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Quote:The point, I suppose is, it's not about whether it's offensive or not. Some find it is, some think it's normal.

Question is, did it hurt or help is campaign?

I'll go out on a limb and surmise that it didn't help expanding his base...which he desperately needs. And, he needs help.

I think it hurt, but I don't think it hurt much. How many people are going to switch from Trump's policies to Hillary's because he said lewd things? Not many in my opinion. It is about suppressing voter turnout and demoralizing the voters. It probably demoralized, but getting over demoralization doesn't take long.  I admit I was demoralized when it broke, but I am over it less than a few days later.


In other news:


Video of Obama showing off his erection to the press on his campaign plane in 2008


I wonder if this would have cost him voters (or the election) in 2008?

Quote:I think it hurt, but I don't think it hurt much. How many people are going to switch from Trump's policies to Hillary's because he said lewd things? Not many in my opinion. It is about suppressing voter turnout and demoralizing the voters. It probably demoralized, but getting over demoralization doesn't take long.  I admit I was demoralized when it broke, but I am over it less than a few days later.


In other news:


Video of Obama showing off his erection to the press on his campaign plane in 2008


I wonder if this would have cost him voters (or the election) in 2008?

You're equating Obama talking on the phone while oblivious to the females looking at him with Trump bragging about groping women?

Quote:You're equating Obama talking on the phone while oblivious to the females looking at him with Trump bragging about groping women?

Michelle had to be talking to him about gettimg some of that big juicy booty.
According to Mike Huckabee, Trump is like Quint from "Jaws".. a little salty and rough around the edges, but will be the guy to get out there and save your butt..

..and Hillary is like the shark who will eat your boat..

At this point, it should be noted, people should not make analogies about movies they have never seen.
Quote:Michelle had to be talking to him about gettimg some of that big juicy booty.

you dont think he's actually faithful to her do you?
Quote:you dont think he's actually faithful to her do you?

You trumpettes have a conspiracy for everything. It's cringeworthy sometimes.

Which one of you trumpettes are going to claim Michelle is actually a man?

Quote:Anyone who's genuinely surprised by the content of these recordings hasn't been paying attention to anything Trump has said or done during the last 70 years.

Or what anyone else has already confirmed about trump from the past 68 years
Quote:There's not a single person on this board that can say with a straight face that HRC does not belong in prison right now.

There are dozens/hundreds of ex-military folks that are serving time in Ft. Leavenworth, KS for far less crimes committed involving classified information.

I say it. She does not deserve to be in prison. Just because Faux News and OAN keep parroting it doesn't make it a fact.

The US Supreme Court said the same...

Trump belongs in prison and I eagerly await the day he gets his comeuppance.
Quote:You trumpettes have a conspiracy for everything. It's cringeworthy sometimes.

Which one of you trumpettes are going to claim Michelle is actually a man?

She's no more of a man than her husband.  :woot:

Quote:I say it. She does not deserve to be in prison. Just because Faux News and OAN keep parroting it doesn't make it a fact.

The US Supreme Court said the same...

Trump belongs in prison and I eagerly await the day he gets his comeuppance.
There are people who have been sentenced to prison time, had their clearances stripped, lost their jobs, or are awaiting trial/sentencing for mishandling top secret documents.  Fox News and OAN didn't have to tell me this.  I used good old conservative Google.  There are dozens of examples of people being punished for doing far less than what Hillary did.  Here are a few examples, none sourced by Fox News unfortunately.


Petraeus, Berger, Deutch, and Nisimura


State Department Official sentenced in Classified Info Case.
And Trump is a man, right? Yes, because he talks piss. Funny how this is written off as every day guy talk ,that much lesser banter on this MB gets warnings and expulsions.

Cmon its just locker room yak fest. Let's it cut loose. Or are there standards to be upheld?

Don't forget to get your lock her up shirts. All money to go into the campaign.
Words vs. actions.  Liberals must find a way to be so offended that something uttered more than a decade ago carries more outrage than the criminal actions of their pantsuited princess, right Ringo?  What difference do her actions make?  WORDS ARE BAD!!! TAXES!!!


Whatever shiny stuff you libs need to try to distract from just how terminally corrupt your gal is, go for it.  Buy into her lip service telling you how she's going to punish Wall Street and fleece the rich so the gravy train continues.  Meanwhile, she's telling Wall Street that she's Abe Lincoln with a public and private position on issues, so they shouldn't worry.  She's got their back.


Darn that Wikileaks for putting that stuff out there.

Quote:Words vs. actions. Liberals must find a way to be so offended that something uttered more than a decade ago carries more outrage than the criminal actions of their pantsuited princess, right Ringo? What difference do her actions make? WORDS ARE BAD!!! TAXES!!!

Whatever shiny stuff you libs need to try to distract from just how terminally corrupt your gal is, go for it. Buy into her lip service telling you how she's going to punish Wall Street and fleece the rich so the gravy train continues. Meanwhile, she's telling Wall Street that she's Abe Lincoln with a public and private position on issues, so they shouldn't worry. She's got their back.

Darn that Wikileaks for putting that stuff out there.
Both candidates are bad, but it sounds like you condone sexual assault and infidelity.
Quote:Both candidates are bad, but it sounds like you condone sexual assault and infidelity.
That would mean I'm supporting Clinton, and that's absolutely not the case.


Both candidates are bad, but one is worse than the other, and we only have 2 choices.  I pick the lesser of 2 evils in this horse race despite the fact that he's nearly as flawed as she is.

Quote:Words vs. actions. Liberals must find a way to be so offended that something uttered more than a decade ago carries more outrage than the criminal actions of their pantsuited princess, right Ringo? What difference do her actions make? WORDS ARE BAD!!! TAXES!!!

Whatever shiny stuff you libs need to try to distract from just how terminally corrupt your gal is, go for it. Buy into her lip service telling you how she's going to punish Wall Street and fleece the rich so the gravy train continues. Meanwhile, she's telling Wall Street that she's Abe Lincoln with a public and private position on issues, so they shouldn't worry. She's got their back.

Darn that Wikileaks for putting that stuff out there.
Libs Libs libs...Jesus man. Your man Trump is a lib.

Where have I defended her? She would've been beaten by so many other candidates except one, your man crush. . Who cares what the hell they wear. What are you, a fashionista?

You're upset because your party is in preservation mode. The fact that it could have and should have taken back the White House has those mom jeans all bunched up.

I know words are bad. You've given me warnings for bad words. Are there different standards for your guy and the MB you patrol?
Quote:Words vs. actions. Liberals must find a way to be so offended that something uttered more than a decade ago carries more outrage than the criminal actions of their pantsuited princess, right Ringo? What difference do her actions make? WORDS ARE BAD!!! TAXES!!!

Whatever shiny stuff you libs need to try to distract from just how terminally corrupt your gal is, go for it. Buy into her lip service telling you how she's going to punish Wall Street and fleece the rich so the gravy train continues. Meanwhile, she's telling Wall Street that she's Abe Lincoln with a public and private position on issues, so they shouldn't worry. She's got their back.

Darn that Wikileaks for putting that stuff out there.

Wikileaks really has had no impact on her polling. So enjoy being enraged over!
Quote:Libs Libs libs...Jesus man. Your man Trump is a lib.

Where have I defended her? She would've been beaten by so many other candidates except one, your man crush. . Who cares what the hell they wear. What are you, a fashionista?

You're upset because your party is in preservation mode. The fact that it could have and should have taken back the White House has those mom jeans all bunched up.
I'm well aware that Trump isn't a conservative, but compared to Hillary Clinton, he's Barry Goldwater. 


I'm no fashionista.  I'm just trying to communicate at a level that you would understand. Based on your mom jeans comment, it's clear you're an Obama groupie.


My party?  Do you even know what I'm registered as?  If you did, you'd know that "my party" isn't in preservation mode.  That party Trump claims to be a part of is one I separated from a while back, so try again.  I'm actually enjoying watching the party eat itself because they've tried so desperately to become nothing more than democrat lite.  You should really like them for that since they're just as ardent an advocate for big government as you could ever dream. 

Quote:Wikileaks really has had no impact on her polling. So enjoy being enraged over!
Right.  Because the dump started late last week, so there's really accurate polling to indicate any such thing.  Keep clinging to that logic.  The fact that you're all in for this corrupt wannabe plutocrat requires you to ignore facts.  I get it.
Quote:Words vs. actions.

Creeping in on a bunch of 15 year old girls getting dressed is pretty sketchy.
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