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This weekends biggest revelation: whoever ran Ted cruz's opposition research needs to be fired and publicly shamed!
Pence is bailing?
Quote:This weekends biggest revelation: whoever ran Ted cruz's opposition research needs to be fired and publicly shamed!

Like the media would help Cruz like they are Shrillary.
Even still...
Quote:I call [BAD WORD REMOVED] on this, especially after one grows out of adolescence.

Right lol
This whole "rape culture" stuff from the feminists is bull.
Quote:Right lol

Of course, one must grow out of adolescence to get my point. You're making quite an assumption if you really think men talk like this all the time, especially men who you would hope had a sense of respect and decency.
Quote:Well, yeah, the media wasn't actively trying to destroy him.

Well, yeah, it was also the 60s, when women knew their place, right? And, except for a very few notable exceptions, the media would look the other way when it came to the indiscretions of men in power. I know you're anti-progressive, but would you prefer a return to those days?
Just saw Melania said she is completely offended by his remarks and said it's unacceptable. Good for her. Guess she JUST realized she's married to a pig?
Quote:This whole "rape culture" stuff from the feminists is bull.

You're denying rape?!? Really? This is made up by feniminists?
How did rape get brought into this?
Quote:You're denying rape?!? Really? This is made up by feniminists?

Come on now you're better than that!

Seen a good few feminists saying Trumps comments are an example of "rape culture"
Quote:Come on now you're better than that!

Seen a good few feminists saying Trumps comments are an example of "rape culture"
How is groping women without their consent in the hope they won't stop you because you are a "star" not sexual assault?


Normal Locker room banter may discuss women in somewhat crude manner, boasting about sexual assault not normal.


Are you just trying to fit in round here?
Quote:Of course, one must grow out of adolescence to get my point. You're making quite an assumption if you really think men talk like this all the time, especially men who you would hope had a sense of respect and decency.

Oh jesus christ. You and your high horse. No, we don't talk like that all the time, but if I'm with a friend and it's a private convo, what business is it of yours how we talk?

Let me answer for ya. None.. And you have no right to judge because nobody is perfect.
Quote:Come on now you're better than that!

Seen a good few feminists saying Trumps comments are an example of "rape culture"

The hypocrisy is just so enraging...
Quote:Just saw Melania said she is completely offended by his remarks and said it's unacceptable. Good for her. Guess she JUST realized she's married to a pig?

She's not married to Rosie..
Quote:They didn't grill her

You mean I didn't see months of Trey Gowdy's dumb face interrogating her?
Quote:Come on now you're better than that!

Seen a good few feminists saying Trumps comments are an example of "rape culture"

I've seen a good few people, both mean and women say that grabbing a woman's private parts because you think you're entitled is called assault. Not sure we're feminism matters here.

I'm better than that? What does that mean? He's disgusting, he should be better than this.
Quote:She's not married to Rosie..

I know you're trying to be funny (and you typically are) but pretending what he said isn't disgusting isn't funny.
Quote:I know you're trying to be funny (and you typically are) but pretending what he said isn't disgusting isn't funny.

No, I really do think Rosie is a pig. My first post in this thread covered how I felt about what The Don said. I agree that he shouldn't have said those things in such a cavalier way while being recorded. I won't go as far as to call it disgusting though. Maybe I'm just used to hearing such banter and I'm not easily offended.
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