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Quote:1 sack. 1 tfl, 3 Qb hits and 3 pds

I think it is absolutely ok to say he had a good game and it is sure as hell ok to say he deserves it.
Yep and if he had a sack a game like that, that's pretty good. Some people think getting sacks are easy. 1 sack a game = 16 sacks a year. That's among the leagues best.
Really ppl.... What are you getting out of this argument? Can't we just enjoy the results of the game and the performances of the young players? Smh
Quote:Really ppl.... What are you getting out of this argument? Can't we just enjoy the results of the game and the performances of the young players? Smh
We all knew there would be a few. We even said it in the game thread.
Quote:Really ppl.... What are you getting out of this argument? Can't we just enjoy the results of the game and the performances of the young players? Smh
not around here we can't! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!
Quote:Yep and if he had a sack a game like that, that's pretty good. Some people think getting sacks are easy. 1 sack a game = 16 sacks a year. That's among the leagues best.

I'm surprised that's not more the norm, considering how much teams pass the ball these days. Pass rushers are hard to find, I'm excited about Yannick. Fowler had a good game today.
Double trouble!
56 was a force today.


I realize some on here would rather stick to their agenda, but he influenced everything.


As far as the terrible notion of getting a sack on a stunt, well, they read it, unfortunately, DFJ was there in under 2 seconds to lay the wood.

Quote:You could make that arguement about any QB in the league stepping into a sack on more than one occasion. You really love picking nits huh?

Quote:40% of his sacks this year came last game. Unblocked on the stunt around Cann, and unblocked on the read option keeper that Blake read horribly. 


Sure those count as two sacks on the stat sheet, but that's why sacks above all other stats need some nuance. 
For example, I added the same nuance to Clowney's "sacks" against the Jags last week. When Fowler gets a sack by legitimately winning 1v1 against an NFL tackle I will give him the praise he would deserve. It'll happen at some point...
Quote:For example, I added the same nuance to Clowney's "sacks" against the Jags last week. When Fowler gets a sack by legitimately winning 1v1 against an NFL tackle I will give him the praise he would deserve. It'll happen at some point...

Just let us know when twitter tells you so.
Quote:For example, I added the same nuance to Clowney's "sacks" against the Jags last week. When Fowler gets a sack by legitimately winning 1v1 against an NFL tackle I will give him the praise he would deserve. It'll happen at some point...

How about you factor in the remarkable athleticism he showed in turning the corner on that stunt?


It was like an instant.  As much as the getting 100% issue is there, so is the coaching staff turning him loose.


That was not a play everyone makes.  There were several others as well.
Quote:For example, I added the same nuance to Clowney's "sacks" against the Jags last week. When Fowler gets a sack by legitimately winning 1v1 against an NFL tackle I will give him the praise he would deserve. It'll happen at some point...

Well, I just hope Santa leaves you some new Beasley PJs in the morning, I'm sure your old ones are kinda raggedy by now.
Quote:Sure, and I wouldn't give complete credit to a different defender who was the recipient of poor QB pocket presence either. I judge Fowler like I would any other player, no fandom skewed glasses on for anyone.
you a straight hater lol. Aint gotta lie to kick it!
Quote:you a straight hater lol. Aint gotta lie to kick it!

His criticisms are so clearly biased that it makes me, the king of the Gata Hata Club, speak out in Fowler's defense.

What a world...
Quote:you a straight hater lol. Aint gotta lie to kick it!
Some people are just miserable people. Nothing you can do to change his warped view of things. Lol.
Quote:i know your history of your post and its one of the worst this board has ever seen. This dont suprise me. Howard took the Magic to a final and would be more than happy if Dante could do that. Fowler a Florida boy and wont leave Jags like Howard left Magic though. Another [BAD WORD REMOVED] post by you
You know someone's history of post on here? Shows how lame your [BLEEP] is out here. Never paid any attention to you until you responded to me. And don't need the Magic history lesson either; I'm from Orlando and been watching them since '89. They actually lost one of those Finals games because he couldn't hit his free throws you almanac. Another point since you can't read worth a damn is I was talking about the kicker not Fowler. But I'm not shocked your comprehension is on the level on a first grader either.
Merry Christmas one and all
I'll admit he had a great game. Also, haven't seen as many boneheaded penalties from him in awhile
Quote:I'll admit he had a great game. Also, haven't seen as many boneheaded penalties from him in awhile

The announcers were really trying to say that his sack was an illegal hit. If that was illegal then we need to end the whole damn game, because it was the kind of play we show up to see.
Quote:You know someone's history of post on here? Shows how lame your [BAD WORD REMOVED] is out here. Never paid any attention to you until you responded to me. And don't need the Magic history lesson either; I'm from Orlando and been watching them since '89. They actually lost one of those Finals games because he couldn't hit his free throws you almanac. Another point since you can't read worth a damn is I was talking about the kicker not Fowler. But I'm not shocked your comprehension is on the level on a first grader either.
"But I'm not shocked your comprehension is on the level on a first grader either" lol. I was on a Fowler rant my bad, to many tequila shots to the dome. You are blind though if you are still calling for Myers head. And what do you mean you never paid any attention until i responded to you? You responded to me first . You have never brought anything halfway decent to this board but to bash the players. Thats every post i have ever seen from yours. If you have i apologize, i guess i missed it. Howard is the main reason we even made it to the finals though. You probably have memory loss
Quote:It's actually the exact opposite. People are reaching so hard to try to validate Fowler that they count two complete free rushes and one pretty decent pass rush as having a good game.

I am more than ready to heap praise on Fowler when he actually deserves it.
People are reaching? We came here JUST to say he had a good game then you start picking apart his good plays.
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