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Full Version: Jags Hire Greg Olson as OC
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Quote:There's plenty to talk about.  And if you're one of those who wants to run around wringing your hands about a hire before the first play has been called, go for it.  If that's all you've got to do here, that's certainly your prerogative.  Personally, I think it's a complete waste of time to anticipate doom and gloom until there's actually something tangible to blast the team for, but hey, you're welcome to do as you please, just as I'm entitled to laugh at those who spend the majority of their time prematurely judging every move this team makes as if they actually KNOW what one guy or another will do here.

It's like you don't even realize that everybody you've called a knee-jerker, whiner, bedwetter etc. for the last 10 years has been right and you have been laughably, publicly wrong. Some of us actually watch football and can form educated opinions. 
Quote:And he's usually wrong, all the while, the 'whiners' as he refers to them, point out the obvious and are cast into a lake of fire by sir master overlord. And to come to find out,they're typically on point with their assertions that are just blatantly evident without bias, using you know, cold hard facts. But hey, let's take the wait and see approach.


I would say the lemmings in this instance are the hand wringing folks leaving a trail of tears all over the board because of (pick any move this team makes).  It's all they know how to do. 


If you're parents, I hope you don't apply the same knee jerk reaction to every disappointing thing your children do. 
Quote:lol I'm on the side that I actually like the hire. I don't know why but I do. 


Sometimes it's not always the best guy but the guy who works best for your club. Trestman didn't fit this teams persona... Gase was a terrible interview....

Don't worry, you're just emotionally numb, it's part of Jaguar Fandom.
Quote:So, because you're willing to let this play out, I guess you're now counted among the defenders on this board. Don't you think you'd be better off issuing an immediate judgment, then digging in for the next 8 months defending your position?

It makes absolutely no sense to bash the hire or to laud it as the greatest thing ever and he hasn't called a single play here yet. I'm sure every fan base has those special people though. The Packers fans when McCarthy was hired, Giants fans when Coughlin was hired, JAGS fans when Coughlin was hired etc.
You guys are all right. He's been a miserable failure in his first 4 tries as OC, but 5th time's a charm. 

Quote:These fan base melt downs are hilarious.

I agree. That's why I keep coming back - even when very little is happening. To hear the end of the world type pronouncements from people like Mel Kiper Jr is priceless.
Quote:It's like you don't even realize that everybody you've called a knee-jerker, whiner, bedwetter etc. for the last 10 years has been right and you have been laughably, publicly wrong. Some of us actually watch football and can form educated opinions. 
They're not always right.  That's the thing.  But, memories are short when you spend your time jumping to conclusions more often than not.
Quote:It's like you don't even realize that everybody you've called a knee-jerker, whiner, bedwetter etc. for the last 10 years has been right and you have been laughably, publicly wrong. Some of us actually watch football and can form educated opinions. 
Yikes man....


Browns are probably regretting letting Belicheck go.... Seahawks probably didn't like Caroll right away.... 


Lions fans probably were mad this year when Caldwell was hired because of how bad things got in Indy... now look.
Quote:Or Derek.

Damn.. Good call. I blew it
If Mike Mularkey received two more head coaching opportunities after we fired him, did just as poorly, and then the Jaguars hired him again, that is the equivalent of this move. 

Quote:Obviously. I mean who doesn't want a HoF QB throwing for 5000 yards and 50 TDs? Unfortunately those guys come about as often as a blue moon.
No, i agree and know what you meant.  It's just tough being a Jag fan, that is all!
I will avoid calling it a bad hire, but how can we not say it is disappointing? I mean this guy is the definition of a mediocre retread. He has literally not had success anywhere he has been. And he has had chance after chance and chance as an OC. Failure every time. 

Quote:If Mike Mularkey received two more head coaching opportunities after we fired him, did just as poorly, and then the Jaguars hired him again, that is the equivalent of this move. 
He only left when the HC got fired. You rarely stay around when that happens.
Quote:It makes absolutely no sense to bash the hire or to laud it as the greatest thing ever and he hasn't called a single play here yet. I'm sure every fan base has those special people though. The Packers fans when McCarthy was hired, Giants fans when Coughlin was hired, JAGS fans when Coughlin was hired etc.
I agree.  If you look at his list of QBs, he hasn't really had anything great to work with.


I'm always on the wait and see committee.  This is my Schtick - none of us really now how a coach is "performing".  There are too many variables at play that we are not privy to.  Unless you are in the business day in and day out, you just don't know.  Let's wait and see.

Quote:I will avoid calling it a bad hire, but how can we not say it is disappointing? I mean this guy is the definition of a mediocre retread. He has literally not had success anywhere he has been. And he has had chance after chance and chance as an OC. Failure every time. 

Which, to me, immediately begs the question: Why does he keep getting additional opportunities if he's so bad? Doubly so, when there are more attractive candidates out there...
Quote:If Mike Mularkey received two more head coaching opportunities after we fired him, did just as poorly, and then the Jaguars hired him again, that is the equivalent of this move. 
Olson is just linking himself to HC who continue to get fired lol
Players not plays. It will remain true.

Going by the logic of some of you, the stars must've aligned in a manner that every OC that ever worked for Manning, Brees, Brady, etc were coincidentally great.

Let's let it play out. Bortles is the vast majority of the equation, followed by the rest of the offense. The OC is minor.
Quote:Which, to me, immediately begs the question: Why does he keep getting additional opportunities if he's so bad? Doubly so, when there are more attractive candidates out there...

He is probably a good soldier. Good to work with. Always on time. And he has been around the league long enough to where he has worked with almost everyone. So he is always going to have a job.
Quote:It makes absolutely no sense to bash the hire or to laud it as the greatest thing ever and he hasn't called a single play here yet. I'm sure every fan base has those special people though. The Packers fans when McCarthy was hired, Giants fans when Coughlin was hired, JAGS fans when Coughlin was hired etc.
We don't hold an exclusive when it comes to having fans who think they have crystal balls predicting doom for every move a team makes.  It's a league-wide phenomenon for sure.  It's what fans do.  As you've pointed out, there were a lot of hires that were questioned by the crystal ball fans that turned out to be pretty good.
Quote:IMO, Bortles is kind of a combination of Leftwich and Garrard.  He has the same willingness to hold on to the ball to allow a play to develop that Leftwich did.  But, he's also got the athletic ability and mobility that Garrard did.  Gabbert had the physical tools, but he didn't have the overall athletic ability, or the willingness to let plays develop.

So...Bortles is a combination of two QBs that the Jaguars strangely clipped late in the preseason cause they were just not good enough. Behind a new offensive line coach that literally just walked out the door on his HC job...for a "challenging" OL job. Coached by an OC that has averaged in the mid-20s offensive ranking for the entirety of his coaching career.


I will say this, when the 2015 season starts I am definitely looking forward to future posts from a Mr. Positive, team-supporting-at-all-costs, who-wakes-up-every-morning-taking-a-shower-in-jaguars-koolaid moderator.
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