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Quote:I don't care if they are cops.  If you arm everyone at a rave with a gun, you are asking for a massacre. 

Quote:Trumps comments on Twitter was panned by everyone, not just the person who posted it here. He basically took credit for being "right" before Isis took credit for the shootings. He's disgusting. 

People interpret things however they see fit to support their agenda. People were tweeting at Trump giving him credit for calling it. He didn't want credit.
Quote:Trumps comments on Twitter was panned by everyone, not just the person who posted it here. He basically took credit for being "right" before Isis took credit for the shootings. He's disgusting. 

You do know in that same tweet he said he didn't want the credit, right?
Quote:Looks like you finally refilled your sanity prescription and have been actually taking your meds.

I just want to add a couple things.

I'm about facts. And as you point out, it's clear that a small cross section of Muslims are becoming brainwashed and are taking up arms. Everyone sees it. The problem I have, and our racist gop presumptive nominee, clearly defines it is this--this is not a war on Islam. All Muslims should not be feared, they are not all out to kill us. This rhetoric actually does more harm to our country than it helps. Trump is literally being used as a poster child for Isis.

As for gun control, jib---you may want to look at the republican trumpettes that are looking to lessen the 2nd amendment rights of some citizens... it's not just democrats on that point... at least not in the jungle....

Well my liberal friend, I don't base my opinion on "popular" points of view, I form and make my own opinion based on the facts that I know.  I'm a logical kind of person, hence Spock as my avatar.  It's no secret that I lean to the right on most issues, but at some point we need to get rid of the "left v.s right" thing.


The main issue that the Federal Government should be focusing on, in my opinion is the War on Terror.  Gun rights, gay rights, etc. is not the important issue at hand.  Being PC is not the way to be a leader.  It has to be said, called and dealt with for what it is.




By the way my liberal friend, I don't take meds but I did decide to bust open a beer today after work.

Quote:By the way my liberal friend, I don't take meds but I did decide to bust open a beer today after work.

How very haram of you. Watch yourself.
Quote:CCW holders know the rules about not drinking while carrying, they're like DDs that way.
Are those part of the law or just common sense suggestions.
Quote:Well my liberal friend, I don't base my opinion on "popular" points of view, I form and make my own opinion based on the facts that I know. I'm a logical kind of person, hence Spock as my avatar. It's no secret that I lean to the right on most issues, but at some point we need to get rid of the "left v.s right" thing.

The main issue that the Federal Government should be focusing on, in my opinion is the War on Terror. Gun rights, gay rights, etc. is not the important issue at hand. Being PC is not the way to be a leader. It has to be said, called and dealt with for what it is.


By the way my liberal friend, I don't take meds but I did decide to bust open a beer today after work.

Addressing multiple things at one time is possible. Doing so doesnt mean something isn't happening with the issue you do care about.
Quote:Addressing multiple things at one time is possible. Doing so doesnt mean something isn't happening with the issue you do care about.

Yeah, it's the fallacy of relative privation.
Quote:Are those part of the law or just common sense suggestions.

The law says you can't be impaired anywhere, but you currently can't carry in a bar.
Quote:Addressing multiple things at one time is possible. Doing so doesnt mean something isn't happening with the issue you do care about.

I'm not following you on this one.
Sounds like this maniacs ex had a lot of details.
Quote:Addressing multiple things at one time is possible. Doing so doesnt mean something isn't happening with the issue you do care about.
Addressing multiple things through the prism of political correctness is nothing more than pure folly. 


You're not going to hug the hate out of radicals.  They are at war with the United States, and because we lack the understanding and leadership to recognize that the only way to deal with cancer is to stop metastasis and kill the disease.  We have leadership who still thinks this can be contained through appeasement and a lot of talk.  They don't recognize that the enemy simply sees that as weakness, and they continue to escalate the violence in return.


I'm not a war monger by any means, but when you see how this cancer has spread, at some point you have to come to the conclusion that the only way to address this is to kill it at the root.  This radical mindset threatens the stability of this country in a way that I don't think the progressive world really understands.  They're so focused on things like BLM, LBGT, abortion rights, growing entitlement programs to include things like free college, and a host of other pet projects the left tends to gravitate toward that they don't realize we're at war. 


What happened yesterday wasn't out of the norm if you're in some middle eastern country.  They toss homosexuals off of buildings, hang them, shoot them, behead them, and torture them relentlessly.  We just got a taste of that reality here in the United States. 


It's time for the United States to declare war against ISIS/ISIL.  I know that as a nation, we are war weary, but until we deal with this issue, and do it in a serious manner, we're going to be living in fear of the next attack.  We faced a similar radical mindset on two fronts in WWII, and we didn't shy away from what needed to be done.  We attacked it head on.  That needs to happen now, but honestly I don't think we have the leadership from either side who will be able to make the case for this unless we start to see bigger and more audacious attacks on US soil. 


Quote:Sounds like this maniacs ex had a lot of details.
No kidding.  Was her phone broken because she sure as heck didn't have any trouble finding a camera less than 24 hours after the killings happened.  A call to 911 with a heads up wasn't possible?  She knew he was scouting targets.  Never thought about making a phone call?
Quote:Yes, you want our country to let everybody in no questions asked. That's what we are doing... So you win. All in the name of some misplaced feeling of self righteousness that you don't judge others based on nationality.

In the case of Syrian refugees, you're wrong. They are vetted.
Quote:Addressing multiple things through the prism of political correctness is nothing more than pure folly. 


You're not going to hug the hate out of radicals.  They are at war with the United States, and because we lack the understanding and leadership to recognize that the only way to deal with cancer is to stop metastasis and kill the disease.  We have leadership who still thinks this can be contained through appeasement and a lot of talk.  They don't recognize that the enemy simply sees that as weakness, and they continue to escalate the violence in return.


I'm not a war monger by any means, but when you see how this cancer has spread, at some point you have to come to the conclusion that the only way to address this is to kill it at the root.  This radical mindset threatens the stability of this country in a way that I don't think the progressive world really understands.  They're so focused on things like BLM, LBGT, abortion rights, growing entitlement programs to include things like free college, and a host of other pet projects the left tends to gravitate toward that they don't realize we're at war. 


What happened yesterday wasn't out of the norm if you're in some middle eastern country.  They toss homosexuals off of buildings, hang them, shoot them, behead them, and torture them relentlessly.  We just got a taste of that reality here in the United States. 


It's time for the United States to declare war against ISIS/ISIL.  I know that as a nation, we are war weary, but until we deal with this issue, and do it in a serious manner, we're going to be living in fear of the next attack.  We faced a similar radical mindset on two fronts in WWII, and we didn't shy away from what needed to be done.  We attacked it head on.  That needs to happen now, but honestly I don't think we have the leadership from either side who will be able to make the case for this unless we start to see bigger and more audacious attacks on US soil. 



The key thing being LEADERSHIP.


We are now being forced to vote in an "American Idol" kind of election.  It's more about who is "more popular" rather than who is more qualified.  Neither side can tout the "qualifications" of their candidate.  A large majority of conservatives and/or Republicans don't like Trump.  A vast majority of liberals and Democrats don't like Hillary Clinton.


Those are pretty much the two choices that we face this coming November.  Which of those two would come out and seriously do something regarding the War on Terror?  Clinton will try to take guns away and Trump will try to build a wall.  We are so [BLEEP].
plus if you hate muslims, how about taking refugees of other faiths from Syria?

Quote:In the case of Syrian refugees, you're wrong. They are vetted.
What was the specific process by which they were vetted?   Did an administration representative ask each person if they were members of ISIS, and if they said no, they were passed through.  If they said yes, they were put in a holding cell for a day before being released?


I'm serious, every report I've seen about the vetting process for these refugees indicates it's almost impossible to adequately do so.  The record keeping in Syria is minimal at best, if it hasn't been destroyed by the civil war there all together. 
Quote:That's not true, I've known a few very non-religious homophobes.


Ok, but would they kill because of it? I doubt that. In this case we know his religion, and that his religion advocates actually killing them.

Quote:Yeah, the Christian God hasn't had it out for the gays en masse for decades. That is so 80's.
God doesn't have it out for anyone. It's the overzealous people that do. That's all I'm saying per CoC rules. 
Quote:You do know in that same tweet he said he didn't want the credit, right?

Surrrrrre he didn't. I don't want credit..but...

Gimme a break. Why even bring it up in this fashion...I don't want credit...blah blah blah.

IF he wins the election, I'll be interested to hear his excuses when this happens again....and it will.

I didn't edit that quote one bit, and I can't believe anyone can miss Trump's implication.   Click the link and read the whole article if you want.   What Trump is saying is pretty clear.  


Here.  Here's the first part of the article: 




Donald Trump stepped up his criticism of President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday, pointedly questioning Obama's lack of willingness to call the act "radical Islamic terrorism" and insinuating that the president's sympathies might lie elsewhere.


"He doesn't get it or he gets it better than anybody understands. It's one or the other," Trump said of Obama on "Fox & Friends," speaking on the phone. "And either one is unacceptable, No. 1, and No. 2, calling on another gun ban, I mean, this man has no clue.”

Trump again implied that the president was not a trustworthy leader who failed to prevent Omar Mateen, an apparently radicalized 29-year-old Florida man, from going on a shooting rampage at an Orlando nightclub early Sunday morning, killing 49 and injuring at least 53.


"We're led by a man who is a very — look, we're led by a man that either is, is not tough, not smart, or he's got something else in mind," Trump said. "And the something else in mind, you know, people can't believe it. People cannot — they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the ways he acts and can't even mention the words radical Islamic terrorism. There's something going on. It's inconceivable."


The attacks, delivered in Trump’s signature style that leaves him some deniability, were some of his most inflammatory on Obama since Trump played a central role in stoking the birther conspiracy theories in 2011.

During his effort to force Obama to present his birth certificate to prove his citizenship back then, Trump implied to Fox News that the reason for the president not showing it "because maybe it says he is a Muslim."




Can you not read this and understand what Trump is saying?  


Can you really vote for this guy? 




I don't in any way see where what Trump is accusing Obama of treason here, however, it certainly wouldn't be the first time that a prominent figure has done so. There are those who believe Obama has committed a couple dozen treasonous acts during this time in the White House.


Your claim that Trump is suggesting Obama is supporting ISIS by these comments is unfounded. It's nothing at all like those who claim that Hillary has lied to every American over Benghazi because Hillary actually did lie to every American and has admitted as much.

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