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(01-06-2021, 11:35 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-06-2021, 11:24 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]You should move to China. Me thinks you would like it there more. I hear North Korea is nice too.

What you fail to understand is there are 75 million people who seek his opinion and comments and numerous outlets willing to be his platform.

Just because someone would rather Trump be in charge for the next 4 years instead of Joe Biden, doesn't mean that someone gives a crap what he says now that he lost the election.

(01-06-2021, 11:16 PM)Sneakers Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not saying he isn't all of those.  What I am saying, is that he did not (as you stated and I've quoted below) provoke an act of domestic terrorism against the US government. 

"Trump literally provoked an act of domestic terrorism against the US government"

Pushing through security barriers while Congress is in session is domestic terrorism.
Trump told them to go the the Capitol and be strong. That's a pretty direct provocation.
Watch the videos, the cops let them in. For a riot it was very peaceful and the cops weren't very concerned with people inside.

They had barriers up and then the cops removed them. Antifa were the ones trying to break the windows. I saw one person claiming the door they went in was left unlocked and no one guarding it. They had more than one photographer ready to capture the cops stopping them and then leading them to the 2nd floor.

I don't know if it was planned for someone to be shot, but it sure seemed like the rest was. Everyone has long speeches ready to go, doesn't want to review fraud, etc after supposedly being fearful for their life and not sitting in front of a computer with their aids to write the speech.

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It's officially over. Trump is GONE.

The end of an error.
For everyone saying the election was stolen and Trump was cheated, look no further than Georgia. They had a runoff vote where everything was examined and re-examined and in the end, the Republicans lost votes from the November election. I saw a bit of news yesterday and they had someone I consider a hardcore Republican, Rick Santorum. He said he felt there were irregularities during the presidential election. He then went on to say he knows for a fact the Georgia runoff was watched like a hawk and the results were accurate. He said he was baffled by the results though and it left him re-evaluating his entire assumption of how the presidential election ended up.

Trump has so many people indoctrinated into his way of thinking by telling them lie after lie, that they have lost all reason. The majority of people have had it with his lack of professionalism, decorum and human decency and that's why he lost. Period. He reminds me of my nephew with autism. If we play a game with him, he has to win or he throws a temper tantrum where he accuses everyone of cheating, lying and scheming against him and refuses to acknowledge he lost. It leaves me wondering if Trump has ever been checked to see if he is on the spectrum.

The violence today was no surprise to me. When you rile up the angriest and most gullible portion of society, this is what happens. What happened today was no different than the rioters in Minnesota and Atlanta. They are all one in the same. They may be on opposite ends of the belief systems, but they are all gullible and angry and selfish and they don't care what they have to do, in order to get their way. I'm afraid that it's only gonna get worse too. Now that Trump has given these people a voice and they're not getting what they want, they're only gonna get angrier and more irrational.

I'm gonna say something I never thought I'd say. As much as I despise Hillary Clinton, she felt she was robbed of the election, but she stepped aside and did what she thought was best for America. The only time I ever heard from her again, was when Trump was invoking her name. All the past presidents who have lost elections have been gracious and followed the will of the majority of the population by stepping aside and keeping democracy going. Not Trump though. Despite losing by millions of votes, he thinks he can spit on democracy and throw a "hissy fit" until he gets his way. It's an embarrassment to America, especially when the rest of the world is watching and laughing at us.

I'm saying all this as a person who doesn't have a dog in this fight. I am a registered Independent who voted Libertarian, because I hated both the Republican and Democratic options. I could've cared less who won, because I've always felt we were screwed either way. I will say this though, It will be nice to see a little civility and decency restored to the office, once Trump is evicted. I know I'm gonna hate a lot of the things the Democrats do, but at least America won't be viewed like a reality show to poke fun at for the rest of the world like it has been for the last 4 years.
I think yesterday might be the day Trumpism blew itself up.   A lot of Republicans and Trump supporters will recoil from what happened and examine what caused it, and what supporting Trump really means.   Trump's influence will severely decline as a result and perhaps (one can only hope) we can have a Republican Party based on conservative ideas and not on a personality cult.   The images of huge Trump flags flying over a mob which is storming the Capitol will never go away.  

Trump is done.  Many of his top aides are considering whether to resign.  People high in the administration are considering invoking the 25th Amendment.  He has given up being President.   All he does is play golf and rail about the election results.  Senior aides are quoted as saying "The President has lost his mind."  Republicans in Congress are talking about whether to impeach him and remove him with only 2 weeks to go in his term.      

It's over.

And for anyone who thinks it was Antifa who stormed the Capitol yesterday, we have pictures of their faces, and we will find out who they are.  And then I hope they all wind up in prison.  It's what they deserve.
(01-07-2021, 07:33 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]And for anyone who thinks it was Antifa who stormed the Capitol yesterday, we have pictures of their faces, and we will find out who they are.  And then I hope they all wind up in prison.  It's what they deserve.

Did the rioters in Minneapolis and Ferguson get what they deserved?
(01-07-2021, 06:16 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]For everyone saying the election was stolen and Trump was cheated, look no further than Georgia. They had a runoff vote where everything was examined and re-examined and in the end, the Republicans lost votes from the November election. I saw a bit of news yesterday and they had someone I consider a hardcore Republican, Rick Santorum. He said he felt there were irregularities during the presidential election. He then went on to say he knows for a fact the Georgia runoff was watched like a hawk and the results were accurate. He said he was baffled by the results though and it left him re-evaluating his entire assumption of how the presidential election ended up.

Trump has so many people indoctrinated into his way of thinking by telling them lie after lie, that they have lost all reason. The majority of people have had it with his lack of professionalism, decorum and human decency and that's why he lost. Period. He reminds me of my nephew with autism. If we play a game with him, he has to win or he throws a temper tantrum where he accuses everyone of cheating, lying and scheming against him and refuses to acknowledge he lost. It leaves me wondering if Trump has ever been checked to see if he is on the spectrum.

The violence today was no surprise to me. When you rile up the angriest and most gullible portion of society, this is what happens. What happened today was no different than the rioters in Minnesota and Atlanta. They are all one in the same. They may be on opposite ends of the belief systems, but they are all gullible and angry and selfish and they don't care what they have to do, in order to get their way. I'm afraid that it's only gonna get worse too. Now that Trump has given these people a voice and they're not getting what they want, they're only gonna get angrier and more irrational.

I'm gonna say something I never thought I'd say. As much as I despise Hillary Clinton, she felt she was robbed of the election, but she stepped aside and did what she thought was best for America. The only time I ever heard from her again, was when Trump was invoking her name. All the past presidents who have lost elections have been gracious and followed the will of the majority of the population by stepping aside and keeping democracy going. Not Trump though. Despite losing by millions of votes, he thinks he can spit on democracy and throw a "hissy fit" until he gets his way. It's an embarrassment to America, especially when the rest of the world is watching and laughing at us.

I'm saying all this as a person who doesn't have a dog in this fight. I am a registered Independent who voted Libertarian, because I hated both the Republican and Democratic options. I could've cared less who won, because I've always felt we were screwed either way. I will say this though, It will be nice to see a little civility and decency restored to the office, once Trump is evicted. I know I'm gonna hate a lot of the things the Democrats do, but at least America won't be viewed like a reality show to poke fun at for the rest of the world like it has been for the last 4 years.

Hillary didn't step aside. She still thinks she won.
(01-07-2021, 02:18 AM)captivating Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-06-2021, 11:37 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Time will tell. The media will need him. Just wait...

He becomes Mr Irrelevant in 2 week.  The only time people will care is when the lawsuits commence, when his divorce happens and the tell-alls from his administration start (and there will be many of them).

He wont talk politics as there is nothing in it for him anymore. The GOP will hope he shuts up as everything he says from now only strengthens the Democrats hold on the country.

Trump and the Trump name has jumped the shark.

The only accurate thing you said in your babble is the GOP hope's he shuts up.
(01-07-2021, 08:49 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-07-2021, 06:16 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]For everyone saying the election was stolen and Trump was cheated, look no further than Georgia. They had a runoff vote where everything was examined and re-examined and in the end, the Republicans lost votes from the November election. I saw a bit of news yesterday and they had someone I consider a hardcore Republican, Rick Santorum. He said he felt there were irregularities during the presidential election. He then went on to say he knows for a fact the Georgia runoff was watched like a hawk and the results were accurate. He said he was baffled by the results though and it left him re-evaluating his entire assumption of how the presidential election ended up.

Trump has so many people indoctrinated into his way of thinking by telling them lie after lie, that they have lost all reason. The majority of people have had it with his lack of professionalism, decorum and human decency and that's why he lost. Period. He reminds me of my nephew with autism. If we play a game with him, he has to win or he throws a temper tantrum where he accuses everyone of cheating, lying and scheming against him and refuses to acknowledge he lost. It leaves me wondering if Trump has ever been checked to see if he is on the spectrum.

The violence today was no surprise to me. When you rile up the angriest and most gullible portion of society, this is what happens. What happened today was no different than the rioters in Minnesota and Atlanta. They are all one in the same. They may be on opposite ends of the belief systems, but they are all gullible and angry and selfish and they don't care what they have to do, in order to get their way. I'm afraid that it's only gonna get worse too. Now that Trump has given these people a voice and they're not getting what they want, they're only gonna get angrier and more irrational.

I'm gonna say something I never thought I'd say. As much as I despise Hillary Clinton, she felt she was robbed of the election, but she stepped aside and did what she thought was best for America. The only time I ever heard from her again, was when Trump was invoking her name. All the past presidents who have lost elections have been gracious and followed the will of the majority of the population by stepping aside and keeping democracy going. Not Trump though. Despite losing by millions of votes, he thinks he can spit on democracy and throw a "hissy fit" until he gets his way. It's an embarrassment to America, especially when the rest of the world is watching and laughing at us.

I'm saying all this as a person who doesn't have a dog in this fight. I am a registered Independent who voted Libertarian, because I hated both the Republican and Democratic options. I could've cared less who won, because I've always felt we were screwed either way. I will say this though, It will be nice to see a little civility and decency restored to the office, once Trump is evicted. I know I'm gonna hate a lot of the things the Democrats do, but at least America won't be viewed like a reality show to poke fun at for the rest of the world like it has been for the last 4 years.

Hillary didn't step aside. She still thinks she won.

She went on her way and didn't try to create a coup, like Trump did yesterday. I hate giving her any credit for anything, but right now, Trump is making even her look like the better person.
(01-07-2021, 06:16 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]For everyone saying the election was stolen and Trump was cheated, look no further than Georgia. They had a runoff vote where everything was examined and re-examined and in the end, the Republicans lost votes from the November election. I saw a bit of news yesterday and they had someone I consider a hardcore Republican, Rick Santorum. He said he felt there were irregularities during the presidential election. He then went on to say he knows for a fact the Georgia runoff was watched like a hawk and the results were accurate. He said he was baffled by the results though and it left him re-evaluating his entire assumption of how the presidential election ended up.

Trump has so many people indoctrinated into his way of thinking by telling them lie after lie, that they have lost all reason. The majority of people have had it with his lack of professionalism, decorum and human decency and that's why he lost. Period. He reminds me of my nephew with autism. If we play a game with him, he has to win or he throws a temper tantrum where he accuses everyone of cheating, lying and scheming against him and refuses to acknowledge he lost. It leaves me wondering if Trump has ever been checked to see if he is on the spectrum.

The violence today was no surprise to me. When you rile up the angriest and most gullible portion of society, this is what happens. What happened today was no different than the rioters in Minnesota and Atlanta. They are all one in the same. They may be on opposite ends of the belief systems, but they are all gullible and angry and selfish and they don't care what they have to do, in order to get their way. I'm afraid that it's only gonna get worse too. Now that Trump has given these people a voice and they're not getting what they want, they're only gonna get angrier and more irrational.

I'm gonna say something I never thought I'd say. As much as I despise Hillary Clinton, she felt she was robbed of the election, but she stepped aside and did what she thought was best for America. The only time I ever heard from her again, was when Trump was invoking her name. All the past presidents who have lost elections have been gracious and followed the will of the majority of the population by stepping aside and keeping democracy going. Not Trump though. Despite losing by millions of votes, he thinks he can spit on democracy and throw a "hissy fit" until he gets his way. It's an embarrassment to America, especially when the rest of the world is watching and laughing at us.

I'm saying all this as a person who doesn't have a dog in this fight. I am a registered Independent who voted Libertarian, because I hated both the Republican and Democratic options. I could've cared less who won, because I've always felt we were screwed either way. I will say this though, It will be nice to see a little civility and decency restored to the office, once Trump is evicted. I know I'm gonna hate a lot of the things the Democrats do, but at least America won't be viewed like a reality show to poke fun at for the rest of the world like it has been for the last 4 years.

The runoff is easily explainable, though. Trump's supporters in rural areas did not turn out. They were giving a middle finger to Republicans. I think that was stupid, personally. I practically had to beg a friend of mine to go vote in GA. Trump is not the cause, he is the symptom, and you guys seem incapable of grasping that reality. Trump supporters gravitate to him BECAUSE he doesn't roll over to the democratic machine. They like that he fights against it. 

How many leftist sites and organizations are being banned on big tech?
How many conservative journalists are on MSM?
How many universities promote any conservative thought or professors?
How many movies embrace conservative values or actors?
How many giant corporations encourage conservative voices?

Everywhere you look, a majority is having their voice and lifestyle suppressed. This would make sense if conservatism was a minority, but it's not. It's mainstream thought. People are literally afraid to speak their minds because they might lose their jobs or be passed over for promotion. Sure, there is a small segment of the Trump base that is loud, but that's a small portion. Most conservatives feel like their ability to speak freely is being denigrated. So, when a person comes along that is willing to say what they think, not only are conservatives drawn to it, but liberals are repulsed by it. Conservatives are supposed to shut the [BLEEP] up. So, sure... Trump riles up his supporters by his very nature, but, equally so, the left is riling up it's base because he has the audacity to stand against them. Which is far, far worse, because the left has the institutional control to condone their bad behavior. The evidence is clear on this message board. 

Not one conservative protest in my lifetime has been violent. Not one. This is the very first... and of hundreds of thousands of people, only a small handful broke into the Capitol building, 4 of which died. Yet, I wake up this morning and have to alternate reading posts by my liberal friends that say, "if this had been brown people, how many would have died," and "this is domestic terrorism." Yeah? Really? I am so tired of these stupid [BLEEP]. I have been watching the exact same [BLEEP] from the left for almost 5 years now. They have harassed university speakers, created cancel culture, assaulted police, intimidated congressmen and their families, ruined small business owners, and bullied voters. They have torn down monuments, burned federal buildings, vandalized public and private spaces, march through suburbs and harass families. I have watched the political left literally manufacture crimes and accusations against Trump, which was propped up and encouraged by the journalistic arm of the left, which their supporters still believe to this day. I have watched leftist politicians embrace and even foster the chaos, all while telling the American people to vote for them so we can return to normal. And I have watched self-proclaimed liberals defend this. 

Then the left gets to act like they are paragons of virtue. They aren't. Everyone here knows that if things happened the exact same way, but in reverse, there would have been rioting like we've never seen, and some of the exact same posters here would be defending it. I was disappointed yesterday when I saw people breaking in to the Capitol building, but the hypocrisy coming from leftists makes my blood boil. There is no standard but a double standard. The only principle is power. Some will read this and consider it rhetoric, even though much of the literature and philosophy undergirding the progressive movement states this concept explicitly.
(01-07-2021, 10:01 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-07-2021, 08:49 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Hillary didn't step aside. She still thinks she won.

She went on her way and didn't try to create a coup, like Trump did yesterday. I hate giving her any credit for anything, but right now, Trump is making even her look like the better person.

She has literally called duly elected Trump an illegitimate president for 4 years. I understand that you think she sucks. We all do. Terrible example.
[Image: 135577720_10165023496010554_582803901467...e=601E8269]

Look at this [BLEEP]. Seriously. About 10 posters on this board will retweet that pic and genuinely believe the message in it.
(01-07-2021, 10:33 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 135577720_10165023496010554_582803901467...e=601E8269]

Look at this [BLEEP]. Seriously. About 10 posters on this board will retweet that pic and genuinely believe the message in it.

The irony being that this is exactly one of the things which precipitated yesterday's events. You can only misrepresent, denigrate and ignore a large portion of the population before they react. 

One thing is for sure, this put the fear of god in the politicians. Hopefully it reminded them they represent people and not power and money lobbyists. Perhaps this will create pause for politicians the next time they want to stand in front of a microphone and blindly cast aversion on those who disagree with them.
(01-07-2021, 08:49 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-07-2021, 06:16 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]For everyone saying the election was stolen and Trump was cheated, look no further than Georgia. They had a runoff vote where everything was examined and re-examined and in the end, the Republicans lost votes from the November election. I saw a bit of news yesterday and they had someone I consider a hardcore Republican, Rick Santorum. He said he felt there were irregularities during the presidential election. He then went on to say he knows for a fact the Georgia runoff was watched like a hawk and the results were accurate. He said he was baffled by the results though and it left him re-evaluating his entire assumption of how the presidential election ended up.

Trump has so many people indoctrinated into his way of thinking by telling them lie after lie, that they have lost all reason. The majority of people have had it with his lack of professionalism, decorum and human decency and that's why he lost. Period. He reminds me of my nephew with autism. If we play a game with him, he has to win or he throws a temper tantrum where he accuses everyone of cheating, lying and scheming against him and refuses to acknowledge he lost. It leaves me wondering if Trump has ever been checked to see if he is on the spectrum.

The violence today was no surprise to me. When you rile up the angriest and most gullible portion of society, this is what happens. What happened today was no different than the rioters in Minnesota and Atlanta. They are all one in the same. They may be on opposite ends of the belief systems, but they are all gullible and angry and selfish and they don't care what they have to do, in order to get their way. I'm afraid that it's only gonna get worse too. Now that Trump has given these people a voice and they're not getting what they want, they're only gonna get angrier and more irrational.

I'm gonna say something I never thought I'd say. As much as I despise Hillary Clinton, she felt she was robbed of the election, but she stepped aside and did what she thought was best for America. The only time I ever heard from her again, was when Trump was invoking her name. All the past presidents who have lost elections have been gracious and followed the will of the majority of the population by stepping aside and keeping democracy going. Not Trump though. Despite losing by millions of votes, he thinks he can spit on democracy and throw a "hissy fit" until he gets his way. It's an embarrassment to America, especially when the rest of the world is watching and laughing at us.

I'm saying all this as a person who doesn't have a dog in this fight. I am a registered Independent who voted Libertarian, because I hated both the Republican and Democratic options. I could've cared less who won, because I've always felt we were screwed either way. I will say this though, It will be nice to see a little civility and decency restored to the office, once Trump is evicted. I know I'm gonna hate a lot of the things the Democrats do, but at least America won't be viewed like a reality show to poke fun at for the rest of the world like it has been for the last 4 years.

Hillary didn't step aside. She still thinks she won.

She called Trump and conceded that night. A few days after the election, she took a picture with a supporter while she and Bill were walking a trail in New York and enjoying retirement.

You have reached new levels of crybaby in the last 24 hours. It’s adorable.
(01-07-2021, 10:45 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-07-2021, 08:49 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Hillary didn't step aside. She still thinks she won.

She called Trump and conceded that night. A few days after the election, she took a picture with a supporter while she and Bill were walking a trail in New York and enjoying retirement.

You have reached new levels of crybaby in the last 24 hours. It’s adorable.

She delegitimized a sitting president for 4 years inciting 63,000,000 people to believe her. If you are going to step into the "attacking democracy" pool, jump in with both feet brother.
(01-07-2021, 10:10 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-07-2021, 06:16 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]For everyone saying the election was stolen and Trump was cheated, look no further than Georgia. They had a runoff vote where everything was examined and re-examined and in the end, the Republicans lost votes from the November election. I saw a bit of news yesterday and they had someone I consider a hardcore Republican, Rick Santorum. He said he felt there were irregularities during the presidential election. He then went on to say he knows for a fact the Georgia runoff was watched like a hawk and the results were accurate. He said he was baffled by the results though and it left him re-evaluating his entire assumption of how the presidential election ended up.

Trump has so many people indoctrinated into his way of thinking by telling them lie after lie, that they have lost all reason. The majority of people have had it with his lack of professionalism, decorum and human decency and that's why he lost. Period. He reminds me of my nephew with autism. If we play a game with him, he has to win or he throws a temper tantrum where he accuses everyone of cheating, lying and scheming against him and refuses to acknowledge he lost. It leaves me wondering if Trump has ever been checked to see if he is on the spectrum.

The violence today was no surprise to me. When you rile up the angriest and most gullible portion of society, this is what happens. What happened today was no different than the rioters in Minnesota and Atlanta. They are all one in the same. They may be on opposite ends of the belief systems, but they are all gullible and angry and selfish and they don't care what they have to do, in order to get their way. I'm afraid that it's only gonna get worse too. Now that Trump has given these people a voice and they're not getting what they want, they're only gonna get angrier and more irrational.

I'm gonna say something I never thought I'd say. As much as I despise Hillary Clinton, she felt she was robbed of the election, but she stepped aside and did what she thought was best for America. The only time I ever heard from her again, was when Trump was invoking her name. All the past presidents who have lost elections have been gracious and followed the will of the majority of the population by stepping aside and keeping democracy going. Not Trump though. Despite losing by millions of votes, he thinks he can spit on democracy and throw a "hissy fit" until he gets his way. It's an embarrassment to America, especially when the rest of the world is watching and laughing at us.

I'm saying all this as a person who doesn't have a dog in this fight. I am a registered Independent who voted Libertarian, because I hated both the Republican and Democratic options. I could've cared less who won, because I've always felt we were screwed either way. I will say this though, It will be nice to see a little civility and decency restored to the office, once Trump is evicted. I know I'm gonna hate a lot of the things the Democrats do, but at least America won't be viewed like a reality show to poke fun at for the rest of the world like it has been for the last 4 years.

The runoff is easily explainable, though. Trump's supporters in rural areas did not turn out. They were giving a middle finger to Republicans. I think that was stupid, personally. I practically had to beg a friend of mine to go vote in GA. Trump is not the cause, he is the symptom, and you guys seem incapable of grasping that reality. Trump supporters gravitate to him BECAUSE he doesn't roll over to the democratic machine. They like that he fights against it. 

How many leftist sites and organizations are being banned on big tech?
How many conservative journalists are on MSM?
How many universities promote any conservative thought or professors?
How many movies embrace conservative values or actors?
How many giant corporations encourage conservative voices?

Everywhere you look, a majority is having their voice and lifestyle suppressed. This would make sense if conservatism was a minority, but it's not. It's mainstream thought. People are literally afraid to speak their minds because they might lose their jobs or be passed over for promotion. Sure, there is a small segment of the Trump base that is loud, but that's a small portion. Most conservatives feel like their ability to speak freely is being denigrated. So, when a person comes along that is willing to say what they think, not only are conservatives drawn to it, but liberals are repulsed by it. Conservatives are supposed to shut the [BLEEP] up. So, sure... Trump riles up his supporters by his very nature, but, equally so, the left is riling up it's base because he has the audacity to stand against them. Which is far, far worse, because the left has the institutional control to condone their bad behavior. The evidence is clear on this message board. 

Not one conservative protest in my lifetime has been violent. Not one. This is the very first... and of hundreds of thousands of people, only a small handful broke into the Capitol building, 4 of which died. Yet, I wake up this morning and have to alternate reading posts by my liberal friends that say, "if this had been brown people, how many would have died," and "this is domestic terrorism." Yeah? Really? I am so tired of these stupid [BLEEP]. I have been watching the exact same [BLEEP] from the left for almost 5 years now. They have harassed university speakers, created cancel culture, assaulted police, intimidated congressmen and their families, ruined small business owners, and bullied voters. They have torn down monuments, burned federal buildings, vandalized public and private spaces, march through suburbs and harass families. I have watched the political left literally manufacture crimes and accusations against Trump, which was propped up and encouraged by the journalistic arm of the left, which their supporters still believe to this day. I have watched leftist politicians embrace and even foster the chaos, all while telling the American people to vote for them so we can return to normal. And I have watched self-proclaimed liberals defend this. 

Then the left gets to act like they are paragons of virtue. They aren't. Everyone here knows that if things happened the exact same way, but in reverse, there would have been rioting like we've never seen, and some of the exact same posters here would be defending it. I was disappointed yesterday when I saw people breaking in to the Capitol building, but the hypocrisy coming from leftists makes my blood boil. There is no standard but a double standard. The only principle is power. Some will read this and consider it rhetoric, even though much of the literature and philosophy undergirding the progressive movement states this concept explicitly.

That is the reality Trump is feeding you and it's all lies. He lost the election, because he is despised. He has lied, he has no manners, he is spoiled, petulant, selfish, greedy and a narcissist. People got tired of him and now, that he has lost, he's willing to take the entire country down with him, but this is what happens when you elect a reality show host who was born with a diamond encrusted, silver spoon in his mouth, to run a country. 

I hear both sides say "we are the majority." You may be the majority where you live, but the U.S.A. is made up of 50 states, not just yours. People are very different in different regions of the country and the only way to find out who the majority is, is via elections. This time, conservatives lost. You can blame that directly on Trump and his lack of professionalism and humanity. Who knows, maybe next election the conservatives will regain control? That's why we have elections. 

Not one conservative protest has been violent? Seriously? How about at the protest in Charlottesville? I'm not laying all the blame on either side in that one. I believe both sides were to blame for that fiasco, but there definitely was violence and all for what? Some stupid statues? 

I am neither a Democrat or a Republican. In fact, I believe all political parties should be abolished and all candidates should run strictly on their own merits without any party representation. As I said before, I have no dog in this fight. I'm simply saying what is so obvious to the rest of the United States. Trumpers are extremists. They've turned that arm of the Republican party into a cult like religion with Trump serving as their messiah. People who don't fall under his spell think his followers are crazy and when they see them attacking the capital, I find this no different than what David Koresh told his followers. It's like some people are willing to die for Trump and yesterday, some actually did! 

I never gave the left a pass on any of the riots they participated in. Those was ridiculous and horrible as well, but right now, there is no difference between these Trump rioters and the BLM rioters we've seen for months. They are all the same and they should all be locked up. Preferably together.

(01-07-2021, 10:15 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-07-2021, 10:01 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]She went on her way and didn't try to create a coup, like Trump did yesterday. I hate giving her any credit for anything, but right now, Trump is making even her look like the better person.

She has literally called duly elected Trump an illegitimate president for 4 years. I understand that you think she sucks. We all do. Terrible example.

Did she ask her followers to storm congress and disrupt democracy? No, that was Trump.

(01-07-2021, 10:48 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-07-2021, 10:45 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]She called Trump and conceded that night. A few days after the election, she took a picture with a supporter while she and Bill were walking a trail in New York and enjoying retirement.

You have reached new levels of crybaby in the last 24 hours. It’s adorable.

She delegitimized a sitting president for 4 years inciting 63,000,000 people to believe her. If you are going to step into the "attacking democracy" pool, jump in with both feet brother.

You're comparing that to what Trump did yesterday? You've lost it.
(01-07-2021, 10:48 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-07-2021, 10:45 AM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]She called Trump and conceded that night. A few days after the election, she took a picture with a supporter while she and Bill were walking a trail in New York and enjoying retirement.

You have reached new levels of crybaby in the last 24 hours. It’s adorable.

She delegitimized a sitting president for 4 years inciting 63,000,000 people to believe her. If you are going to step into the "attacking democracy" pool, jump in with both feet brother.

Keep a close eye on your cup, brother. Trump’s liable to dump rat poison in the Kool-Aid before he leaves the building.
(01-07-2021, 10:58 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-07-2021, 10:10 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]The runoff is easily explainable, though. Trump's supporters in rural areas did not turn out. They were giving a middle finger to Republicans. I think that was stupid, personally. I practically had to beg a friend of mine to go vote in GA. Trump is not the cause, he is the symptom, and you guys seem incapable of grasping that reality. Trump supporters gravitate to him BECAUSE he doesn't roll over to the democratic machine. They like that he fights against it. 

How many leftist sites and organizations are being banned on big tech?
How many conservative journalists are on MSM?
How many universities promote any conservative thought or professors?
How many movies embrace conservative values or actors?
How many giant corporations encourage conservative voices?

Everywhere you look, a majority is having their voice and lifestyle suppressed. This would make sense if conservatism was a minority, but it's not. It's mainstream thought. People are literally afraid to speak their minds because they might lose their jobs or be passed over for promotion. Sure, there is a small segment of the Trump base that is loud, but that's a small portion. Most conservatives feel like their ability to speak freely is being denigrated. So, when a person comes along that is willing to say what they think, not only are conservatives drawn to it, but liberals are repulsed by it. Conservatives are supposed to shut the [BLEEP] up. So, sure... Trump riles up his supporters by his very nature, but, equally so, the left is riling up it's base because he has the audacity to stand against them. Which is far, far worse, because the left has the institutional control to condone their bad behavior. The evidence is clear on this message board. 

Not one conservative protest in my lifetime has been violent. Not one. This is the very first... and of hundreds of thousands of people, only a small handful broke into the Capitol building, 4 of which died. Yet, I wake up this morning and have to alternate reading posts by my liberal friends that say, "if this had been brown people, how many would have died," and "this is domestic terrorism." Yeah? Really? I am so tired of these stupid [BLEEP]. I have been watching the exact same [BLEEP] from the left for almost 5 years now. They have harassed university speakers, created cancel culture, assaulted police, intimidated congressmen and their families, ruined small business owners, and bullied voters. They have torn down monuments, burned federal buildings, vandalized public and private spaces, march through suburbs and harass families. I have watched the political left literally manufacture crimes and accusations against Trump, which was propped up and encouraged by the journalistic arm of the left, which their supporters still believe to this day. I have watched leftist politicians embrace and even foster the chaos, all while telling the American people to vote for them so we can return to normal. And I have watched self-proclaimed liberals defend this. 

Then the left gets to act like they are paragons of virtue. They aren't. Everyone here knows that if things happened the exact same way, but in reverse, there would have been rioting like we've never seen, and some of the exact same posters here would be defending it. I was disappointed yesterday when I saw people breaking in to the Capitol building, but the hypocrisy coming from leftists makes my blood boil. There is no standard but a double standard. The only principle is power. Some will read this and consider it rhetoric, even though much of the literature and philosophy undergirding the progressive movement states this concept explicitly.

That is the reality Trump is feeding you and it's all lies. He lost the election, because he is despised. He has lied, he has no manners, he is spoiled, petulant, selfish, greedy and a narcissist. People got tired of him and now, that he has lost, he's willing to take the entire country down with him, but this is what happens when you elect a reality show host who was born with a diamond encrusted, silver spoon in his mouth, to run a country. 

I hear both sides say "we are the majority." You may be the majority where you live, but the U.S.A. is made up of 50 states, not just yours. People are very different in different regions of the country and the only way to find out who the majority is, is via elections. This time, conservatives lost. You can blame that directly on Trump and his lack of professionalism and humanity. Who knows, maybe next election the conservatives will regain control? That's why we have elections. 

Not one conservative protest has been violent? Seriously? How about at the protest in Charlottesville? I'm not laying all the blame on either side in that one. I believe both sides were to blame for that fiasco, but there definitely was violence and all for what? Some stupid statues? 

I am neither a Democrat or a Republican. In fact, I believe all political parties should be abolished and all candidates should run strictly on their own merits without any party representation. As I said before, I have no dog in this fight. I'm simply saying what is so obvious to the rest of the United States. Trumpers are extremists. They've turned that arm of the Republican party into a cult like religion with Trump serving as their messiah. People who don't fall under his spell think his followers are crazy and when they see them attacking the capital, I find this no different than what David Koresh told his followers. It's like some people are willing to die for Trump and yesterday, some actually did! 

I never gave the left a pass on any of the riots they participated in. Those was ridiculous and horrible as well, but right now, there is no difference between these Trump rioters and the BLM rioters we've seen for months. They are all the same and they should all be locked up. Preferably together.

I am not speaking to the election specifically. Trump is the result of millions of conservatives feeling disenfranchised, and his power comes from that sentiment. You guys tend to inverse it, and I believe you are wrong. 

I should not have used majority in my original post. Conservativism is not a majority. I just meant it is a major ideology.

Fair point about Charlottesville. I forgot about that, because I don't consider it a conservative rally. That was largely an alt right rally, who coopted a conservative cause. I have a fundamental disagreement with the alt right being considered conservative, but that's for another thread. That said, I understand why some associate it with conservatism, and won't argue your point. 

There is a difference: There is disparate institutional condemnation of the events. You might not see a difference, but that is not the point I was making.
Trump has now been banned from facebook and  Instagram indefinitely
(01-07-2021, 12:14 PM)Jag88 Wrote: [ -> ]Trump has now been banned from facebook and  Instagram indefinitely

(01-07-2021, 10:43 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]The irony being that this is exactly one of the things which precipitated yesterday's events. You can only misrepresent, denigrate and ignore a large portion of the population before they react. 

One thing is for sure, this put the fear of god in the politicians. Hopefully it reminded them they represent people and not power and money lobbyists. Perhaps this will create pause for politicians the next time they want to stand in front of a microphone and blindly cast aversion on those who disagree with them.

Did you really think they were scared? Listen to all their prepared speeches and folding. They don't care about people, they think they know what is best. The uniparty is in complete control now. There won't even be anyone to disagree, maybe Paul will find his balls after losing them and make a useless speech.

The republic is over now. Laws have been rewritten to allow any vote, machines and people changing votes, foreign countries involved, etc. If you aren't approved, you aren't winning another election.

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