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Quote:Come on it's a given that at the very least our government covered up saudia Arabia's role in 9/11 then sent us into Iraq for a decade over bad Intel. The fact that they covered and pivoted imply some foul play but the average citizen doesn't care as long as Walmart has low prices, mcdonalds drive thru stays open, and we have football on Sunday.

It's not exclusive to bush as liberals will tell you, Obama was caught red handed sending guns into Mexico then stumping about guns violence on the border and we need more laws! Yet no revolution.

The Federal Reserve played duck duck goose with the markets and interest rates, the feds created legislation for a subprime market and then used our tax dollars to bail out banks while they threw thousands out on the street, yet no revolution.

America is to complacent to ever truly revolt, change will come in the form of a slow bleed if ever here.
Iran Contra, etc etc...But to think the moon landing, 9/11, mass murders were part of govt plots are over the top.

Overthrowing govts, plotting against allies in trade wars,and so on are what govts do without informing their populace.

But I agree, John Q Public has his head up his [BAD WORD REMOVED] and is overly complacent. Until it affects them personally, it's like oh well, poor them, glad it wasn't me. When it is...it's too late
Quote:Iran Contra, etc etc...But to think the moon landing, 9/11, mass murders were part of govt plots are over the top.

Overthrowing govts, plotting against allies in trade wars,and so on are what govts do without informing their populace.

But I agree, John Q Public has his head up his [BAD WORD REMOVED] and is overly complacent. Until it affects them personally, it's like oh well, poor them, glad it wasn't me. When it is...it's too late

I agree with you on all of these points. Except 9/11, that one is still fishy to me.

I know most people think the truthers if 9/11 are crazy, but there's alot of points they make that creates suspicion in my mind
Look, they LEGALIZED false flag operations in 2013 when they amended the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948.  The original act authorized the use of propaganda programs by the government but limited these operations to outside the United States.  But the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 altered Smith-Mundt to allow domestic operations also.  This includes the use of radio, TV, internet and social media. 


If Orlando was a government operation it is completely legal.  How's that make you feel?  They can legally concoct an operation to deceive the public in order to achieve a political result.  Why do you doubt they would use this completely legal tactic when legislative efforts have failed to achieve the desired result? 

Quote:Look, they LEGALIZED false flag operations in 2013 when they amended the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948. The original act authorized the use of propaganda programs by the government but limited these operations to outside the United States. But the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 altered Smith-Mundt to allow domestic operations also. This includes the use of radio, TV, internet and social media.

If Orlando was a government operation it is completely legal. How's that make you feel? They can legally concoct an operation to deceive the public in order to achieve a political result. Why do you doubt they would use this completely legal tactic when legislative efforts have failed to achieve the desired result?

Ok... so let me ask you, in terms of what happened in Orlando:

1. Who's they, specifically?

2. What political result was intended to occur?
Quote:Ok... so let me ask you, in terms of what happened in Orlando:

1. Who's they, specifically?

2. What political result was intended to occur?

lol ... you're just going to wade in deeper and deeper, aren't you? Try not to drown - it's going to get real murky.
Quote:Thanks Biff...

So, my rant regarding JT's implecation really was a quick response to the fact that at the point in the discussion there were alot of moving parts which were not tied down yet. I still think that it wasn't a religious act or an act that was inspired by their devotion to Islam. If I recall correctly when I posted my response, we already knew that the shooter was confused (regarding his pledge of allegiance to 2 opposing terrorist groups)and that there was more to this than just being a radical Islamist.

At the time, the father seemed less sketchy than he does now. Let's not forget that at this time there was a Wall Street Journal article that mentioned that the father was not a terrorist leaning Afghani with a radical islamist slant, but identified very heavily in his tribal/national/ethnic background and sided against Pakistan based on this fact.

With that said, I do think I jumped down JT's throat regarding his bias, when in fact I was confusing him with other posters. For that, JT, I do apologize.

All good in the Jaguar Political Hood.
Quote:Ok... so let me ask you, in terms of what happened in Orlando:

1. Who's they, specifically?

2. What political result was intended to occur?

Taking the 2 questions together, I would conclude it's some faction that wants more gun control. 
Quote:Taking the 2 questions together, I would conclude it's some faction that wants more gun control.

I would come to the same conclusion.

However, if this faction is so well organized and powerful that they could pull off a false flag like this, wouldn't the be organized enough to know that the gridlock in congress would never allow gun control to pass?

Conversely, if the faction was sui powerful to pull this off without ever getting outed, couldn't they just back door enough politicians to get gun control passed?
What better way to break the gridlock?  Gun control is on the Congressional agenda as we speak. 

Quote:What better way to break the gridlock? Gun control is on the Congressional agenda as we speak.

I guess... but if you admit to the amount of resources, power, and planning involved for this false flag...

It seems like the "Orlando operation" has been... inefficient, at best...

And the sandy hook operation was an out right failure
Well 9/11 was such a success.  I mean people literally believe people in the middle east are actually doing something crazy like blowing themselves up to kill people.  I mean who'd believe something like that, am I right?  Those middle easterners sure are peaceful people.  

Quote:Well 9/11 was such a success. I mean people literally believe people in the middle east are actually doing something crazy like blowing themselves up to kill people. I mean who'd believe something like that, am I right? Those middle easterners sure are peaceful people.

Lol, there's no doubt that the aftermath of 9/11 fundamentally transformed America, and made alot of Bush and Cheney's friends very, very rich.
I'm no fan of Bush or Cheney, but I do not by any means believe that they would conspire to kill or allow to be killed 3000 American citizens for profit.

Quote:I'm no fan of Bush or Cheney, but I do not by any means believe that they would conspire to kill or allow to be killed 3000 American citizens for profit.

Yeah, I hear ya. I watched way too many YouTube videos a few years back. I'm a recovering truther, but my wife has to bring me back from the deep end every fall.
Republicans control both houses yet Congress is voting on gun control measures and will likely pass something.  After Sandy Hook there was a rash of Executive Orders and some very strict legislation like the NY Safe Act quickly passed at the state level.  After San Bernadino, California passed a bunch of new gun control measures which will only inconvenience law-abiding gun owners.  Obama has added more Executive Orders along the way. 


If they get what they want this time, they can take away anyone's gun rights and they don't even have to explain why.  That's not a small thing. 


As for needing all these resources, power and planning, what resources?  They don't have to buy anybody off.  The media is complicit.  Where was the media outcry when they learned they were going to be used to transmit propaganda against the America people?  There was none.  Google and Facebook have already been caught altering search results and trending news.  Hillary has the DNC in her pocket, the mainstream media, social media, the White House, the State Department, the Justice Department, Wall Street...and she still can't beat an elderly communist without cheating. 


Bottom line, when was the media ever honest?  Long time ago maybe.  Not now. 

Quote:Ok... so let me ask you, in terms of what happened in Orlando:

1. Who's they, specifically?

2. What political result was intended to occur?

Gun control advocates. More gun control.

You're welcome.
I am going to say this, something happened in Orlando.  I don't believe we the people have been given all of the facts and what we have been fed has been altered.  

For starters in all of the video that came out immediately after the incident does anyone recall seeing a single ambulance?  We saw police cars applenty, we saw civilians carrying patrons but no EMT's?  That is curious.


Second with all the cell phones in that building why so little video?  The youth of today film everything 24/7 so where is the mass video we have grown accustomed to seeing from 24 different angles at the same time?  


Something about the narrative of this story is just not right.

Quote:Ok... so let me ask you, in terms of what happened in Orlando:

1. Who's they, specifically?

2. What political result was intended to occur?

1. Illuminati

2. World Domination.


1. Westboro Baptists

2. Two Bathrooms only
Loretta Lynch admits the Feds have lost track of Noor Salman, the shooter's wife.  This is preposterous.  And why did the FBI instruct Salman to lie to the press about Mateen being gay?  Why would the FBI want to control the narrative?  Because this is a political operation, not an investigation. 

Quote:Well 9/11 was such a success. I mean people literally believe people in the middle east are actually doing something crazy like blowing themselves up to kill people. I mean who'd believe something like that, am I right? Those middle easterners sure are peaceful people.

Before 9/11 there really weren't any suicide bombings taking place in Iraq.
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