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Quote:It's kinda like your hatred of Cecil "Much more productive than Blackmon" Shorts..

Nah, its not like that at all, actually. 


Blackmon when on the field is one of the best playmakers at WR in football. 


Shorts is decent #2, but he clearly isn't the same WR when Blackmon isn't there to take some defensive focus away. 
Quote:Blackmon (when on the field) is twice the WR Cecil is.

Agreed. Some of our fans really don't see it that way though. I don't think they base their opinion on football reasoning though. Its more personal to them. Because if one goes by purely football reasons, no one on earth could possibly deduce that CS3 is the better WR of the 2. 
Quote:Agreed. Some of our fans really don't see it that way though. I don't think they base their opinion on football reasoning though. Its more personal to them. Because if one goes by purely football reasons, no one on earth could possibly deduce that CS3 is the better WR of the 2. 

I don't think anyone disputes who the better player is, but the issue of value comes into it when one of those players isn't even eligible to practice with the team.
I don't see people wanting Blackmon to go away I see everyone hoping he has his head on straight for once
25 pages????


Can a mod please lock this waste of bandwidth??

Quote:I think most want him to stay. In fact, majority of people in this thread are defending Blackmon. I'm just concerned that he hasn't changed. And I don't think him being in a club last week and up at 3:30 am are good signs. For all we know he could have been up early or woke up hungry and had a cold, etc... but his history just makes you wonder.

Your Sentiments is understood but shouldn't he be given the benefit of a doubt. Aren't we all (in most cases) innocent before found guilty?

Quote:I don't see people wanting Blackmon to go away I see everyone hoping he has his head on straight for once

Quote:Your Sentiments is understood but shouldn't he be given the benefit of a doubt. Aren't we all (in most cases) innocent before found guilty?


No, I think his history is the very reason some of us don't. There's just not enough time between incidents to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Quote:No, I think his history is the very reason some of us don't. There's just not enough time between incidents to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Even when evidence points to him doing nothing wrong?
Quote:Even when evidence points to him doing nothing wrong?

I've explained my point several times in this thread. I think you are missing my point.


He did NOTHING wrong! Being out late at night is not wrong!  He is an adult and not subject to curfew! He has done wrong before - I get that.. he may do wrong again - I get that too.. or he may not.. who knows - but that has nothing to do with blowing out a tire - thank goodness that he is ok is my only takeaway from this because blowing a tire can cause serious injuries.. geez guys - can we cut the guy some slack??

3:00 in the morning!!



Quote:nope, not with a dude that has MILLIONS on the line.  Have you never lived life where you needed to be safe?  


Blackmon is dumb for putting himself in that position.


Party on.  But if a party is gonna get you in trouble, just party at your pad....  How difficult is that?


Apparently it's pretty hard for some dummies.  I don't care if he's sober or not.  He knows the line.  He just isn't smart enough to figure out how to be very far away from that line.

What line? He stayed out past his bedtime? Good grief.
Quote:No, I think his history is the very reason some of us don't. There's just not enough time between incidents to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Benefit of the doubt is what you give someone when you don't know the details...that's not the case here.
I was out at 3:00 am last night I suppose many on this board would assume I was partying. NOT! I worked until 12:00 and went to Walmart to pick up some things then had to put a new serpentine belt on my wife's car which broke in Publix parking lot.


There are a thousand reasons for Blackmon to be out at that time as many posting in this thread have indicated. Those assuming he was partying or about to party have little knowledge of life outside of their own to come to that conclusion even though it's absolutely an assumption.


Regards....................the Chiefjag


If he was wearing Khakis it is inexcusable though....


I was trying to reply to something - just wont let me.. Sad

Quote:I was trying to reply to something - just wont let me.. Sad

Be more assertive.   :whistling:
Quote:3:00 in the morning!!


I heard she was hideous!!!
<----- Read the name. 

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