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Full Version: Trivial things that annoy you..
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Quote:Sports old is just different, you realize that you're old when the guys you went to college with are all retired from pro sports.

And when professional sports 'stars' were born as late as 1998! SMH.
Quote:And when professional sports 'stars' were born as late as 1998! SMH.
Max Verstappen has already won grand prix and was born in 1997.
Quote:Max Verstappen has already won grand prix and was born in 1997.

That's just crazy.
People who refuse to stop at an intersection/pull over for emergency/law enforcement vehicles. The bright flashing lights and loud freakin horns are not just for show.
Quote:People who refuse to stop at an intersection/pull over for emergency/law enforcement vehicles. The bright flashing lights and loud freakin horns are not just for show.

As somebody who works in the emergency services, I wholeheartedly agree.
Terrible Towels. Especially at our stadium. Caused a ruckus a time or two.
The question "Where do we come from?". It's annoyed me since I asked it myself when I was a kid. I'll probably never know the answer to that. And you'd think it would maybe bother more people. But I don't think it does.

People who don't know we come from wherever the stork finds us.
My daddy said I came from the landfill.
Stale potato chips!
Quote:My daddy said I came from the landfill.

Typical white trash?
Quote:Typical white trash?

I'm not sure. He and momma always said I was reeclya..reecycuh..I could be used again. That explains why I was passed around to family a lot, I guess.
Quote:Typical white trash?

Habitual lottery ticket/scratch card buyers.

Y'all crazy.
Actual quote from homebiscuit:


Quote:I was passed around to family a lot
"You can skip ad in {x} seconds". Has anyone ever not pressed this button?

Quote:"You can skip ad in {x} seconds". Has anyone ever not pressed this button?
I got one hilarious ad that started with a woman saying the phrase "I know you're probably just waiting 5 seconds to press skip but wait".


I would have waited but that sentence took 5 seconds and I pressed skip.
Quote:Actual quote from homebiscuit:

In a nurturing way.
Lazy coworkers, especially the ones who know better, but are just to lazy, or don't care enough, to do the job the right way.


Also coworkers who do just barely enough to get by and never any more, NEVER anything extra. I also consider them lazy.

Quote:Habitual lottery ticket/scratch card buyers.

Y'all crazy.

I knew a kid growing up. Not bright. Not attractive. His dad hit the lottery when he was a teenager and he grew up provided for and with a chick on his arm.

I think of him when the lottery hits high jackpots (like the $363M Mega Millions right now). I don't feel guilt about dropping $5 to spin the wheel. The lump sum would be enough to do whatever you wanted for the rest of your life (unless you're a moron or spend money you don't have á la Kanye).

I've got ideas man. (They just lack funding.)

As for people who drop $100 on five $20 scratch off tickets.. yeah I'm with you there.