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Full Version: Trivial things that annoy you..
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Quote:Less and less cereal in the box, but the box itself stays the same size.   They're thinking we won't notice.

Have you noticed how much wiggle room is on the toilet paper holder when you have a roll on there now? They've cut off half an inch on the rolls and damn sure didn't go down on prices!!
Quote:Have you noticed how much wiggle room is on the toilet paper holder when you have a roll on there now? They've cut off half an inch on the rolls and damn sure didn't go down on prices!!

Use both sides and it will last longer.
Modern day tipping expectations.

The term and any of it's variations: Breaks the internet. This grinds my gears for some reason.

Quote:Modern day tipping expectations.

Yeah, two bits don't cut it anymore.
Quote:Yeah, two bits don't cut it anymore.

Too many tip jars where they shouldn't be. It is getting out of hand. 
Quote:Too many tip jars where they shouldn't be. It is getting out of hand. 

Thanks for the tip.  :thumbsup:
Quote:Modern day tipping expectations.

I'm sure the waitress wasn't ignoring you on purpose...................she was probably just texting the cook to find out where your food was.
The way my dog sometimes, for no reason, randomly smells like she rolled in roadkill. She didn't go on a hunt. She didn't sleep outside. Where is that odor coming from?
Quote:I'm sure the waitress wasn't ignoring you on purpose...................she was probably just texting the cook to find out where your food was.

I am not talking about restaurants or anywhere with table service. Tip jars are everywhere these days. There was a tip jar in Duncan Donuts. What are they asking for tips for?
Quote:I am not talking about restaurants or anywhere with table service. Tip jars are everywhere these days. There was a tip jar in Duncan Donuts. What are they asking for tips for?

Not spitting in your coffee.
Quote:I am not talking about restaurants or anywhere with table service. Tip jars are everywhere these days. There was a tip jar in Duncan Donuts. What are they asking for tips for?

Yes just like the tip for a carry out order! I refuse to do it!
Sister in law and Wife [BLEEP] about work on speakerphone, on Friday night

Quote:Yes just like the tip for a carry out order! I refuse to do it!

I'll give a buck or 2 for the effort to bag the Togo order, but even then, they never act grateful for the tip, like you are just supposed to do it.
Only if it's ready to go when I get there.

I love the low service, no service places like Loop, Panera, or Moe's asking for a "tip" as if I were actually waited on.  Especially love the "gas money" tip jar.


Hint: few of your customers walked or biked here.  They most likely drove.  Just.  Like.  You.  Did.  Volunteering to pay my commute to choose you for my meal?  Didn't think so...


All you did was make my food.  I pick it up, I set up my own table (have to clean it beforehand, too,) and I fill my own drink.  I even put away my trash.


You're no different than fast food.  We're square for the meal price.  Don't insult my intelligence by begging for more.

Quote:The way my dog sometimes, for no reason, randomly smells like she rolled in roadkill. She didn't go on a hunt. She didn't sleep outside. Where is that odor coming from?
Right, blame the dog.
The term, draftnik.