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Full Version: Trivial things that annoy you..
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Quote:I love the low service, no service places like Loop, Panera, or Moe's asking for a "tip" as if I were actually waited on. Especially love the "gas money" tip jar.

Hint: few of your customers walked or biked here. They most likely drove. Just. Like. You. Did. Volunteering to pay my commute to choose you for my meal? Didn't think so...

All you did was make my food. I pick it up, I set up my own table (have to clean it beforehand, too,) and I fill my own drink. I even put away my trash.

You're no different than fast food. We're square for the meal price. Don't insult my intelligence by begging for more.

Dang hommes, chill.
News programs which promote a story with interesting video and say, "This next". 18 commercial cycles later it's finally shown.
Quote:Sister in law and Wife [BAD WORD REMOVED] about work on speakerphone, on Friday night

To just expand on this, people (women) who just HAVE to be on their cell phone at all times, whether they're driving a car at 7AM or in line at the grocery store checkout. I also see people (women) in line at a Chipotle and refuse to get off the phone, even when the employee is asking them what they want on their burrito. It's extremely rude. Of course, everyone in line can overhear the conversation and it's the most inane, worthless, petty conversation in the world. Talking about this guy or that girl and utterly meaningless. I bet that a good 75% of all cell phone conversations are completely meaningless and empty and just venting or bad-mouthing somebody. I don't know why people are so afraid to be alone with their thoughts or just listen to music instead of constantly being tethered to their phones. It's a modern day addiction.

I also hate when people stand in line at checkout and just sit there and watch the cashier swipe all their purchases and at the end, reach for their wallet and almost look surprised that they now have to pay. When I'm in line, I have my debit card out, ready to pay. As soon as the first item is scanned, I swipe my card and enter my PIN. Then as soon as the cashier's done swiping, the transaction's completed instantly and I'm on my way. Apparently most people think you have to wait until everything's scanned before you can swipte your card but you can do it immediately after the first item's scanned. I just think it's considerate to the people behind you to try to move the line along more quickly.

And don't even get me started at the old people who write checks at Publix......................
I didn't know that about the debit card. I typically have mine out and ready to swipe when the total is displayed.


Some businesses have signs at the counter which state that patrons must not be on the phone to conduct business and I saw it enforced once. The woman rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically. 

Quote:I love the low service, no service places like Loop, Panera, or Moe's asking for a "tip" as if I were actually waited on. Especially love the "gas money" tip jar.

Hint: few of your customers walked or biked here. They most likely drove. Just. Like. You. Did. Volunteering to pay my commute to choose you for my meal? Didn't think so...

All you did was make my food. I pick it up, I set up my own table (have to clean it beforehand, too,) and I fill my own drink. I even put away my trash.

You're no different than fast food. We're square for the meal price. Don't insult my intelligence by begging for more.
These were some of the places I had in mind as well. I feel like George Constanza tipping for a calzone in these places. If they don't see you, did you ever really tip?

I rethought my position, and I would like to reword my annoynance. It's not that these places ask for tips, but the fact they are either ungrateful or completely ignore when you do.
Clicking on a link and watching an ad before a video.. the video plays one second.. and another [BLEEP] ad.

Quote:The way my dog sometimes, for no reason, randomly smells like she rolled in roadkill. Where is that odor coming from?

Large intestine. Cut back on the burritos.
Quote:To just expand on this, people (women) who just HAVE to be on their cell phone at all times, whether they're driving a car at 7AM or in line at the grocery store checkout. I also see people (women) in line at a Chipotle and refuse to get off the phone, even when the employee is asking them what they want on their burrito. It's extremely rude. Of course, everyone in line can overhear the conversation and it's the most inane, worthless, petty conversation in the world. Talking about this guy or that girl and utterly meaningless. I bet that a good 75% of all cell phone conversations are completely meaningless and empty and just venting or bad-mouthing somebody. I don't know why people are so afraid to be alone with their thoughts or just listen to music instead of constantly being tethered to their phones. It's a modern day addiction.............

As a guy that spends most of his days alone in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere, this one kind of amazes me as well. It's actually frightening.
When people act like anywhere you are traveling to will result in you getting mugged and killed.

Yea, I know, if I hang out in an alley in Naples Italy (or just about anywhere) at 1 a.m. something bad might happen to me, but I am not planning on doing that.

On a side note Naples and every other trip I have taken has been awesome.
Oh, and people who complain about hotels. It's a freaking bed people and a shower. If you are spending more than the time needed to sleep, shower and shag you are wasting your vacation.
When driving on blue lights/emergency conditions on a road where it's single carriageway on both sides.. 2 cars stop for you to pass by, but stop alongside eachother!!!

Yeah thanks!! NOW NONE OF US CAN MOVE!!!

Chinese Democracy, the album, not actual political movement.
Quote:Chinese Democracy, the album, not actual political movement.

Anything by Guns N Roses really..
Quote:Dang hommes, chill.

I had a little fun with the exaggeration... tbh, that's the theme of the thread.  Trivial things that get under your skin (that probably shouldn't.)
Quote:Anything by Guns N Roses really..

Thank you!!! Axel Rose makes me want to seriously hurt someone!!!! I can't stand that guy!!
Quote:Thank you!!! Axel Rose makes me want to seriously hurt someone!!!! I can't stand that guy!!

Same. I hate GnR... I could maim someone on hearing the very opening sequence from any of their songs.
Advertisments on YouTube.

Quote:Advertisments on YouTube.

I'm cool with YouTube advertisements.  But I have to run an adblocker (for many reasons) so I hardly ever see them.  The more money going to the people making the videos the better, but I gotta be able to at least use the internet (in spite of advertising firms collectively working to ruin it).
The term "hit somebody" when it comes to fans at a football game.

If I never hear that term again, it'll be too soon.
Perma smile on female news anchors and reporters.


Regards...............the Chiefjag