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Like I said, pearl clutching.
Quote:Like I said, pearl clutching.

Better than [BLEEP] clutching.
Quote:You say Dems like his own party isn't running from him as fast as they can. He was the best the GOP could offer? If so, the party is truly dead.

The second part, about the criminal activity? Pertinent.
Quote:Better than [BAD WORD REMOVED] clutching.

Not really since one happened and the other didn't.
Quote:Not really since one happened and the other didn't.

It must be nice to simply choose the reality you live in.
Quote:The second part, about the criminal activity? Pertinent.

Here's the GOP's opportunity to earn my vote. I can't refer to her as a criminal when the guy who grilled her for months with an accusatory finger admits he cannot pursue charges against her.

Deplorable vs Criminal

I'll vote deplorable


Why should we have to choose between a deplorable human being and a criminal? This is what we have left? Good God! Thanks a lot America....... you really screwed us! I couldn't live with myself if I voted for either one of these degenerates. I didn't do it in the primaries and I won't start now. Personally, I gotta sleep at night, so I will be voting for a third party candidate, even if they have no chance to win. 
Quote:Here's the GOP's opportunity to earn my vote. I can't refer to her as a criminal when the guy who grilled her for months with an accusatory finger admits he cannot pursue charges against her.
Comey? Riiiiigggghhhttt.

Will not is very different from can not.
Quote:I never talked like this because I knew anyone could look at me and see how implausible it was that I could pick up women.

But as for hearing other guys talk this way, I did hear other guys talk this way, but none of them were over 14 years old. Trump was 60 years old and married to Melania!

And besides, isn't this the very same behavior that Republicans condemned Bill Clinton for? What hypocrisy.
The Republicans have, I seriously doubt Trump has. Him and Bill probably have scorecards and talk about them over their liquor of choice.
Quote:It must be nice to simply choose the reality you live in.

So, Hillary isnt a criminal based on concrete evidence but Trump is based on words. Got it.
Quote:Comey? Riiiiigggghhhttt.

Will not is very different from can not.

Quote:So, Hillary isnt a criminal based on concrete evidence but Trump is based on words. Got it.

Bragging he does it regularly means he either does it or thinks it would impress people to think he does. Either way.. the man is a confirmed sack of manure.
Quote:She's far from being anything I would ever call a savior, which you know by now, but you keep going to this well I have repeatedly told you is dry. It matters very little what mental gymnastics you employ to justify voting for a man no sane person would want near their attractive family members unsupervised. It says a lot about you and doesn't change the fact this criminal you loathe so much will be referred to as "madame president" very soon.
And Clinton is the picture of truth and honor and should absolutely have access to the most top secret information in the country? Not that I am defending Trump at all, because what he does is abhorrent, but you can't seriously defend Clinton and her actions with a good conscience. And I'm talking about everything she's done in her career, not just in the past decade. 


Just because she hasn't been caught, tried, and convicted doesn't mean she's not guilty, it just means she has smart people around her to clean up her mess. 


The truth is, people in both camps are stuck with awful choices for candidates and Libertarians don't have a stellar candidate either. So we have to look past their- the candidates- stupidity, crimes, big mouths, etc., and vote for who is there. It matters not who we vote for, we are all voting for less than ideal people.

Quote:I've had lot lizards say stuff to me that would embarrass Andrew Dice Clay haha
They are some vicious creatures, aren't they? Those and lounge lizards. Echoes of a past life some 20 years back. 
"As I told everyone once before, Wiener is a sick puppy who will never change-100% of perverts go back to their ways. Sadly, there is no cure" - Donald Trump 7/23/2016.

Yes Donnie, we agree with you. Please step aside, and spend your days in Mar a Lago with your mouth shut!
Quote:The truth is, people in both camps are stuck with awful choices for candidates and Libertarians don't have a stellar candidate either. So we have to look past their- the candidates- stupidity, crimes, big mouths, etc., and vote for who is there. It matters not who we vote for, we are all voting for less than ideal people.

I'd vote for Jill Stein if everyone else would.
Quote:So, Hillary isnt a criminal based on concrete evidence but Trump is based on words. Got it.

They had an 11 hour long congressional hearing and your Republican buddies found what exactly? You were going to call her corrupt regardless of the outcome.
Quote:They had an 11 hour long congressional hearing and your Republican buddies found what exactly? You were going to call her corrupt regardless of the outcome.

Well she is and everyone, including you, knows it. Simple proof that the government is your enemy.
Quote:Yes. Because money Trumps morals and values

Quote:Here's the GOP's opportunity to earn my vote. I can't refer to her as a criminal when the guy who grilled her for months with an accusatory finger admits he cannot pursue charges against her.

They didn't grill her
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