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Anybody who doesn't think Rosie is a disgusting pig is flat out lying. Simple as that.

Quote:Right lol

Defending behavior like this at all makes you deplorable. You belong in the basket.
Quote:Defending behavior like this at all makes you deplorable. You belong in the basket.

Lol like I care what you and your ilk think of me haha. You're trash
Quote:Here's the GOP's opportunity to earn my vote. I can't refer to her as a criminal when the guy who grilled her for months with an accusatory finger admits he cannot pursue charges against her.
As I recall that speech, Comey stood there and told everyone that Hillary Clinton had committed numerous crimes in her blatant mishandling of classified material. Then he said that she was off the hook because she's incompetent, more or less. Coincidentally (or not), Bill had had a heart-to-heart with the Attorney General days before.


Anyone else here going to be completely unsurprised when Merrick Garland is removed from consideration for the open seat on the Supreme Court, and Loretta Lynch is nominated and forced down our throats instead?
Quote:How is groping women without their consent in the hope they won't stop you because you are a "star" not sexual assault?

Normal Locker room banter may discuss women in somewhat crude manner, boasting about sexual assault not normal.

Are you just trying to fit in round here?

You've got me wrong matey.

My issue is with this idea of a "rape culture". The idea that men who talk crudely about women have no respect for them and are part of an environment which leads to sexual assault and degradation of women.
Quote:I've seen a good few people, both mean and women say that grabbing a woman's private parts because you think you're entitled is called assault. Not sure we're feminism matters here.

I'm better than that? What does that mean? He's disgusting, he should be better than this.

That is 100% assault. My problem is with the "rape culture" tag everything gets lumped in with.

Yeah you are better than thinking I support rape because I don't agree with the notion of a "rape culture". Trump is a [BLEEP], I agree.
Quote:That is 100% assault. My problem is with the "rape culture" tag everything gets lumped in with.

Yeah you are better than thinking I support rape because I don't agree with the notion of a "rape culture". Trump is a [BAD WORD REMOVED], I agree.

I guess I don't understand what you mean by rape culture and how it has anything to do with what trump said? He wasn't just talking crudely, he'll I talk crudely sometimes, it was his description of what he does to women he finds beautiful because he's allowed to. I think what's disturbing in all of this is not that he said the word [BLEEP], but that he thinks he has every right in the world to grab one.
Quote:They are some vicious creatures, aren't they? Those and lounge lizards. Echoes of a past life some 20 years back.

Lounge lizards lol. I was actually talkin about lot lizards aka truck stop hookers lol
Quote:Lol like I care what you and your ilk think of me haha. You're trash

I'm sure you'd have a higher opinion of me if I groped women I just met.
Quote:I'm sure you'd have a higher opinion of me if I groped women I just met.

Impossible. My opinion of you will only raise with the less you say.. Addition by subtraction.
Quote:Impossible. My opinion of you will only raise with the less you say.. Addition by subtraction.

That's pretty funny coming from a guy whose primary function is to troll. Without people like me, how would you get by? Your propensity for original thought is minimal.
Quote:That's pretty funny coming from a guy whose primary function is to troll. Without people like me, how would you get by? Your propensity for original thought is minimal.

I only troll [BLEEP] posters.
Quote:I only troll [BAD WORD REMOVED] posters.

You sound mad.. It's Saturday. You should go out and try to make women you don't know feel uncomfortable.
I don't have the time to read this whole thread so maybe someone can explain to me why this is such a big deal. I don't get it. Guys talk to each other like that all the time, and you know it. Plus it was ten years ago when he wasn't even in politics. It's not like he just lied to all Americans square in the face about something like what happened in Benghazi.

Quote:I don't have the time to read this whole thread so maybe someone can explain to me why this is such a big deal. I don't get it. Guys talk to each other like that all the time, and you know it. Plus it was ten years ago when he wasn't even in politics. It's not like he just lied to all Americans square in the face about something like what happened in Benghazi.

Guys talk to each other all the time about groping women they don't know? You must hang out with WD.. wait.. are you in a frat?
Quote:Guys talk to each other all the time about groping women they don't know? You must hang out with WD.. wait.. are you in a frat?

Panties officially wadded^
Not really.. I just find sexual predators repulsive.
Quote:I guess I don't understand what you mean by rape culture and how it has anything to do with what trump said? He wasn't just talking crudely, he'll I talk crudely sometimes, it was his description of what he does to women he finds beautiful because he's allowed to. I think what's disturbing in all of this is not that he said the word [BAD WORD REMOVED], but that he thinks he has every right in the world to grab one.

For instance my friends and I could talk crudely about a girl at the bar but that doesn't accurately reflect how we feel about women or reflect that we think rape and sexual assault is okay.

Trump is a pretty bad guy as far as humans go but I think his comments may have been overtop bravado and him trying to show what a "player" he is more so than Trump outright thinking its okay to sexually assault women and rape them.

Obviously not comments a presidential candidate should make and he deserves the stick he gets for this.

Deplorable vs Criminal

I'll vote deplorable

Trump did business with communist Cuba while it was illegal to do business with Fidel Castro.  On top of that, he's settled out of court on many law suits and he also has broken tax law...


So you're voting for a traitorous criminal that is also a racist, bigot that feels he's entitled to sexually assault women because of his wealth.  


Nice choice.  
Quote:Yeah.. what's the big deal? Everyone talks this way.. All the time.. it's only rape. Americans have gone so PC. I remember the first time I grabbed a stranger by the crotch. "It" didn't feel violated at all.

When you absolve this by contributing a vote to it, you pretty much admit you have no moral compass.

Trump says.. this is not who I am.. is there any doubt this is exactly who he is?

Well... Rape seems like hyperbole.  He's condoning and admitting to sexual assault.  But sexual assault is not rape, in terms of the law.  Let's keep the facts straight.
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