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Full Version: Trivial things that annoy you..
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Quote:You guys go to some weird banks.

I've never seen a drive-thru ATM at the front door.

Yep, and to make matters worse people have the gall to loiter in front of them. Don't get me started on the stupid trash cans they always place nearby.
Quote:Yep, and to make matters worse people have the gall to loiter in front of them. Don't get me started on the stupid trash cans they always place nearby.

This I can agree with, loiterers get my goat.

Take it on down the road!
Quote:Hear that Bunnie, fix your damn window already.

I did...but the duct tape didn't seem to help any! :teehee:

Quote:Yep, and to make matters worse people have the gall to loiter in front of them. Don't get me started on the stupid trash cans they always place nearby.

And the curb and sidewalk you have to drive over too...you forgot to mention those! Wink
I just got whooshed didn't I?

Ol' HB, he's slick I tell ya.
Quote:I just got whooshed didn't I?

Ol' HB, he's slick I tell ya.

You California rednecks are easy.
Quote:Why can't the machine have access on both sides so passengers can use the machine if need be.

Why can't you drive through backwards?
No toilet paper in the bathroom
Probably been covered but why do people slow down when passing a tractor-trailer?  For the love of anything you hold holy, if you are afraid of a tire malfunction or of the trailer tipping over push the peddle down and get around it!  No need to ride side by side for 6 miles while you garner up the courage to pass a Simi!
Quote:Probably been covered but why do people slow down when passing a tractor-trailer?  For the love of anything you hold holy, if you are afraid of a tire malfunction or of the trailer tipping over push the peddle down and get around it!  No need to ride side by side for 6 miles while you garner up the courage to pass a Simi!

Those are people who are trying to spiritually become one with the tractor-trailer.  It's a risk they are willing to take.  And the reward is so massive it could actually be worth it.  It takes at least 6 miles to realize it doesn't work.  
Not me man, I hammer down to get away from them.

Quote:Those are people who are trying to spiritually become one with the tractor-trailer.  It's a risk they are willing to take.  And the reward is so massive it could actually be worth it.  It takes at least 6 miles to realize it doesn't work.  
Is there a pill you can take for that affliction?
Quote:They may have done but they probably stopped doing that because apparently there are people who are fine with opening a cereal box from the bottom. If I make it into power this will of course be made a capital offense along with claiming vaccines cause autism and idling your engine for more than 60 seconds (30 seconds for diesel engines).

I'll be sure to let it idle for 61 seconds tomorrow just to annoy you.
Quote:I'll be sure to let it idle for 61 seconds tomorrow just to annoy you.

I went with 59, just to stay on his good side.
People who get mad a minor league baseball games.


Guy I was sitting by last night was freaking out because the Suns had an error.  It was more hilarious than an annoyance, except I thought he was going to start a fight because AA ball players make errors.

Cereal bags that refuse to simply tear open. They just have to stretch and tear so oddly that cereal usually falls into the bottom of the box.
Real Housewives of anywhere.
The sound of John Oehsers voice sounds like a balloon slowly being deflated.
Quote:The sound of John Oehsers voice sounds like a balloon slowly being deflated.

Kahn's announcement that Gus would be returning sounded exactly like that too.
Parents (and other adults) who talk to children like they're mentally disabled.  "Hiiiii....how are you todaayyyy......okaaaaayyyyy?"  They do it with an annoying voice and baby talk.  I'm a parent and I've always talked to my son like he was an adult.  I may dumb it down a little and not use too big of a word, but I always talked to him and treated him with respect.


I remember adults talking to me like that when I was a kid and I'd think to myself, "Does she think I'm an idiot?" 

I'm in the middle lane of the interstate slowly reeling in the car in front because my cruise control is set a mile an hour or two faster than his. When I reach a reasonable distance behind, and the left lane is clear, I signal, mover over to pass...and he speeds up.