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Full Version: 50 Dead at Orlando Night Club The Pulse In Act Of Terror
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Quote:Yes it is.  We know the media are proven liars.  We know that NORAD and Pentagon officials lied so many times to the 9/11 Commission that the Commission considered criminal charges.  We know that nobody died at Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing was a hoax with staged amputees and phony blood packets.  So all diligent citizens have a natural skepticism about these events. 

Wow, I'm amazed at what we know...
He was a well regulated militia that is necessary for the free state badger.
In Florida no alcohol can be served after 1:00 AM.  Yet this bar was allegedly packed with 320 partying patrons at 2 AM.  And why did security let a new customer in at 2:00 AM?  Besides being closed for business, did they not notice his assault rifle, suicide vest and hundreds of rounds of ammo?  Pretty hard to conceal all that on a 90-degree night in Florida.  Somebody even said the shooter came in and had a drink before he started shooting.  That's snappy service, getting a drink an hour after they stopped serving. 


1.) that's the position of the PC crowd. 


2.) I was being sarcastic.  please pay attention before you post.
Quote:Wow, I'm amazed at what we know...

Ask the FBI how many died at Sandy Hook.  They say zero and I tend to agree.
Quote:The point is that you really can't eliminate the risk, freedom is messy, and we do our best to walk the line between safety and freedom knowing that guys like this are out there and want to kill us.
No argument there. I like the idea of increasing the ability for individuals to carry concealed, even though I think that might lead to an overall increase in gun violence. I don't own a gun, and don't plan on it, but the idea of a few folks who are so minded having means to stop a bloodbath has some appeal to me. The only real change that might affect things would be eliminating assault weapons from purchase altogether, and I don't see that happening in our political climate.
He had a drink? Doesn't sound like a very good Muslim.
Quote:JJ you keep mentioning the being Islamic, but the guy is an American. What are you suggesting? Lock up all the Muslims? You can't deport him anywhere as he's an American citizen. So what is your solution? Also the guy hoping to shoot the gay guys in LA doesn't look typically islamic?


The guy was on the FBI radar and he's able to get hold of weapons, there is disbelief at that over here.

If you're not going to read the things i take the time to post then why bother with a response.  please show me where i used the word Deport 1 time?  


And i woke up this morning to find that the quote attributed to the Bernie Sanders supporter in LA was retracted and that he never directly expressed an intent to do harm.  
Quote:He was a well regulated militia that is necessary for the free state badger.

I dont know why people were scared of this guy doing something. He's muslim. That rules out any possibility for violence since he believes in a religion of peace.


That's why he passed the background check to buy his guns. He's muslim. These guys are always well behaved.
Quote:Ask the FBI how many died at Sandy Hook.  They say zero and I tend to agree.
Had to head to snopes to find out what you were blathering about. Pretty good trolling.
Quote:No argument there. I like the idea of increasing the ability for individuals to carry concealed, even though I think that might lead to an overall increase in gun violence. I don't own a gun, and don't plan on it, but the idea of a few folks who are so minded having means to stop a bloodbath has some appeal to me. The only real change that might affect things would be eliminating assault weapons from purchase altogether, and I don't see that happening in our political climate.

You really want people carrying guns in a nightclub? Drinking heavily and guns doesn't seem like a great mix.
Quote:You really want people carrying guns in a nightclub? Drinking heavily and guns doesn't seem like a great mix.

Someone has to have the ability to stop massacres like this. 
Quote:Someone has to have the ability to stop massacres like this.

The guy who gave him the gun had that opportunity?
Quote:In Florida no alcohol can be served after 1:00 AM.  

If you're basing your theory on this then you've mislaid your cornerstone.
Quote:What the hell does that even mean? If you are saying that any 'legal' system that advocates killing individuals for homosexuality, adultery, or other transgressions is not ok, I don't think you will get much argument. Regarding a meaningful discussion on Shariah law, when was the last time we really had a meaningful discussion on much of anything to do with foreign policy? We do not have the most engaged citizenry, and never really have. Not sure what this discussion would entail, but wth, we can chat about it right now. From my perspective, San Bernadino and Orlando were a few nut jobs acting not at the directive on any terrorist organization, but trying to gain some credibility for their frustration by linking it to ISIS. I don't see ISIS as the key here, I see a few unstable individuals. Don't get me wrong, that is in no way apologetics for ISIS, just not willing to overstate their importance. 

As i stated above, the declaration of a caliphate is a call to arms for the faith.  The credibility of the caliphate is predicated on its ability to hold land.  Whether the attacks were bonafide planned by ISIS or just ISIS inspired is irrelevant (although in the case of San Bernandino there is evidence to support the idea that it was a greater plot and ISIS had foreshadowing of an attack in Florida 3 days ago and almost immediate claims of responsibility.)  The point is that the thing drawing people from countries across the world to join this fight is the doctrinal definition of a caliphate and the success ISIS has in establishing defacto statehood (holding land).  The way to sever the tie is to destroy or displace the caliphate.  Until then you will see the frequency of these attacks continue to increase until the 4.5 billion comply with the beliefs of the 1.6 billion.  
Quote:If you're basing your theory on this then you've mislaid your cornerstone.

Also if this is true I feel bad for you guys! No wonder you want less regulations over there.
Quote:Also if this is true I feel bad for you guys! No wonder you want less regulations over there.

Last Call is generally a local ordinance, here where we are it's usually at 1:45 with closing at 2am. Orlando is the same AFAIK.
Quote:Someone has to have the ability to stop massacres like this. 


Alcohol, firearms, dark, crowded nightclubs.


I mean, what could go wrong.


I mean, what could go wrong.

Quote:Alcohol, firearms, dark, crowded nightclubs.


I mean, what could go wrong.


I mean, what could go wrong.

CCW holders know the rules about not drinking while carrying, they're like DDs that way.
Quote:CCW holders know the rules about not drinking while carrying, they're like DDs that way.

Sober in a nightclub? Who does that?
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