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Putting too much red pepper on your all-meat pizza and then running out of water before you finish.
Posts about food that make me hungry

Myself when I make the same mistake I've been making for the past decade and ruin a perfectly good date with a lovely lady. 

Quote:Putting too much red pepper on your all-meat pizza and then running out of water before you finish.
Well, as long as you don't run out of beer....................
Quote:Myself when I make the same mistake I've been making for the past decade and ruin a perfectly good date with a lovely lady.

What happened? I usually wait until she's on the rum before dropping the paw.
Quote:What happened? I usually wait until she's on the rum before dropping the paw.
You want the full story or the abridged version?
Quote:You want the full story or the abridged version?

Full story please, genuinely interested.
Quote:Full story please, genuinely interested.
I went speed dating, 15 women present, I crossed yes on 10 but I only really cared about one. Got 3 matches which somehow included the one I cared about. We went on a date but instead of showing interest in the other person I mostly talked about myself and my interests throughout the evening. She gave me an honest and very fair opinion on the date saying I should take more care to show interest in the other person and make them feel special, which, in hindsight, I fully agree with. I sent her an email explaining my behavior and basically asking for a second chance but she politely turned me down saying she was dating someone else she met at the speeddating event.


What annoys me is that I've done this before. Both friends and colleagues have told me they found me rather uninterested and even off putting when they first met me but once they got know me they discovered there was more than they expected below the surface. I've tried to be a bit more open when meeting new people and mostly succeeded, it's just sucks I didn't do so this time. 
Quote:I went speed dating, 15 women present, I crossed yes on 10 but I only really cared about one. Got 3 matches which somehow included the one I cared about. We went on a date but instead of showing interest in the other person I mostly talked about myself and my interests throughout the evening. She gave me an honest and very fair opinion on the date saying I should take more care to show interest in the other person and make them feel special, which, in hindsight, I fully agree with. I sent her an email explaining my behavior and basically asking for a second chance but she politely turned me down saying she was dating someone else she met at the speeddating event.

What annoys me is that I've done this before. Both friends and colleagues have told me they found me rather uninterested and even off putting when they first met me but once they got know me they discovered there was more than they expected below the surface. I've tried to be a bit more open when meeting new people and mostly succeeded, it's just sucks I didn't do so this time.

Ah that's not bad at all I thought it would be some nightmare scenario.She's probably out of the picture but plenty more ladies on this fine planet of ours to try again with.

Generally when trying to chat up a women for the first time I try to tell her as little as possible about myself and try to force myself to ask her lots(without being overly nosey) about her life even if it isn't particularly interesting.This achieves two things 1)She'll think you genuinely care about what goes on in her life(sometimes you actually will) and 2)It leaves you as mysterious and more enticing to her,she'll either gain a genuine interest in you or she'll feel bad about talking about herself so much and the conversation will flow better after that.
Quote:Myself when I make the same mistake I've been making for the past decade and ruin a perfectly good date with a lovely lady.
By accidentally poking a hole in her so she deflates? :woot:
Quote:By accidentally poking a hole in her so she deflates? :woot:
Strangely, if you're speaking metaphorically, that's exactly what happened. 
Quote:Strangely, if you're speaking metaphorically, that's exactly what happened.

You should go out with some of the other women you were matched up with, if for nothing else, use it as dating training. Make the conscious effort to not talk about yourself so much, because as a woman, that's very off putting to me too. Don't be fake, because doesn't work either, just take yourself out of your comfort zone so you don't come across as a self absorbed jerk.
Quote:Adult toy store syndrome.  You are powerless once you enter the front door.

For me, the powerless feeling started when my wife and I got home and she slapped the handcuffs on.  We may have gone to a different adult toy store, however.
Quote:You should go out with some of the other women you were matched up with, if for nothing else, use it as dating training. Make the conscious effort to not talk about yourself so much, because as a woman, that's very off putting to me too. Don't be fake, because doesn't work either, just take yourself out of your comfort zone so you don't come across as a self absorbed jerk.
At the risk of sounding jokish; that's pretty much what she said.
Quote:You should go out with some of the other women you were matched up with, if for nothing else, use it as dating training.

A word of advice, don't tell the other women they're being used for "training" purposes.  That mistake will probably not end well for you.
Quote:A word of advice, don't tell the other women they're being used for "training" purposes.  That mistake will probably not end well for you.

I dunno, the right kind of woman will enjoy "training" him good and hard.
Quote:I dunno, the right kind of woman will enjoy "training" him good and hard.

True, he may find himself in a new position.
How difficult it is to get women ready and out the door when we have to go somewhere.
Quote:How difficult it is to get women ready and out the door when we have to go somewhere.

Does she look good?
Quote:Does she look good?

*doesn't look up from the screen*


YES! Now let's go!