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Mike "bend don't break, no pressure" Smith? Pass.
Quote:Based on Gus Bradley being in what appears to be a make or break 2016 season, how much influence do you believe Dave Caldwell has regarding who the next Jaguars Defensive Coordinator will be?

Zero. Caldwell will let Gus make his own fate.
Quote:Zero. Caldwell will let Gus make his own fate.

 Thanks for your input.


 Based on this,  the question then becomes would Dave Caldwell putting himself in danger of losing his own job with this approach?
Quote:Mike "bend don't break, no pressure" Smith? Pass.

So who do you want?
Quote: Thanks for your input.

Based on this, the question then becomes would Dave Caldwell putting himself in danger of losing his own job with this approach?

Caldwell has bought himself time by finding the hardest piece of the puzzle... A franchise QB. Unless last year's and this year's draft class completely bomb out he's safe for now.
Quote:Caldwell has bought himself time by finding the hardest piece of the puzzle... A franchise QB. Unless last year's and this year's draft class completely bomb out he's safe for now.


  In agree with you providing Blake Bortles as expected stays on his current course and the Jaguars don't regress overall.   But if a worse case Jaguars scenario occurred ( as long as injuries weren't Baltimore Ravens like from 2015 ),   Shad Khan's patience across the board will at the very least be tested.   
Take Mike Smith off of your list if he's on it:



You guys do understand that Gus is going to find a coordinator who is capable of understanding and running the defense he wants run here, right?  He's not going to hand the defense over to someone who does not have a similar philosophy to his own, so you can scratch a lot of bigger name coordinators off the list.  They're not going to be an option. 

Quote:Based on Gus Bradley being in what appears to be a make or break 2016 season,  how much influence do you believe Dave Caldwell has regarding who the next Jaguars Defensive Coordinator will be?   


From the sound of it, very little if any. If things go south, Caldwell wants zero culpability.

Quote:This is why no big names have been mentioned. Lovie, Mike Smith, Schwartz. Gus doesn't want anybody on the staff threatening an interim job if things go sour quickly.


I doubt this, but it makes for an interesting list if I eliminate the potential HC candidates...

  • Marquand Manuel

  • Lou Anarumo

  • Billy Davis

  • Todd Wash

  • Jerry Gray

  • Tim Lewis

  • Fred Pagac

  • Ray Horton

  • Pepper Johnson

  • Monte Kiffin

  • Al Holcomb

  • Patrick Graham

Quote:From the sound of it, very little if any. If things go south, Caldwell wants zero culpability.

  It's risky but I understand the approach. 

I doubt this, but it makes for an interesting list if I eliminate the potential HC candidates...

  • Marquand Manuel

  • Lou Anarumo

  • Billy Davis

  • Todd Wash

  • Jerry Gray

  • Tim Lewis

  • Fred Pagac

  • Ray Horton

  • Pepper Johnson

  • Monte Kiffin

  • Al Holcomb

  • Patrick Graham

I guess out of that list, Kiffin is who i want. Providing he doesn't die before or during the season.
Quote:I guess out of that list, Kiffin is who i want. Providing he doesn't die before or during the season.


LOL... the man is about to turn 76.


I might have been able to include Seahawks Assistant HC/Defense Rocky Seto. Despite his title, I don't see teams ready for an Asian HC.


Of all these names, Ray Horton is very intriguing to me.

Quote:LOL... the man is about to turn 76.

I might have been able to include Seahawks Assistant HC/Defense Rocky Seto. Despite his title, I don't see teams ready for an Asian HC.

What does that last line even mean? lol
Quote:What does that last line even mean? lol

LOL It means players don't like to watch film in widescreen 
Quote:You guys do understand that Gus is going to find a coordinator who is capable of understanding and running the defense he wants run here, right? He's not going to hand the defense over to someone who does not have a similar philosophy to his own, so you can scratch a lot of bigger name coordinators off the list. They're not going to be an option.

Well then maybe its time to move away from the defense Gus wants to run because its not working.
Quote:You guys do understand that Gus is going to find a coordinator who is capable of understanding and running the defense he wants run here, right? He's not going to hand the defense over to someone who does not have a similar philosophy to his own, so you can scratch a lot of bigger name coordinators off the list. They're not going to be an option.

Well then maybe its time to move away from the defense Gus wants to run because its not working.
Quote:Well then maybe its time to move away from the defense Gus wants to run because its not working.
In my experience, a great coach is one who adapts to the talent he has.

Not the other way around. 
Quote:In my experience, a great coach is one who adapts to the talent he has.

Not the other way around. 

Gus evaluating his defensive scheme with his personnel. 


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