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Quote:The opposite can be said for the "rah rah" fans. To them, every move is great and the Jags can do no wrong. Even though we continue to lose.
Not joining the chorus of thinking everything is terrible at all times gets confused with being a sunshine pumper. 


I am cautiously optimistic. Marrone could be good, could be bad. Any of the coordinator candidates were a wild card as well. If Marrone sucks, they will can him and bring in the hot new coordinator name. Everyone will be high fiving....unless they hit  a rough patch and there will be tons of threads about how they are the worst and don't know what they are doing. Rinse and repeat. 
Quote:Not joining the chorus of thinking everything is terrible at all times gets confused with being a sunshine pumper. 


I am cautiously optimistic. Marrone could be good, could be bad. Any of the coordinator candidates were a wild card as well. If Marrone sucks, they will can him and bring in the hot new coordinator name. Everyone will be high fiving....unless they hit  a rough patch and there will be tons of threads about how they are the worst and don't know what they are doing. Rinse and repeat. 

Meh, the thing that cracks me up is everyone gets pissed off when 'their' coach isn't chosen.  Anything else is stupid.  When in reality, choosing a coach is a crapshoot.  Nobody knows a damn thing and they just want something to complain about so they can show how smart they are.
Quote:Meh, the thing that cracks me up is everyone gets [BAD WORD REMOVED] off when 'their' coach isn't chosen.  Anything else is stupid.  When in reality, choosing a coach is a crapshoot.  Nobody knows a damn thing and they just want something to complain about so they can show how smart they are.
Christ. This is painfully true. 
My scar tissue is 9 years deep.  A stretch that long and there really isn't anything left for them to do to energize the fan base.  Product on the field is going to be the factor.  It is tough to grab pom poms when you basically targeted a single person as the problem.

I don't know how to feel about all of this. It's pretty bittersweet I guess. While it's nice to have Coughlin back, I don't feel any good about Marrone and, apparently, the whole coaching staff coming back. So you're telling me the only problem was Gus Bradley?

Quote:I don't know how to feel about all of this. It's pretty bittersweet I guess. While it's nice to have Coughlin back, I don't feel any good about Marrone and, apparently, the whole coaching staff coming back. So you're telling me the only problem was Gus Bradley?

Basically that is the message.  The whole franchise is hitching their wagon to salvaging Bortles as a three year plan.  All of the contracts are lined up for this reason as well.  Crazy.  I hope it works out.  I guess I have to start hoping that Allen on the bench pulls a David Garrard and we surpass my low expectations.


I hope they change up the defensive philosophy and start using round pegs to compliment the round holes instead of jamming them in the square holes.


This team is going a long way to prove how much smarter they are than everyone else.  This is an awfully long journey to mediocrity.
I'm a bit underwhelmed, but at least we got a Super Bowl winning head coach on the team now and an NFL experienced head coach.


It could always be worse.

Quote:  Unless it was evident to Tom Coughlin that he wouldn't get a fair shake in the interview process by the other teams that have HC openings.


Quote:Tom is a coach first and foremost, so if given the option he'd much rather be on the sidelines. I just don't believe he got any real offers from other teams. I think that teams are scared of Coughlin's age and don't want to have to hire another coach a couple years down the line, especially those teams that are in full rebuilding mode.

We're both speculating on how things went, I just think it's more likely that Tom turned down other interviews because something else was already in place and there was a request by the team for info not to be leaked so it wasn't.   I think that's more likely than other teams not even giving Tom an interview, even if their interest in him was muted which in my opinion it shouldn't have been.  I find it extremely hard to believe that 5 other NFL teams aren't interested in even just interviewing a 2 time Super Bowl winning coach that's available who has had success everywhere he's been even if it's just to get an opinion from him on their roster.  It's a pretty big stretch and it's why I don't know that your timeline is accurate.  Also, remember Tom met with Khan without Caldwell present.  That's a pretty big statement being made right there.  The pieces to the puzzle are all here.  There's a much more plausible explanation than what you've put forward.


Unless the word around the league is that Tom is senile and we're the only ones that haven't heard that.  Then we're probably in some trouble here.

Quote:Disappointed. Not in Marrone. Just the overall process this front office continues to display between Khan and Caldwell. Why didn't they make the switch earlier if you felt this comfortable with him? Just further cements how questionable the decision making is in that building. Do I think Marrone can win? Certainly. He's won before. Albeit we've only seen a small sample. But he's more competent than Bradley was.

I just think this team would have been better off breaking away freely from the entire regime and starting fresh. Mike Smith would have been the best move with the potential of bringing in Mike McCoy to address the offense in my mind. Ultimately we can't grade this decision until the 2017 season starts. And we'll have to compare the other candidate's success around the league to be fair during the season. Coughlin in the front office couldn't hurt though.

How was the front office supposed to learn they would be comfortable with Marrone without the opportunity to work with him over the course of a season?


It silly to fault the front office because they didn't have precognition of there relationship with Marrone.
Quote:Meh, the thing that cracks me up is everyone gets [BAD WORD REMOVED] off when 'their' coach isn't chosen.  Anything else is stupid.  When in reality, choosing a coach is a crapshoot.  Nobody knows a damn thing and they just want something to complain about so they can show how smart they are.


For me, it wasn't about wanting "my guy". I would've been fine with anyone who wasn't already on our current staff. I just wanted a real change, but instead we just get more of the same.
Quote:Marrone and Caldwell don't get two years, forget the extension. Caldwells on a one year prove it status, that's why the staff isn't changing. Anything less than a competitive season and coughlin purges the entire organization in 2018.

Caldwell got a 2 year extension yesterday. They wouldn't do that if he was on a one year prove it deal. They would have just left the one year on his contract alone...
Quote:For me, it wasn't about wanting "my guy". I would've been fine with anyone who wasn't already on our current staff. I just wanted a real change, but instead we just get more of the same.

How do you know he isn't a 'real change'.  


Good grief, just because he was part of the staff doesn't mean he's going to follow the previous head coach's ideas like a lapdog.  I can already see evidence that he's nowhere close to the same type of person.  Will it be successful...who knows.  Draft...coaches...it's all a crapshoot.
Quote:Yeah I agree with your last paragraph pretty much 100% but I think what they did with the contracts shows that...

1. They think they got their staff. (no one really makes a hire thinking otherwise.)

2. Sounds like they plan to give everyone 3 years to make us serious contenders or changes will be made.

I don't have the optimism or the will to sit through 3 more years of the garbage this franchise has put us through. I wanna see us win a Superbowl in my lifetime, but we're just wasting time doing the same things over and over. I'm 45 years old, my clock is ticking. 
Quote:How was the front office supposed to learn they would be comfortable with Marrone without the opportunity to work with him over the course of a season?

It silly to fault the front office because they didn't have precognition of there relationship with Marrone.

I think most of the reasonable fans are fine with Marrone but don't understand why we didn't fire gus sooner and give Marrone more games to show us what he can do.
Quote:How do you know he isn't a 'real change'.  


Good grief, just because he was part of the staff doesn't mean he's going to follow the previous head coach's ideas like a lapdog.  I can already see evidence that he's nowhere close to the same type of person.  Will it be successful...who knows.  Draft...coaches...it's all a crapshoot.


He's keeping the same defensive staff. That's not change.
Quote:I don't have the optimism or the will to sit through 3 more years of the garbage this franchise has put us through. I wanna see us win a Superbowl in my lifetime, but we're just wasting time doing the same things over and over. I'm 45 years old, my clock is ticking.

If the team is a dumpster fire, it won't be 3 years before a change is made.

If the team struggles next season and at least is competitive, you give them another year.

A 3 year deal or an extension doesn't guarantee anything, because we don't know what will happen. It's just an indicator where the front office plans on going.
Quote:I think most of the reasonable fans are fine with Marrone but don't understand why we didn't fire gus sooner and give Marrone more games to show us what he can do.


Bingo! Hiring him now after he's been under our nose the entire time and wasting so much time on Gus, makes this franchise look totally incompetent.
Quote:He's keeping the same defensive staff. That's not change.

And I'm fine with the defense.  If you want to complain about it, that's your choice.
Quote:Bingo! Hiring him now after he's been under our nose the entire time and wasting so much time on Gus, makes this franchise look totally incompetent.

Yes it does. But, winning would fix everything and I hope we have the right formula for that now.
Quote:Coughlin interviewed as a head coach. That is what he wanted to do," Rapoport explained.
 <span style="color:rgb(34,34,33);">"He was very clear. He did not want to come in as an executive, he wanted to be the man on the sidelines. And then they decided to hire Doug Marrone and ... Coughlin reversed course a little bit and decided to come on as an executive."



This statement by Rapoport contradicts that Coughlin had a hand in Marrone's hire. This was all on Caldwell and Khan, (Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb).



It's important to remember these facts as they are reported.  Apologists will eventually try and re-write history.  But the fact is that the decision to hire Marrone was not Coughlin's. Everything think else is wishfull thinking because the reporting is clear that the front office decided to hire Marrone for HC and that Coughlin wanted that position specifically.


Here is the link for everyone to read:  http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000...ecutive-vp
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