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What a statement of intent to the rest of the league. Lol.
Quote:Please hire a new OC
Hackett is staying he is Doug Marrones guy
Quote:I agree with your last statement.
I look at it this way.  Is New England's offensive success due to Josh McDaniel or Tom Brady? Is Atlanta's offensive success due to Kyle Shanahan or Matty Ice and Julius Jones?  In both cases, it's the latter.  I think Marrone's winning record in Buffalo is more impressive. Who did he win with?
That is very true. I don't think I'd be so disappointed and upset about this if it was done correctly and either before this season or earlier in the season. To do this now, just screams ignorance in the front office and I don't trust their decisions anymore; thus hurting my trust in Marrone.
Marrone is going to lead the Jags to the promised land. I can't wait all your cry babies to eat some crow. By the way, your tears are delicious!

Most of you are really over reacting lol.

I can't even bear to read all of the comments...

We're gonna win with this guy as our coach...

Quote:I believe if we had a solid coach this year, we might be in the playoffs. Someone who would have benched Bortles, and been tougher with the players.
Yup, JDR type coach would have got last season's team in the playoff hunt.
Quote:Jags think they are close. They didn't want to blow it up
They are close
Quote:I don't mind Doug Marrone and think he'll do a decent job but this is a terrible way to inspire the fanbase.


The quickest way to lose is to base decisions on what the fanbase thinks or wants. While we often think we know, we really don't know.

If Khan had just fired Caldwell, we would have a new coach and a new qb.

But nah let's waste another season. What's one more, right?
Quote:Caldwell wanted a coach that wanted Bortles.

That's certainly your opinion.


Which is fine and all, but why would Caldwell say the opposite of that in his presser when Gus was fired? 
Hope everyone is ready for 4-12 next season.
Quote:Hope everyone is ready for 4-12 next season.

We are what the bucs and bengals once were. We are like the Cleveland browns. As fans, we'll have to ride out times like this. Will make the winning all the more sweeter. Just sucks having to wait at least 3 years before we have a chance to compete for a playoff spot. 


Doug Marrone did a good job with the Bills...

Their defense improved in his first year to a top ten unit under Mike Pettine (he got hired by the Browns to be their HC). In his second year their defense became a top five unit under Jim Schwartz.

They finished 6-10 in his first year and improved in his second year to 9-7 with a combination of EJ Manuel and Kyle Orton at quarterback. If Orton had played the entire season they might have made the play offs. They didn't have a ton of talent on offense, but they did enough to keep them in contention for the play offs.

Overall they shoes good progression from year one to year two and he never had the talent we do on offense. Also, he only left because he didn't get what he wanted from their new owner. He was never fired or not wanted by Buffalo, he simply took advantage of the clause in his contract to get out and I don't think anyone can really blame him considering how dysfunctional they are.

So I actually like this hire. Him and Hackett seemed to get more out of Bortles and the offense. With the talent we have here they should be able to put out a strong offense. We also have a lot of talent on defense, if he makes a good choice for his DC (Mike Pettine?), then this defense should get better. If all goes well (which is what the hope is for any new head coach), then this team could start to make significant progress (I know we said that this season, but that has to be the expectation). For me, Marrone makes sense. It's a "safe" hire. Could we have go someone else? Perhaps, but I'm alright with this hire.
Quote:I don't mind Doug Marrone and think he'll do a decent job but this is a terrible way to inspire the fanbase.
Unless they win. That's the only thing that inspires fair weathers.
Quote:2 games, and your anointing him. Holy crap the delusion.
Outside of Mike Smith, his HC record is more impressive than anyone else available. That's just a fact.
Quote:Hope everyone is ready for 4-12 next season.


You might be the most pessimistic person I've ever seen. Are you related to Eeyore by any chance?
Hey hire from within...Brilliant move.  Way to bring the excitement Jags!


He showed so well in the last game.....\


[BLEEP] this organization

Caldwell lied about the whole no person's job is safe huh? Sure sounds like Bortles is. #Jaguars
Caldwell lied about the whole no person's job is safe huh? Sure sounds like Bortles is. #Jaguars
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