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How in the world does Ryan O know who has/has not called Gus?
Quote:How in the world does Ryan O know who has/has not called Gus?

It's called flinging poo at the wall and hoping it sticks.
Why does this Ryan O even have a job if the fans don't like him AND the players don't like him. I could care less how well he does his job, there are tons of people out there that will do just as good and if not better than that fatso. He's toxic within the building. Get him out.
Quote:Why does this Ryan O even have a job if the fans don't like him AND the players don't like him. I could care less how well he does his job, there are tons of people out there that will do just as good and if not better than that fatso. He's toxic within the building. Get him out.

Ryan O is a jerk. He's always the guy who "thinks" he's smart by asking "tough" questions during press cons, when his questions are not really "tough" in essence, but rather "tough" because it would necessitate a coach to basically throw someone under the bus in order to answer.
<a class="" href='https://twitter.com/RapSheet'>Ian Rapoport ‏@RapSheet </a> <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/690276504463347712' title="3:55 PM - 21 Jan 2016">now11 seconds ago</a>
<p class="" style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(245,248,250);"><a class="" href='https://twitter.com/hashtag/Jaguars?src=hash'>#Jaguars</a> are expected to promote Todd Wash, DL coach & run-game coordinator, to defensive coordinator, sources say. Fast-rise for him.


<div style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(245,248,250);">Ian Rapoport ‏@RapSheet  now11 seconds ago
<p style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(245,248,250);">#Jaguars are expected to promote Todd Wash, DL coach & run-game coordinator, to defensive coordinator, sources say. Fast-rise for him.


Curious to see who will be brought in to coach the DL and whether Wash or Gus will call plays.
Not sure what to think of this move. Seems like settling to me.
Quote:Curious to see who will be brought in to coach the DL and whether Wash or Gus will call plays.

I doubt it, but I wonder if Tomsula would want to be a line coach again.


Also O'Halloran just confirmed that it's happening.
Quote:Not sure what to think of this move. Seems like settling to me.
I have a feeling Gus had an idea and expectation of what he wanted from his DC and nobody he interviewed matched Wash. Maybe that's settling a bit but maybe Wash was legitimately the best candidate in Gus' opinion. We all hope the latter will be successful of course.


Quote:I doubt it, but I wonder if Tomsula would want to be a line coach again.


Also O'Halloran just confirmed that it's happening.
Tomsula had a lot of success with the Niners so that could be a good option.
Quote:@ryanohalloran @rpettross Once Gus' calls weren't getting returned by experienced coordinators. He evolved as the choice if compared to the other three.

Thats a little embarrassing.

Yeah, it's especially embarrassing if you completely disregard the fact that Gus actually DID interview one of the "experienced coordinators" who was out there, rendering this claim to be a complete load of crap.


Anything beyond what we actually know to be true is pure speculation by O'Halloran, but I'm really not surprised you'd latch on to it like his word is gospel.  Anything else would require actual thought.

Quote:I have a feeling Gus had an idea and expectation of what he wanted from his DC and nobody he interviewed matched Wash. Maybe that's settling a bit but maybe Wash was legitimately the best candidate in Gus' opinion. We all hope the latter will be successful of course.


Tomsula had a lot of success with the Niners so that could be a good option.


Bradley has a lot hanging on this decision, so I think you're right.  He interviewed multiple candidates with a variety of experience.  He even looked into one of those "experienced candidates" who supposedly didn't answer his calls.  If he's decided on Wash, it's probably because he's the best fit based on what Gus wants to see here.  If he's not, they'll all be looking for work this time next year.
Quote:I've never really bought this concept. Don't most coaches essentially work off of a one-year deal anyway? If they aren't, are you sure that you want them on your staff? Granted, there are guys like Sullivan and others who just really want to be positional coaches, but don't you want a guy who is trying his best in order to get promoted? And don't you want to avoid the guys who are worried about Job Security?

While it's true that nfl coaches can and invariably get fired after just one year if the record is bad enough, let's consider smart business moves.

Wouldn't you want a multiple year contract of at all possible? Any legit coaching candidate would. Because Gus is on his lame duck year of his contract, there is no way that the new DC is gonna get any more than just one year.

It's simple economics. If you have other options, you're gonna go elsewhere. No need to sell yourself short on a 1 year deal when you can get a multiple year deal as insurance that even if you get fired, you'll have that cushion of income down the line.
I dont care

Gus is gone next year
I got an idea... we should hire from within... someone like Wash...

Quote:Ryan O'Halloran a few hours ago answered to someone who asked on twitter how could happen that Wash was going to be promoted (since Ryan O' a few weeks earlier said Jags were not interested in promoting him) and said that experienced coordinators didn't return Gus calls and so they are now considering Wash as the most viable option.

Don't know if it's how it went or it's just Ryan O' speculation.
"Journalism" in 2016: Pick a good one-liner for your Twitter feed, create the drama that gets you followers, then attribute it to "sources" if challenged.
Quote:Did Chicago have better personnel? Washington? San Diego? San Fran after they lost so many key players? All these teams allowed less ppg than we did.


I understand the hiring of Wash considering Gus probably really likes him but doesn't mean I agree with it. I'm not putting the whole defense on Wash anyway but he was a part of it and the whole defense stunk. 


To be fair, Wash was also part of a Seahawks defense that was really good, and with the Jaguars he was very good at his role as DL Coach and Defensive Run Game Coordinator. The Jaguars were a top team in terms of yards per carry allowed all season.

This is the decision that will eventually slam the door on the Bradley era.



The whole point of lining the LEO up on the weak side every play, is to get your better athlete lined up one vs one, in space against the OT. Clemons and Branch failed to win one on one, over and over again. You can't really blame the coach all that much, when your athletes simply can't ever beat the other guy.


At one time we really did have the perfect LEO on the roster. I'm struggling to remember his name, but the rookie was a small guy quick as nails under Del Rio. We'd watch clips on him, and he was the fastest guy to the qb I've ever seen, but he never could hole up on the line of scrimmage. The LEO position is set-up for a small guy like that.

Quote:This is the decision that will eventually slam the door on the Bradley era.

What a shame. This guy had potential. He may have dug a hole too deep.
They'll all be gone next year.....

and the wheels they go 'round and 'round.....

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