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Full Version: 50 Dead at Orlando Night Club The Pulse In Act Of Terror
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Quote:What are you the thought police?  Dude, get real.  You and badger look at reality and see Stallone movies.
With all that has been discovered in the short time this act occurred how can you even argue with JJ's point?  
Quote:Well my liberal friend, I don't base my opinion on "popular" points of view, I form and make my own opinion based on the facts that I know.  I'm a logical kind of person, hence Spock as my avatar.  It's no secret that I lean to the right on most issues, but at some point we need to get rid of the "left v.s right" thing.


The main issue that the Federal Government should be focusing on, in my opinion is the War on Terror.  Gun rights, gay rights, etc. is not the important issue at hand.  Being PC is not the way to be a leader.  It has to be said, called and dealt with for what it is.




By the way my liberal friend, I don't take meds but I did decide to bust open a beer today after work.

Nothin' wrong with a little self medication from time to time.  


I think the concept of the "War on Terror" is really the discussion that needs to be had.  The gun issue is also important.  But I tend to grow weary of discussing it over and over again.


To my recollection, we've never really discussed the "War on Terror", and I think it would be a good discussion.  Have you noticed, with every one of these acts of violence, we talk about the terrorist, then we talk about the victims, then we talk more about the terrorist, and then we move on.  The media absolutley sucks at actually discussing the causes of terrorism, potential reasons for why these people do what they do, and what can be done to solve the problem.


Trump's idiocy of keeping muslims out won't work, and is not a true discussion.  So, if any trumpette wants to weigh in, please provide my depth then your simpleton candidate has.  Or at least, link him saying something more than we need to keep muslims out.


Otherwise, I'd like to hear some thoughts...  Starting with this:


What do you think are the causes that have resulted in us declaring a "War on Terror"?  And is a "War on Terror" even the right approach?  I mean, look how much an abject failure our other so called "Wars" have been...  I'm lookin' at you drugs, poverty, et all...
Quote:No, you absolutely cannot discard Due Process this way. This is exactly how it starts, first Due Process goes, then Habeas Corpus, Presumption of Innocence, then the show trials start, people disappear for no reason at all and one day it's YOU who ends up on the wrong list. We have rights, ALL of us, until we are proven guilty of a crime. We cannot permit rash decisions made in emotional moments to destroy the foundations of Western Civilization.
Haven't you heard? War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength!
Quote:From what we have learned about the guy, I draw 2 conclusions so far:

1) Systemic failure. Lots of red flags. I agree with all that.

2) His motivations are a whole soup of things. Anger management issues. Religion. And, the fact that he was gay and had a hard time reconciling his gayness with his religious views. Throw in his anger management problems, and you have an explosive mix.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/orlando-gunman-had-used-gay-dating-app-visited-nightclub-witnesses-say/ar-AAh0eVN?li=BBnb7Kz'>Why I think he was gay. </a>

This guy had some deep inner conflicts, anger management issues, and he just flipped out. He was on some kind of FBI watch list but the fact that the FBI dropped him from the list is what allowed him to buy those guns without setting off some kind of alarm in the system. We need to tighten that up perhaps.

But what this has to do with immigration is almost nothing, because he was not an immigrant.
His father is a pro taliban Afghan immigrant.
Quote:Do me a favor and quit reading my posts until your tinfoil hat becomes too uncomfortable to wear.

I do note you never bother providing answers, just go to that tried and true response of all know-nothings.


Again, how did we vet the Syrian refugees?  What is the process?  How are they brought to this country and what happens to them when they arrive? 
Quote:His father is a pro taliban Afghan immigrant.

But the shooter was born in the United States and was an American citizen.  The shooter was not an immigrant.  


If you take a look at the mass shootings that have occurred in the last few years, very few that I can recall have been perpetrated by immigrants.  Most of them have been perpetrated by American citizens.  Including this one.   So you're not going to stop them by shutting off immigration.  

1.)The father shouldn't have been in the country.

2.) if you publicly swear allegiance to a foreign power or terrorist cell and express the desire to harm Americans your citizenship should be revoked.

3.) San Bernardino was a migrant here on a fiancé visa.

4.) boston: asylum seekers.

5.) 9-11 over stayed student visas in some cases.

Is there a magic bullet? No. Are there logical steps that we should take as a country? Yes.

Stop importing people from parts of the world that don't share our basic values.

All those that do come into the country must be affirmatively vetted over long periods of time.

The importance of assimilation and maintaining our culture can never take a back seat to PCism.
Shooter was well known to Feds since he was a kid.  He mocked American schoolmates on 9/11 and pretended to be a plane hitting a building.  Was injured in a police car ride-along at age 19.  Is a closet gay who was well-known at Pulse.  His father is on video saying gays must be killed.  Father is a Pashtun Afghan who have a deep culture of sex with boys.  But they don't consider sex with boys gay because "we do not love our boys".  No wonder the shooter was so conflicted.  
Why does it feel like a couple people are actually defending the shooter?

Quote:His father is a pro taliban Afghan immigrant.

He also condemned his son's actions. He went to far as to call it terrorism abs he would have narc'd on his own son of he knew what he was planning.

Proof positive of your true disingenuous agenda pushing, you ignore this fact in order to try and solidify your opinion. Sad.
Quote:Why does it feel like a couple people are actually defending the shooter?

I'm assuming reading comprehension issues...
Note the date and time for this article:



Quote:Stop importing people from parts of the world that don't share our basic values.

All those that do come into the country must be affirmatively vetted over long periods of time.

The importance of assimilation and maintaining our culture can never take a back seat to PCism.

We should have done this with Italians because of la cosa nostra. The Germans because of the Nazis. Iranians because of hostages and theocratic government. And why are we letting in any Africans, cuz look at Chicago.

Your solutions are anti American bigotry....

Trump's idiocy of keeping muslims out won't work, and is not a true discussion.  So, if any trumpette wants to weigh in, please provide my depth then your simpleton candidate has.  Or at least, link him saying something more than we need to keep muslims out.

How can you call someone who has accomplished more in life than you ever will, made more money as a 20 year old than you ever will in your entire life, has a beautiful family, and has created history a simpleton? Maybe you are the simpleton Sherlock.

Quote:How can you call someone who has accomplished more in life than you ever will, made more money as a 20 year old than you ever will in your entire life, has a beautiful family, and has created history a simpleton? Maybe you are the simpleton Sherlock.

A man's wealth is not a reflection of his intelligence.

Specifically speaking about his political policies, he's an idiot.

I'll concede that he is very smart in bankruptcy law and media relations. 2 areas that he has alot of experience in.

But I stand by my statement regarding his policies for America. He's a simpleton.
Quote:1.)The father shouldn't have been in the country.

Stop importing people from parts of the world that don't share our basic values.

His father is Afghan. They were an ally of ours in the 80's. We helped fund their war against the Soviets.

Quote:He also condemned his son's actions. He went to far as to call it terrorism abs he would have narc'd on his own son of he knew what he was planning.

Proof positive of your true disingenuous agenda pushing, you ignore this fact in order to try and solidify your opinion. Sad.

Right again oh wise one. In fully sure the pro taliban dad was completely sincere in condemning his pro iris son for acting on the beliefs the father taught him.

The world HAS gone stark raving mad.
Quote:His father is Afghan. They were an ally of ours in the 80's. We helped fund their war against the Soviets.

Hood that work out for us. 35 years later and gays are still executed in aghhan the taliban is returning to power and we have long lines at the airport and night clubs being shot up.
Quote:A man's wealth is not a reflection of his intelligence.

Specifically speaking about his political policies, he's an idiot.

I'll concede that he is very smart in bankruptcy law and media relations. 2 areas that he has alot of experience in.

But I stand by my statement regarding his policies for America. He's a simpleton.

Ok, so he is a politicial simpleton in your opinion? That is ok for you to think that. Different than being Hodor.


A mans wealth does not reflect intelligence, but attending an Ivy League school does. I don't care how much influence his father may or may not of had at getting him in, you have to be smart to stay in.

Quote:Shooter was well known to Feds since he was a kid.  He mocked American schoolmates on 9/11 and pretended to be a plane hitting a building.  Was injured in a police car ride-along at age 19.  Is a closet gay who was well-known at Pulse.  His father is on video saying gays must be killed.  Father is a Pashtun Afghan who have a deep culture of sex with boys.  But they don't consider sex with boys gay because "we do not love our boys".  No wonder the shooter was so conflicted.  

But it's all the Baptists' fault.

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