative light, then he has only himself to blame. 


But please, remind me how this is all Bill Clinton's fault...

Bottom line is he needs the woman vote. This does not help him. There may be a few who are deprived and wish to get a piss grab, but the women who may be undecided surely didn't sway them his way.

Why even bother debating? His campaign is in shambles. In defense , deflection mode. You can't win an election by alienating your own base, and now the fence riders.
Quote:I would bet that the vast majority of heterosexual males would not be embarrassed hearing "guy talk".  It even happens on this very forum, though it is censored.

There is even a thread on here with members talking about trying to look up the skirts of the female news anchors on CNN and Fox. Wonder how they'd feel if it was their wife, mother or daughters skirt someone was trying to look up? But I'm sure that's totally different.

The same people that have been on here saying Trump exaggerates his business acumen, his net worth, his taxable deductions and just about everything that comes out his mouth, are suddenly so convinced he wasn't exaggerating in the slightest when it comes to this.

He was talking to a good looking guy, that is nearly half his age, and a member of one of America's premier families. Guess there is no possibility that he was talking himself up, albeit in a thoroughly disgusting and crude manner, to try to make himself look "cool" in front of BB. It's more likely that he's a sexually assaulting, rapist perv.
Quote:I guess if he did that then the list of complaints must certainly be long.


I never brought up Bill Clinton, you did.  Are you trying to compare Trump having a private conversation to someone that has actually had complaints filed against him?

Well obviously Trump has had complaints and suits filed against him aplenty.


I would post articles to them here, but we all know you will just write them off as a product of the liberal lame-stream media. Its pretty nice to have that built-in cop-out when you read something you don't like.
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