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Quote:Lounge lizards lol. I was actually talkin about lot lizards aka truck stop hookers lol

But you know what lounge lizards are, right?
Quote:But you know what lounge lizards are, right?
Quote:The neo-Nazi's and Alt-Right are going to vote for trump in droves...

It's not over. If the opposition that is against hatred and bigotry don't actually go out and vote, trump will win this election. Everyone should still be very fearful that trump can and may still win this election. Even though we all know how dangerous he is for our nation and the world, he has a rabid following of core alt-right people that are going to vote come November.

This ain't over.

He'll get the knuckledragger vote, but he's been backed into a corner and is imploding. He's rattled and will show again how much of a clown he is tonight. Is there any doubt he will be a complete train wreck tonight? None. It's over. Tonight will show just how over it is.
Was watching Newt live on FB and he brought up some interesting points, one of which was the MSM can't carry a story longer than 3-4 days and things will go back to normal this week for the Trump campaign. Newt is an interesting guy.
Quote:I guess I don't understand what you mean by rape culture and how it has anything to do with what trump said? He wasn't just talking crudely, he'll I talk crudely sometimes, it was his description of what he does to women he finds beautiful because he's allowed to. I think what's disturbing in all of this is not that he said the word [BAD WORD REMOVED], but that he thinks he has every right in the world to grab one.
I will probably not do justice to this response (and get blasted as well) but here goes.  #1.  To all of you sainted liberal men out there that claim you have never had this type of vulgar conversation with your buds regardless of age, BS!  #2.  Said conversation in point #1 does not make it right'; however men will be men.  Juvenile vulgar conversations amongst our peers is the norm.  Doesn't mean we act on them, doesn't mean we condone them.  Bravado among men is a given like it or not.  #3.  In my youth, because of my looks, my income, how I dressed, how I carried myself and the car I drove women in general granted me an opportunity that I took advantage of.  Never forced myself on anyone but if they were willing so was I.  #4.  This faux outrage is comical.  Certain women will put themselves out there for men with power and influence.  Certain men with power and influence will act upon those very women.  It was the same in 100 BC, 1200 AD, 1600 AD, 2000 AD and will be the same in 2500 AD.  #5.  For those of you that will counter with but, but, but he is running for president so he shouldn't say those things.  BS!  He is still a man.  It is what we do, it is what we are and to deny it is an absolute lie.  As for any woman in a tither over this please.  You give yourself to certain people freely.  When a non-desirable makes a move you shoot them down and move on.  Trump even said as much.  Metaphor's aside, he got shot down and moved on.  Now if you would like to make this about his potential infidelity that is a whole other issue though it did not seem to bother you when William Jefferson Clinton was doing the same thing.  #6.  With all of that said, I am still not voting for Trump but come on ya'll are making a mountain out of a molehill.  I can find 1000's of reason's to not vote for Trump, but this isn't one.
Quote:But you know what lounge lizards are, right?

Don't think I've heard that one. If it's the same thing I'm thinkin of, we call em something else but can't say here cause of da ban hammer lol
Quote:I will probably not do justice to this response (and get blasted as well) but here goes. #1. To all of you sainted liberal men out there that claim you have never had this type of vulgar conversation with your buds regardless of age, [BAD WORD REMOVED]! #2. Said conversation in point #1 does not make it right'; however men will be men. Juvenile vulgar conversations amongst our peers is the norm. Doesn't mean we act on them, doesn't mean we condone them. Bravado among men is a given like it or not. #3. In my youth, because of my looks, my income, how I dressed, how I carried myself and the car I drove women in general granted me an opportunity that I took advantage of. Never forced myself on anyone but if they were willing so was I. #4. This faux outrage is comical. Certain women will put themselves out there for men with power and influence. Certain men with power and influence will act upon those very women. It was the same in 100 BC, 1200 AD, 1600 AD, 2000 AD and will be the same in 2500 AD. #5. For those of you that will counter with but, but, but he is running for president so he shouldn't say those things. [BAD WORD REMOVED]! He is still a man. It is what we do, it is what we are and to deny it is an absolute lie. As for any woman in a tither over this please. You give yourself to certain people freely. When a non-desirable makes a move you shoot them down and move on. Trump even said as much. Metaphor's aside, he got shot down and moved on. Now if you would like to make this about his potential infidelity that is a whole other issue though it did not seem to bother you when William Jefferson Clinton was doing the same thing. #6. With all of that said, I am still not voting for Trump but come on ya'll are making a mountain out of a molehill. I can find 1000's of reason's to not vote for Trump, but this isn't one.

You da man!
Copycat.. I can admit to having had vulgar discussions about things I would like to do to a girl.. never in my life have I shared a discussion about just grabbing a girl I don't know and accosting her. There is a difference between saying I would like to do this or that and.. I grab them by the [BLEEP]. They let me.

Aside from being a [BLEEP] crime, it shows a complete lack of game. Plus he made these comments when the ink on his third marriage certificate was still wet. He is a turd.
Quote:Copycat.. I can admit to having had vulgar discussions about things I would like to do to a girl.. never in my life have I shared a discussion about just grabbing a girl I don't know and accosting her. There is a difference between saying I would like to do this or that and.. I grab them by the [BAD WORD REMOVED]. They let me.

Aside from being a [BAD WORD REMOVED] crime, it shows a complete lack of game. Plus he made these comments when the ink on his third marriage certificate was still wet. He is a turd.

In college I was a member of a fraternity.  I've heard some really messed up things.  Never did any guy brag that he could grab a woman by the genitals because of the power of being greek or the amount of money he had.


So that's total garbage.  If you talk about rape and how you can get away with it among your "boys" you're a total [BLEEP]....  Sorry, copycat.  Most men, while talking about women can get vulgar.  That's not what trump did or said.


He said he can get away with sexual assault because he's rich, famous, and powerful (paraphrase).  Completely different than locker-room talk I've ever heard.  And I've heard it all...  I guess I'm just so lucky to have never been around rapists?  Is that what you're saying?
Quote:Well... Rape seems like hyperbole.  He's condoning and admitting to sexual assault.  But sexual assault is not rape, in terms of the law.  Let's keep the facts straight.
Quote:In college I was a member of a fraternity.  I've heard some really messed up things.  Never did any guy brag that he could grab a woman by the genitals because of the power of being greek or the amount of money he had.


So that's total garbage.  If you talk about rape and how you can get away with it among your "boys" you're a total [BAD WORD REMOVED]....  Sorry, copycat.  Most men, while talking about women can get vulgar.  That's not what trump did or said.


He said he can get away with sexual assault because he's rich, famous, and powerful (paraphrase).  Completely different than locker-room talk I've ever heard.  And I've heard it all...  I guess I'm just so lucky to have never been around rapists?  Is that what you're saying?
So now it's rape again? I've listened to the whole tape, and there is nothing about raping anyone in that whole conversation. He even talks about getting denied by a woman. Which means he took no for an answer.

As vulgar as that conversation was, you can hear that they are laughing about it, and the more Billy laughs, the more stuff he says to make him laugh. I love how the guys on here are all "we say crude stuff....but we would never say something like that"...I'm calling complete bull [BAD WORD REMOVED] on that.

You've never seen a hot chick and said, or even thought to yourself "man, I'd like to bend her over that desk (table, hood of your car...wherever)? Guess what...you just verbally raped a woman. That means you're a rapist, right?

See how easy it is to go there?
Quote:   So now it's rape again? I've listened to the whole tape, and there is nothing about raping anyone in that whole conversation. He even talks about getting denied by a woman. Which means he took no for an answer.

As vulgar as that conversation was, you can hear that they are laughing about it, and the more Billy laughs, the more stuff he says to make him laugh. I love how the guys on here are all "we say crude stuff....but we would never say something like that"...I'm calling complete bull [BAD WORD REMOVED] on that.

You've never seen a hot chick and said, or even thought to yourself "man, I'd like to bend her over that desk (table, hood of your car...wherever)? Guess what...you just verbally raped a woman. That means you're a rapist, right?

See how easy it is to go there?

Sexual assault.  They were laughing at sexual assault.  You're right, it's easy to fall into the rape discussion.


But it was sexual assault. 


And it was not that they were laughing about it.  But that he feels he's entitled to get away with it.


He feels his power allows him to get away with sexual assault.  Sexual assault.  That's a bad look.  And it's something I've never heard any guy ever say or admit.  

Quote:Sexual assault.  They were laughing at sexual assault.  You're right, it's easy to fall into the rape discussion.


But it was sexual assault. 


And it was not that they were laughing about it.  But that he feels he's entitled to get away with it.


He feels his power allows him to get away with sexual assault.  Sexual assault.  That's a bad look.  And it's something I've never heard any guy ever say or admit.

I know this part keeps getting lost on you, but saying it and doing it are two completely different things.

And I noticed you ignored the bending a woman over part of my post. Is that confirmation or a denial that you've ever said anything like that?
Quote:Copycat.. I can admit to having had vulgar discussions about things I would like to do to a girl.. never in my life have I shared a discussion about just grabbing a girl I don't know and accosting her. There is a difference between saying I would like to do this or that and.. I grab them by the [BAD WORD REMOVED]. They let me.

Aside from being a [BAD WORD REMOVED] crime, it shows a complete lack of game. Plus he made these comments when the ink on his third marriage certificate was still wet. He is a turd.


Quote:In college I was a member of a fraternity.  I've heard some really messed up things.  Never did any guy brag that he could grab a woman by the genitals because of the power of being greek or the amount of money he had.


So that's total garbage.  If you talk about rape and how you can get away with it among your "boys" you're a total [BAD WORD REMOVED]....  Sorry, copycat.  Most men, while talking about women can get vulgar.  That's not what trump did or said.


He said he can get away with sexual assault because he's rich, famous, and powerful (paraphrase).  Completely different than locker-room talk I've ever heard.  And I've heard it all...  I guess I'm just so lucky to have never been around rapists?  Is that what you're saying?


It comes down to whether you believe he physically assaulted them or if it was a metaphor for picking up women.  My thinking is had he actually done what he stated this would have come to light long before now.  Put aside your hatred for the man and consider in all likelihood this was a crude was of saying he gets lots of action because of whom he is.


Anchorman, I won't dignify your insinuation that I hang out with rapist with any further comment than this.
Bunnie.. clearly there is difference between saying I'd like to bend a girl over and I grab them by the [BLEEP]. They let me.

He is bragging about what he is claiming to do regularly. Tic tacs have had to issue a statement over his tactic. I have heard plenty of vulgar talk before. I have never heard anyone openly brag about groping women. But hey.. nobody has more respect for women than Trump. He said so. It must be true.
Quote:It comes down to whether you believe he physically assaulted them or if it was a metaphor for picking up women.  My thinking is had he actually done what he stated this would have come to light long before now.  Put aside your hatred for the man and consider in all likelihood this was a crude was of saying he gets lots of action because of whom he is.


Anchorman, I won't dignify your insinuation that I hang out with rapist with any further comment than this.

It's much easier for them to think all the woman he supposedly assaulted sold their dignity for a crown and title or a shot at being on reality show than to press charges for attempted rape. What's that say about their opinion of women?
Quote:Sexual assault.  They were laughing at sexual assault.  You're right, it's easy to fall into the rape discussion.


But it was sexual assault. 


And it was not that they were laughing about it.  But that he feels he's entitled to get away with it.


He feels his power allows him to get away with sexual assault.  Sexual assault.  That's a bad look.  And it's something I've never heard any guy ever say or admit.  

This whole sexual assault line is getting very old very fast.  I am married to a victim of sexual assault.  There is a difference between a truly unwanted sexual advance that makes someone uncomfortable and persists beyond a woman's resistance and a rich guy bragging about the life of a billionaire playboy. 


I am frankly ashamed of the fact that he was talking about a married woman.   I am also ashamed of the fact that he would have this conversation a few months after being married to Melania. 


Having said that, twisting the words of a guy who brags "because i'm famous they let me _______"  To say I grab women by the hair and truly and willfully make advances on women I have ZERO rapport with is just more liberal spin. 


Supermodel women have an easier time picking up guys, rich guys have an easier time picking up women.  This wasn't some shadowy revelation. 


And any man who thinks that we can't find 2 minutes of your private conversations that could disqualify him from being a trash man is a liar. 
Quote:Bunnie.. clearly there is difference between saying I'd like to bend a girl over and I grab them by the [BAD WORD REMOVED]. They let me.

He is bragging about what he is claiming to do regularly. Tic tacs have had to issue a statement over his tactic. I have heard plenty of vulgar talk before. I have never heard anyone openly brag about groping women. But hey.. nobody has more respect for women than Trump. He said so. It must be true.

There is no difference. Until proven otherwise, it's just all talk, isn't it?
Quote:There is no difference. Until proven otherwise, it's just all talk, isn't it?

When was the last time a guy you know bragged to you about grabbing a stranger by the [BLEEP]? I'm guessing never. And I'm guessing if you had heard someone say that you would question why you were even talking to that person. Am I wrong?

If I am not wrong.. why are you defending that anyone would say it? There are people out there who claim to have been victimized by Trump in these exact ways and worse. There's a big difference between saying.. that girl is hot. I want to [BLEEP] her in the [BLEEP].. AND.. I saw a hot girl and grabbed her [BLEEP]. I'm famous so she let me.
Quote:When was the last time a guy you know bragged to you about grabbing a stranger by the [BAD WORD REMOVED]? I'm guessing never. And I'm guessing if you had heard someone say that you would question why you were even talking to that person. Am I wrong?

If I am not wrong.. why are you defending that anyone would say it? There are people out there who claim to have been victimized by Trump in these exact ways and worse. There's a big difference between saying.. that girl is hot. I want to [BAD WORD REMOVED] her in the [BAD WORD REMOVED].. AND.. I saw a hot girl and grabbed her [BAD WORD REMOVED]. I'm famous so she let me.

Considering I'm a woman, it's highly doubtful he'd be telling that to me, isn't it? Locker room talk, or guy talk is for other guys. But I'm sure you'd never say anything to another guy that you wouldn't repeat in mixed company, would you?
Quote:Considering I'm a woman, it's highly doubtful he'd be telling that to me, isn't it? Locker room talk, or guy talk is for other guys. But I'm sure you'd never say anything to another guy that you wouldn't repeat in mixed company, would you?

If I groped a woman I didn't know, I wouldn't tell anyone. That's kinda the point. It's not the typical vulgar banter guys say to each other when talking about what they'd like to do to a girl. He is bragging about popping tic tacs and kissing women he just met without warning and grabbing them by the crotch. You don't find anything wrong with that? Or do think all guys just talk this way? (They don't) Either way, you are making significant mental effort to absolve him of wrongdoing. ("It's just words.") ("Until proven..")
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