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(01-04-2021, 03:52 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah. Plenty of misinformation out there. I try to be as thorough as possible and I can't even get close to staying ahead of it all.

It's clear Trump is desperate, but there's no stopping what's coming at this point. That said, reading the transcript, I didn't see anything out of character for Trump. He felt he won, he believes he has the numbers that would overturn it if Raffensburger would confirm it. Raffensburger denies Trump's numbers are accurate, but can't or won't show him why. This would be frustrating for any one of us in the same situation. I don't fault Trump for being annoyed. I fault him for not being prepared. This ultimately falls on him, imo.

I still believe Dems cheated. Without institutional proof, no court should overturn the results, though. We really need better transparency in our elections. This would be a priority if people really wanted unity in this country, but nothing will change. It will fade into the background until the next election.
Lets say Raffs shows Trump all the information needed to show the votes are accurate. You really think Trump would say “welp. You’re right. I was wrong.”?

(01-04-2021, 03:01 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]Hahahah is that true?!

God that’s good. What a noob.

Very true. The local news anchors could barely contain their laughter when reading that story.
(01-04-2021, 03:57 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-04-2021, 03:52 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah. Plenty of misinformation out there. I try to be as thorough as possible and I can't even get close to staying ahead of it all.

It's clear Trump is desperate, but there's no stopping what's coming at this point. That said, reading the transcript, I didn't see anything out of character for Trump. He felt he won, he believes he has the numbers that would overturn it if Raffensburger would confirm it. Raffensburger denies Trump's numbers are accurate, but can't or won't show him why. This would be frustrating for any one of us in the same situation. I don't fault Trump for being annoyed. I fault him for not being prepared. This ultimately falls on him, imo.

I still believe Dems cheated. Without institutional proof, no court should overturn the results, though. We really need better transparency in our elections. This would be a priority if people really wanted unity in this country, but nothing will change. It will fade into the background until the next election.
Lets say Raffs shows Trump all the information needed to show the votes are accurate. You really think Trump would say “welp. You’re right. I was wrong.”?


Maybe not, but trump is not the person that needs to be convinced. There are a lot of people like me out there that want an explanation. I get there are people like TJ, TRM, and Mike that think absolutely nothing happened, so they're satisfied with an authority figure confirming their inclination, but that doesn't fly with me. Our process is pretty flawed. The lack of transparency drives me nuts. There is enough circumstantial evidence to launch a thorough investigation. Raffensburger says GBI investigated it, but where is the coverage? Where are the reports? Where can a guy like me get the information that shows everything is on the up and up? This whole thing, instead of being discussed and considered, has been ignored. If the people can see the truth, you make Trump irrelevant.
(01-04-2021, 03:52 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah. Plenty of misinformation out there. I try to be as thorough as possible and I can't even get close to staying ahead of it all.

It's clear Trump is desperate, but there's no stopping what's coming at this point. That said, reading the transcript, I didn't see anything out of character for Trump. He felt he won, he believes he has the numbers that would overturn it if Raffensburger would confirm it. Raffensburger denies Trump's numbers are accurate, but can't or won't show him why. This would be frustrating for any one of us in the same situation. I don't fault Trump for being annoyed. I fault him for not being prepared. This ultimately falls on him, imo.

I still believe Dems cheated. Without institutional proof, no court should overturn the results, though. We really need better transparency in our elections. This would be a priority if people really wanted unity in this country, but nothing will change. It will fade into the background until the next election.

I agree.
(01-03-2021, 08:58 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-03-2021, 08:29 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Elections can't be trusted anymore. We are a banana republic now. Trump just filed 2 lawsuits per Twitter. I haven't verified yet.

Evidence. Show me evidence and I'm on board. Not the evidence that's been put out there before. That's all postal workers saying someone told them someone else might have done something somewhere sometime. It's poll watchers complaining about not being allowed into the room to watch the counting...while they were in the room watching the counting. Or the ones saying they were harassed because they were flagging literally every single absentee ballot they came across as suspect. And who could forget the woman who shared tons of unverified, unproveable (but proven incorrect) info about the massive Dominion conspiracy...in between naps during her hearing.

So where's the real evidence? Is it still hiding behind, "We can't share it because we'd put people in danger?" Oh, boo [BLEEP] hoo. If the information is valuable enough to preserving American democracy as we know it, put their [BLEEP] in the Witness Protection Program and send them to live on the ISS until their hearings. If not a single person with real evidence demands to stand up and present it, then I just have to continue assuming that they're just more figments of Kayleigh MacTwitninny's imagination. But if the evidence and witnesses are out there with bombshell information we haven't seen yet, present them. I'm listening.

Until then, [BLEEP] right off with this "elections can't be trusted" nonsense. I believe it was Rand Paul who spoke to the real motivations of Trump, his enablers, and people who hold views like yours:

"I'm very, very concerned that if you solicit votes from typically non-voters, that you will affect and change the outcome." -December 17th 2020, Twitter

And what's wrong with changing the outcome? That's what voting is supposed to do, right? Or are Republicans hung up on something different. Some other reality of American politics and how the voter turnout game works? Let's ask Trumpty Dumpty:

"They had levels of voting that, if you agreed to it you'd never have a Republican elected in this country again." -March 30th 2020, Fox News

What Trump's doing is nothing new. He's just pushing it to its breaking point. It's already failed, but failure is not enough. He must be punished in the most extreme way allowed by law for what he's doing right now. Will he be? No. Somehow or another, he'll weasel his way out of it, either by pardoning himself or arranging for one, or by just fleeing the country entirely to paint himself as a Chicken McMartyr for his drones supporters. The only organized, widespread electoral fraud in this election is what we've seen from the Trump campaign. Massive disinformation dumps that even Fox News sees through, paired with Trump using his position as President to try and pressure various governmental bodies into changing the outcome of legal, fair, lawful elections by intimidation and threats.

Remember an age when men were men and your userpic was a dumpster fire? I miss those days. You're better than this, dawg.
very concerned that if you solicit votes from typically non-voters, that you will affect and change the outcome.”
“I’ very, very concerned that if you solicit votes from typically non-voters, that you will affect and change the outcome.”

Good post, TJ.

This guy loses IQ points every time he goes #2
Hope you watched and read the whole thing and not just the cut up version. That's taken out of context pretty badly. Like all things Trump, he does say dumb things. However, literally every time he talks about "finding" votes, it's in the context of the 24k votes that his team has labeled illegal, either because they were dead, out of state, duplicates, etc. He's not telling Raffensburger to manufacture votes. He's telling him to look at what his team has presented to see if it's true, which is rejected by Raffensburger under the pretense his numbers are wrong. Then, Trump asked Raffensburger to share the data in question and he says they can't do that either. I get protecting voter's anonymity, but that has to be balanced against having a transparent election. Trump's team should already have the names. It shouldn't be hard to examine and verify whether or not his accusations are correct or not. They are clearly using different records, but which one is more accurate? It should be Raffensburger, but how do any of us know?

Basically, there is a group with institutional control that is asking Trump to trust them, which, by default includes us. I don't know why this is acceptable. Anyone affected by a policy like this would feel it's conspiratorial. This could be solved by allowing a challenger a team that can view the official state records, compare against public information, then verify whether or not which one is accurate. If it's still in dispute after the fact, it should be heard in court and only the cases in question can be made public with redacted names. Again, for the record, I am way more anti-progressive than I am anything else. I don't care if Trump gets in or not. I care whether or not our system has safeguards that protect it from a government that is increasingly overreaching and unaccountable.
Looks like they are prepping us for another "delayed count" because apparently they didn't know millions of people would be voting today. Guess they need to know how many votes they need to find for the socialist candidates in the middle of the night.
(01-05-2021, 05:19 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like they are prepping us for another "delayed count" because apparently they didn't know millions of people would be voting today. Guess they need to know how many votes they need to find for the socialist candidates in the middle of the night.

Dude, where do you get your news from? Do you pull it out of Trump's [BLEEP]? Turnout here is crap. Polling places that should be running a one-hour wait time right now are getting people through in minutes. Everyone voted early or absentee.
(01-05-2021, 06:12 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-05-2021, 05:19 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like they are prepping us for another "delayed count" because apparently they didn't know millions of people would be voting today. Guess they need to know how many votes they need to find for the socialist candidates in the middle of the night.

Dude, where do you get your news from? Do you pull it out of Trump's [BLEEP]? Turnout here is crap. Polling places that should be running a one-hour wait time right now are getting people through in minutes. Everyone voted early or absentee.

(01-05-2021, 06:15 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-05-2021, 06:12 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]Dude, where do you get your news from? Do you pull it out of Trump's [BLEEP]? Turnout here is crap. Polling places that should be running a one-hour wait time right now are getting people through in minutes. Everyone voted early or absentee.


Additional time needed to count the mail-in and early ballots (which are treated like mail-in ballots here) makes sense. Massive election day turnout does not. Unfortunately, various news sites seemingly have no idea how to define "turnout". In this case, turnout via early voting and absentee balloting was high--and no unsolicited ballots were mailed as far as I know.

But I have had 7 different people over the last four days knock on my door to ask who I was voting for. Turns out, "Your guy," is a really nice way to get rid of them. And I stopped counting the number of "Thanks for being a Georgia voter!" hand-written postcards I got from Massachusetts. You and I may disagree on almost everything else, but campaign finance reform is the hill I'd die on with you. The amount of money coming in from out of state for a Georgia election is just wrong.

But, yes, if there are 3 million absentee/early ballots to count and it's as close a race as it is expected to (but shouldn't) be, Georgia's going to need time to count. Of course, if yo boy had kept his damn mouth shut and not spent weeks telling Georgia how rigged the system is and how corrupt the elected officials are down here, Perdue and Loeffler both would have had easy wins instead of having to stay up late and cross their fingers.
(01-05-2021, 05:19 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like they are prepping us for another "delayed count" because apparently they didn't know millions of people would be voting today. Guess they need to know how many votes they need to find for the socialist candidates in the middle of the night.


While absentee ballots received ahead of Election Day can’t be counted until the polls close, county election officials were allowed to begin processing those ballots in advance. That includes verifying signatures on the outer envelope of the ballot, opening the envelopes, and scanning the ballots.

We could see the leads in the twin Senate contests shift after the polls close and the counting begins – which is what happened in the state’s White House race between President Trump and President-elect Joe Biden.

[font=Roboto,]Trump was ahead of Biden by roughly 100,000 votes in Georgia the morning after the November election, but as more votes were counted, the president’s lead deteriorated and Biden eventually won the state by nearly 12,000 votes, a margin that was upheld in two ensuing recounts and certified by the state.[/font]

So what's going to happen is the same thing that happened in the Presidential race: the Democrats largely have their votes counted after the Republicans have their votes counted.  Because more Democrats are voting by mail.   Which is something Trump and his supporters are apparently incapable of understanding.  
Biden may want to go see a dermatologist.
(01-05-2021, 06:41 PM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-05-2021, 05:19 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like they are prepping us for another "delayed count" because apparently they didn't know millions of people would be voting today. Guess they need to know how many votes they need to find for the socialist candidates in the middle of the night.


While absentee ballots received ahead of Election Day can’t be counted until the polls close, county election officials were allowed to begin processing those ballots in advance. That includes verifying signatures on the outer envelope of the ballot, opening the envelopes, and scanning the ballots.

We could see the leads in the twin Senate contests shift after the polls close and the counting begins – which is what happened in the state’s White House race between President Trump and President-elect Joe Biden.

[font=Roboto,]Trump was ahead of Biden by roughly 100,000 votes in Georgia the morning after the November election, but as more votes were counted, the president’s lead deteriorated and Biden eventually won the state by nearly 12,000 votes, a margin that was upheld in two ensuing recounts and certified by the state.[/font]

So what's going to happen is the same thing that happened in the Presidential race: the Democrats largely have their votes counted after the Republicans have their votes counted.  Because more Democrats are voting by mail.   Which is something Trump and his supporters are apparently incapable of understanding.  

So they can't "count" those ballots until after the polls close, but they can "process" them in advance.

To me it sounds like we should have a result sometime tonight since they didn't "count" the votes, but "processed" them (verify signatures on the outer envelope, open the envelope and scan the ballots).  Does it not make sense that those votes would be immediately "counted" the minute the polls close since they were already "processed"?
Was it also Georgia that “stopped” counting overnight after the general election?
(01-05-2021, 07:41 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Was it also Georgia that “stopped” counting overnight after the general election?

Yes, and a random pipe break in Fulton county....
(01-05-2021, 07:38 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]So they can't "count" those ballots until after the polls close, but they can "process" them in advance.

To me it sounds like we should have a result sometime tonight since they didn't "count" the votes, but "processed" them (verify signatures on the outer envelope, open the envelope and scan the ballots).  Does it not make sense that those votes would be immediately "counted" the minute the polls close since they were already "processed"?

(01-05-2021, 07:41 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Was it also Georgia that “stopped” counting overnight after the general election?

(01-05-2021, 07:44 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, and a random pipe break in Fulton county....

[Image: giphy.gif]
(01-05-2021, 07:44 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-05-2021, 07:41 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Was it also Georgia that “stopped” counting overnight after the general election?

Yes, and a random pipe break in Fulton county....

Naturally, of course.
It's weird the MSM completely ignored that Warnock physically abused his wife.
(01-05-2021, 07:49 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-05-2021, 07:38 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]So they can't "count" those ballots until after the polls close, but they can "process" them in advance.

To me it sounds like we should have a result sometime tonight since they didn't "count" the votes, but "processed" them (verify signatures on the outer envelope, open the envelope and scan the ballots).  Does it not make sense that those votes would be immediately "counted" the minute the polls close since they were already "processed"?

(01-05-2021, 07:41 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Was it also Georgia that “stopped” counting overnight after the general election?

(01-05-2021, 07:44 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, and a random pipe break in Fulton county....

[Image: giphy.gif]

Shouldn’t that guy have made reparations for his white privilege before he died?