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Full Version: Trumps " Locker Room Banter"
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Quote:Yet you're not amazed at the spinning done by the left for documented cases where Mr. Clinton did worse, and his wife was the tip of the spear in destroying the lives of the bimbo eruptions he created?

Did I say I wasn't? Why do you think I'm not voting for her?


Regardless, at what point do we have Hillary's recorded voice actually saying she does the things of which she's accused?


Incidentally, I'm talking about the spinning here. It's only one of many reasons to question his character, yet they are clinging to the same wispy threads of "proof" supporting their boy, who says he does what they say he doesn't do.

Quote:All the hand wringing from the left about locker room banter is hilarious. Especially when you see the bombshell that is going to be released tomorrow about the depravity of the nominee you'll be casting your ballot for.

They're both depraved liars. Only one of them is qualified to do the job.
Quote:He has a decades long history of over the top misogyny, took the 5th over 50 times when asked about infidelity to avoid violating his pre nup, and has been caught in lie after lie, but there is no convincing any of his supporters this could be remotely true in even one instance. Doesn't matter what he is caught saying or doing beyond this incident. He is a great man who wanted to make America great again. And he would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling DNC.

15 minutes on a crowded plane?

Must be some really sharp creases in that pants suit.
Quote:15 minutes on a crowded plane?

Must be some really sharp creases in that pants suit.

Let's be honest here, satisfaction may come within seconds for him.
Quote:Let's be honest here, satisfaction may come within seconds for him.

I have a sneaking suspicion satisfaction never came for those unfortunate enough to get with him.
Quote:They're both depraved liars. Only one of them is qualified to do the job.

One of them is corrupt enough that she couldn't get the necessary security clearance to do the job. Her only real qualification is marrying well and remembering where the bodies are buried.
Quote:One of them is corrupt enough that she couldn't get the necessary security clearance to do the job. Her only real qualification is marrying well and remembering where the bodies are buried.

I'm gonna take a stab and guess you're voting for "Not Hillary" a lot more than you're voting "FOR" Trump.
Quote:I'm gonna take a stab and guess you're voting for "Not Hillary" a lot more than you're voting "FOR" Trump.

I'm guessing there will be an unprecedented amount of "I'm not voting for__________, I'm voting against___________"​from both sides in this election.
Quote:I'm guessing there will be an unprecedented amount of "I'm not voting for__________, I'm voting against___________"​from both sides in this election.

I'm not voting for either. The GOP voters served up a piece of garbage and the DNC put its thumb on scale for another form of garbage. They are both terrible people. The worst two candidates ever offered up. It's pathetic and we as a nation should be embarrassed that this is what we have to chose from.
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