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Quote:2.) The people writer... In his house while His preggers wife was upstairs and the Butler was outside? Really?

What is it about him that makes you think this is beyond him at all? He is lewd. He is uncontrollable. He says he does this and women "let" him. He wasn't cheating on previous wives? He wasn't making those comments at this exact same time? It's hardly outside the realm of what one would think possible given his track record of actions and statements.
Quote:I hate having to do this. Let me say again, i hate the idea of sexual assault. It's not a joking matter, i don't condone it in any way. My beef here is that i don't believe this contrived stuff for a second.

1.) The girl on the plane talks about a miraculous move to first class, and then being groped IN PUBLIC. No witnesses just a story.

2.) The people writer... In his house while His preggers wife was upstairs and the Butler was outside? Really?

3.) Sexual assault is serious. In my view, sexual assault consists of any lewd act committed against someone's will. Male or female. IF some ramdom woman just comes up and palms my nether regions then that's assault. That's different from a romantic advance. A romantic advance would be touching of the knee kissing on the cheek or on the lips that doesn't threaten lewd activity in and of itself. If someone makes a pass at someone gets turned down and then moves on i don't see that as sexual assault, i see that's as getting shot down. If you respect the fact that a person was just that into you despite misreading rapport or friendliness than i don't think that's a crime. Now, if someone just walks into a room and you are petting little bill then that's another story...

And this goes beyond this case or this election. A friend that tries a kiss in the middle of a sentence isn't a rapist.

It depends. If he physically restrained or pinned her without consent while kissing her then that would fall under sexual assault.
Quote:What is it about him that makes you think this is beyond him at all? He is lewd. He is uncontrollable. He says he does this and women "let" him. He wasn't cheating on previous wives? He wasn't making those comments at this exact same time? It's hardly outside the realm of what one would think possible given his track record of actions and statements.

I thought we cleared up with whole "let" situation? Remember you talked nonsense for a few pages until you were shutdown and backed into a corner?
Quote:I thought we cleared up with whole "let" situation? Remember you talked nonsense for a few pages until you were shutdown and backed into a corner?

I can't use the man's own words as supportive evidence of an argument when it aligns with more than one accuser's account of an alleged incident? You think the description in that article described an action the woman "let" happen?
Quote:Did you write this? Or copy/paste?

Did i say i wrote it?

What little credibility he had left....

Down the toilet.

Did i say i wrote it, troublemaker?
Quote:Did i say i wrote it, troublemaker?

You clearly didn't quote it or link a source so that means you claimed it as your own, which if I'm not mistaken, is against the CoC.
Quote:Did i say i wrote it?
No one ever says "Hey everyone, I wrote this". It's assumed if you post something and don't put a link or state you copied it off of a website. 



*I write the above.
LOL. Because of typical "guy talk" this is still an issue for some people.

LOL because sexual assault allegations are hysterical.
No, having a debate about "inappropriate touching" a decade later with seeming contradictions can be
Quote:I can't use the man's own words as supportive evidence of an argument when it aligns with more than one accuser's account of an alleged incident? You think the description in that article described an action the woman "let" happen?

You can do whatever you want Kotite, whatever makes you feel good. Just pointing out how we have been through the whole "lets" issue already, at length. It didn't end well for you so I'm not sure why you think it carries any weight?
This is the kind of stuff people talk about when they refer to rape culture. 

Yeh... That billy
Quote:You can do whatever you want Kotite, whatever makes you feel good. Just pointing out how we have been through the whole "lets" issue already, at length. It didn't end well for you so I'm not sure why you think it carries any weight?

Thanks for stalking my posts. I always have time for my fans. Not sure how anything in my last post is remotely related to the circular discussion from earlier in the thread or how that discussion has any bearing on this unrelated post, but I'm flattered by the obsession.
Quote:No idea, haven't seen evidence proving it has. Innocent until proven guilty. Do we have any video or audio evidence of this assault? Pap smears? Do we have a lawsuit that was filed? Emails? Pubic hairs on the toilet? Skin cells in the fingernails?


Or we supposed to take her word for it because she is a women and deserves special treatment? :no:

Maybe you can get ahold of her summers eve disposals , take a whiff and you tell us.

In this case,it seems he admits this kind of action. She verified.

Other than that. I'm sick of it all from both camps. This thin skinned fool fell for the trap. TPP. Border protection. Higher wages. Job creation. If he kept hammering at this, he makes headway.

No. He has to retaliate. Counter punch. Bring up Bill.

This election is a farce. An embarrassment. An example for the rest of the world that we are far from the shining example.

These two belong on Jerry Springer, not on a campaign trail.

Sadly. America loves this shtick.
Quote:Did i say i wrote it?

You didn't have to. It was far too eloquent to be confused with your rabble.
Quote:You can do whatever you want Kotite, whatever makes you feel good. Just pointing out how we have been through the whole "lets" issue already, at length. It didn't end well for you so I'm not sure why you think it carries any weight?

I still haven't seen you make a valid point pal
Quote:Thanks for stalking my posts. I always have time for my fans. Not sure how anything in my last post is remotely related to the circular discussion from earlier in the thread or how that discussion has any bearing on this unrelated post, but I'm flattered by the obsession.

You're not able to see why using Trumps "lets" quote has any relation to the discussion earlier in the thread about the very same thing? Do you read what you type?
Quote:I still haven't seen you make a valid point pal

I guess that's the beauty of language isn't it. Everything I post/say/think is valid to me, but it may not be valid to you or others.
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