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Does the NFL test him for drugs during the suspension?

Quote:Does the NFL test him for drugs during the suspension?

I remember reading a post or article that implied that this suspension was derived from testing during his previous suspension...

Quote:Does the NFL test him for drugs during the suspension?

I think it's something outragous like 10 times a month now


Quote:<p style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">The first positive test for a "substance of abuse" results in the player formally entering an enhanced testing/treatment program, where the player is tested more frequently.

<p style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">A second positive test results in the player entering the "stages of intervention" outlined in the policy. "Stage 1" is the first stage in the policy and includes the player being referred to a "Regional Team" for his treatment. In Stage 1, the player can be tested as many times as the league's "Medical Director" desires to "adequately evaluate the player."

<p style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">A positive test while in Stage 1 can result in a fine equal to three weeks of a player's pay and results in entrance to Stage 2.

<p style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">A player remains under Stage 1 guidelines for 90 days, but the league's Medical Director can extend that time up to six months.

<p style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">In Stage 2, players are subject to unannounced testing up to 10 times a month. A positive test while in Stage 2 or failure to comply with the treatment program results in a fine equal to four game checks and a four-game suspension.

<p style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">Six-game suspensions are also possible in Stage 2.

<p style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">Players can appeal the fine and suspension within five business days of receiving the "notice of discipline."

<p style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">Players remain in Stage 2 for two full seasons or 24 consecutive months, whichever is shorter.

<p style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">Players move to Stage 3 if they have two positive tests when in Stage 2 or one positive test to go with one instance when the player failed to comply with the program.

<p style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">Players who are placed into Stage 3 remain in Stage 3 for the remainder of their careers.

<p style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">The minimum suspension for a violation in Stage 3 is a calendar year. 

And Blackmon's already in Stage 3. Ha, still can't believe it.
Also, here's a really good article by Yahoo Sports (Surprise surprise!) on Blackmon


Quote:I think it's something outragous like 10 times a month now
How is 10 consecutive months outrageous for a repeat offender?
Quote:How is 10 consecutive months outrageous for a repeat offender?
10 drug tests PER month
Quote:10 drug tests PER month
That's more like it.  I hope he has a good supply of specimen cups. Laughing


How long after usage can you get measurable test results? 
Quote:That's more like it. I hope he has a good supply of specimen cups. Laughing

How long after usage can you get measurable test results?

Marijuana - 2 weeks

Alcohol - 1,2 days

Cocaine - 1-3 days

The above applies only if you aren't a habitual or heavy user.

Ah, thanks. Completely forgot about that amidst all the suspensions. <_<
Quote:Marijuana - 2 weeks

Alcohol - 1,2 days

Cocaine - 1-3 days

The above applies only if you aren't a habitual or heavy user.
I assume if he's tested 10 times per month, marijuana was not the problem.
so that i dont have to read through 27 pages....


can anyone tell me what drug or drugs he keeps getting suspended for?

Quote:so that i dont have to read through 27 pages....


can anyone tell me what drug or drugs he keeps getting suspended for?

we don't know what substance just that he violated again.
Quote:we don't know what substance just that he violated again.

dang really? no leaks?


i mean it cant be alcohol obviously... it's not PED's... so that leaves weed, hard drugs like heroine type stuff... or prescription pills....


yet another top pick wasted.... just disgusting
Quote:dang really? no leaks?


i mean it cant be alcohol obviously... it's not PED's... so that leaves weed, hard drugs like heroine type stuff... or prescription pills....


yet another top pick wasted.... just disgusting

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the booger sugar, It seems to be big in Jacksonville, not just refering to Jaguar WR I've known a few guys get mixed up with it and they all say it's ease to get in Jax.
Quote:If you read Caldwell's statements you will hear him say something to the effect of Blackmon needing to be a good member of the community no matter what community that is.  Him not giving the definitive endorsement of him being a member of the Jacksonville community leads me to now believe that he may not be back. 
Caldwell giving Blackmon a "he will be back" vote of confidence would be idiotic at this point. Blackmon's repeatedly let the team and the community down, and even if Caldwell's plan is to bring him back next year, letting Blackmon flap about in the wind for a few months first would be a welcome wake-up call.


Quote:If they instead traded him to an NFC team, I still wouldn't agree/ or like it at all, but at least it would show SOME form of intelligence in the front office. 
What makes you think anyone wants to trade for a repeat offender who has very publicly lied to his team and his city?


I think there might be a trade market for Blackmon in February, if he's restated, but it would be highly conditional. Something like a 6th round pick in 2014, and a conditional pick in 2015 based upon Blackmon's not being suspended and reaching certain performance/playing time benchmarks.


Even that, I think, has a low likelihood of happening. I just don't see any GM clamoring to trade away a pick for a guy who, if we take his current behavior trends into play, may not last more than another season in the league. That's not to say I wouldn't be shopping Blackmon like crazy the second he's reinstated, but it'd be a tough sell, and it would probably be conditional low-round picks.


The DUI was the letdown. The holdout was, actually, justified-ish. Blackmon was being offered an unusually-structured deal, with large sums of money based upon his ability to stay out of trouble. I say "ish" because he put himself in that position, but if his agent had not held Blackmon out to try and squeeze every last penny possible out of the Jags, he'd have been negligent.


Quote:I assume if he's tested 10 times per month, marijuana was not the problem.
That's standard for everyone. If it were drug-specific, it would be way too easy to figure out who's doing what, and that's a lawsuit-worthy breach of confidentiality.
Quote:I wouldn't be surprised if it was the booger sugar, It seems to be big in Jacksonville, not just refering to Jaguar WR I've known a few guys get mixed up with it and they all say it's ease to get in Jax.

ahh you know what i didnt even think of that one, and i bet you that is exactly what it is... that makes the most sense... if it was just weed i feel like we would have heard that by now... and it obviously isnt.... its probably definitely coke
Quote:I really don't see anything sad or tragic.  There are lots of addicts in the world.  This one's rent and bills are paid, he's not trying to fix and stressing over how rent is going to get paid.  He's not neglecting children.  Will have more resources and options bestowed upon him than ninety percent of addicts.  I mean come on, the guy gets high, who cares?


I just hope this year doesn't get credited to his contract for what four games?  He'll be back next year and be very good at his job again.  If the Jags do release him he'll probably make more money with a new signing bonus somewhere else.  Not really too much sadness going on.  

I believe this season won't be credited to Justin Blackmon's contract.


The following article discusses Practice Squad eligibility but it mentions the following that should apply to Blackmon:




Players gain an accrued season by being on the active roster for at least six games.
Quote:Nobody is saying it's easy to overcome addictions.  However, for Blackmon, as a player in the National Football League, he's got access to world class treatments that Joe six pack can't afford, and in many instances, the team is picking up the tab.  This guy is literally a month removed from a suspension, and he's now done for the year because he didn't get the help necessary to overcome this.  He worked out with the team and sat in meetings, but he clearly didn't do the stuff that he should have been doing to get his life in order.


I hope he gets the help he needs to get past this, but I'm done defending the guy.  He's an adult with an addiction problem who has failed to learn his lesson after multiple flags going up trying to get him on the right track. 


If he was seriously trying to get on the right track, do you think the following would have happened?


I got a call about this an hour ago.  A friend of mine lives near him, and frequents the same package store he does.  The counter guy knows my friend is a huge Jags fan.  She went in to pick up libations for the weekend, and the guy said Justin was the first customer in the door this morning and that he spent several hundred dollars on booze.  This is after he's been told he's suspended indefinitely.  Again, he's got a problem, and he's addressing it in the worst possible way.  Some people just can't be helped. 


   What you mentioned basically demonstrates that Justin Blackmon's desire for alcohol is noticeably greater than his desire to play in the NFL.     Unless Blackmon gets into a treatment program AND is convinced that must give up drinking and any other substance that could jeopardize his career,    Blackmon's NFL future looks bleak.      Even worse than that,   Blackmon is currently on a path to destruction.     The next few months are critical for him,   whether he realizes it or not.   
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