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Quote:NFL changes year to year, next year those teams might not even be as good

Exactly, which makes it even worse considering Ron Rivera was about to get fired and the Arizona Cardinals were garbage the year before Gus Bradley was hired.  Look where they are and look where we are. 


They are playing for a spot in the Super Bowl and we are struggling to stay out of the division cellar.
Quote:This is why contracts boil down to guaranteed money. That's what talks to free agents.
Not questioning the validity of this statement, but what if you are that mid tier FA that doesn't command a lot of guaranteed money?
Quote:Of all people here I'm shocked you toe the company line.  You're the biggest joke of them all.  If they fired him today you would have said it was a great move.  If they demoted him, great move!  If he started calling defensive plays, great move!  If they fired Dave and let Gus take over player personnel, you would say that Dave has been inept and Gus has his pulse on the players!


You can sit here and call anyone that disagrees with you names all you want, but the fact remains.....this team STILL sucks.
If we're all bibbers, does that make FBT a diaper?
Quote:I stopped pounding my keyboard when I grew used to this team's loser mentality.

Im really just curious as to why this FO can tell fans to be patient,
yet they can't let Gus play out his final year before jumping the gun on an extension. The FA excuse hardly holds water, even you said they only care about money, and it's not like they wouldn't be able to read through this anyway.
This is what I don't understand. They don't tell fans to do anything. We either choose to or not. Correct? I just know that it has been rare that a team lets a coach go into a season without some security in place. No matter how hollow that security may be.
Quote:Of all people here I'm shocked you toe the company line. You're the biggest joke of them all. If they fired him today you would have said it was a great move. If they demoted him, great move! If he started calling defensive plays, great move! If they fired Dave and let Gus take over player personnel, you would say that Dave has been inept and Gus has his pulse on the players!

You can sit here and call anyone that disagrees with you names all you want, but the fact remains.....this team STILL sucks.

Wow, on point.
Quote:Not questioning the validity of this statement, but what if you are that mid tier FA that doesn't command a lot of guaranteed money?
Then the factors you mentioned would most certainly come into play. I was mainly referring to prize possession top tier type free agents.
Quote:Of all people here I'm shocked you toe the company line.  You're the biggest joke of them all.  If they fired him today you would have said it was a great move.  If they demoted him, great move!  If he started calling defensive plays, great move!  If they fired Dave and let Gus take over player personnel, you would say that Dave has been inept and Gus has his pulse on the players!


You can sit here and call anyone that disagrees with you names all you want, but the fact remains.....this team STILL sucks.

lol that's pretty much what happened with gene, mularkey and gabbert
Quote:He went 5-11 with a rather ho hum roster. We have 75 mil and a GM determined to fix the defense. Things are on the up and up.
5-11 against some seriously poop teams. 2 in the top 5 of the draft.

  Though I understand why some Jaguars fans aren't happy about the decision to extend Bradley's contract for a season,   I don't think there's a downside.    The alternative is a Chuck Pagano ' lame duck'  situation that was a major focal point of the Colts 2015 season.  


This is actually a great point.  The headlines were rampant throughout the year, we don't need that.  Also, I think people are thinking about this on their own, personal level.  Yeah, Gus just earned more money that he probably didn't deserve, but in the grand scheme it should provide more good then bad.
Quote:This is what I don't understand. They don't tell fans to do anything. We either choose to or not. Correct? I just know that it has been rare that a team lets a coach go into a season without some security in place. No matter how hollow that security may be.
No man, I'm controlled by the front office of a sports franchise.

I don't know how you can act like this team was preaching patience all day, they literally have used every excuse in the book to cover up for failures, and whenever someone complains, someone comes and talks about how the arrow is pointing up.
No, the headlines are going to be "Time's Up for Bradley" when this team starts 0-4 again.

You guys say it's to help lure free agents, but if you guys "figured it out" then I'm sure their agents, who likely see this type of thing often, can figure it out also.


What if this extension is exactly that, regardless of record.

Quote:Don't you think having scheme stability has an impact on a player's earnings?


Say a 25 year old DE signs here this offseason for 3 years.  Included in the deal are incentives.


After the first year, Bradley is fired and the scheme changes to something that does not fit his skills.


Not only does he potentially miss out on the incentives in year 2 and 3, if the new regime finds him obsolete, he could even miss out on his base salary if he is cut.


Beyond that, should he peddle his wares elsewhere, his drop in productivity/release is going to be held against him in any future negotiations with other teams.


I get the sentiment that FAs are smart enough to see the extension for what it is.


But there are other considerations, financial and otherwise, that support the re-signing.

Except if Gus is gone next year if the team doesn't succeed, the whole scheme thing still doesn't matter!  Especially if a Free Agent looks at the team and sees that it doesn't look good.

Gus did nothing to earn this extension.  What kind of message does that send to Free Agents?  The fact that we're giving a coach an extension after a 5-11 season.  Don't we want players who want to win?  Not just guys looking to get paid.
Quote:This is actually a great point.  The headlines were rampant throughout the year, we don't need that.  Also, I think people are thinking about this on their own, personal level.  Yeah, Gus just earned more money that he probably didn't deserve, but in the grand scheme it should provide more good then bad.



  Because of human nature,  the Chuck Pagano ' lame duck'  status situation had to be a distraction at times for Colts players.


  One related thought in terms of what was mentioned in the thread.   In terms of Agents and Free Agent players knowing that the one year extension doesn't really change the reality of the situation,   I compare the new landscape (  that includes the one year extension )  with psychological pricing marketing.    A product that is priced at $ 11.99 looks noticeably cheaper than a product priced at $ 12.    A one year contract extension,  even though it's mainly symbolic,  creates a different perception than the pure lame duck landscape that existed before today's news. 
Quote:@ryanohalloran Per source, #Jaguars giving coach Gus Bradley one-year extension. <a class="bbc_url" href='https://t.co/O2U7Z1Hheq'>https://t.co/O2U7Z1Hheq</a>

I have lost all confidence in this front office. I just don't get it.

Geezuss Chrissst. We get it. You're unhappy. You're miserable. Nothing the team does is right.

Simple solution...write,call,text Khan. Tell him you won't renew, attend any games until he rights the ship. Once the rest follow your lead,the stadium should be empty and Khan will call you back for advice.
Quote:  Thanks.


  Because of human nature,  the Chuck Pagano ' lame duck'  status situation had to be a distraction at times for Colts players.


  One related thought in terms of what was mentioned in the thread.   In terms of Agents and Free Agent players knowing that the one year extension doesn't really change the reality of the situation,   I compare the new landscape (  that includes the one year extension )  with psychological pricing marketing.    A product that is priced at $ 11.99 looks noticeably cheaper than a product priced at $ 12.    A one year contract extension,  even though it's mainly symbolic,  creates a different perception than the pure lame duck landscape that existed before today's news. 

Not to mention - if the team (gulp) produces a winning record - it's probably no longer just a symbolic extension.  And players genuinely like Bradley. 
Quote:They're talking about it on 1010XL right now, and they're saying the extension is meaningless in almost every way except when the team is looking at free agents.  Players may not be as willing to come here if they think the coaching situation could change, and having a coach in the final year of his contract would certainly be reason for second thought. 


Agree or not, giving Bradley a 1 year extension doesn't prevent him from being fired if he doesn't deliver in 2016. Nothing has changed about that.  If the team isn't competing for a playoff spot and the division next year, Gus is going to take the fall.

If it doesn't prevent him from being fired, why would players be expected to believe it means something?
Just saw this on cbs sports. What the [BLEEP] are they thinking!? This organizatiom is out of their [BLEEP] minds!
Quote:Not to mention - if the team (gulp) produces a winning record - it's probably no longer just a symbolic extension.  And players genuinely like Bradley. 

  Exactly.    All of this is why I don't see any downside to the decision to give Gus Bradley a one year contract decision.   Looking at it another way,  it's an indicator that Shad Khan is willing to invest money in order to put the best possible product on the field.   Though it's pocket change for Khan,   some owners  ( Mike Brown immediately comes to mind )  would be very reluctant to do what Khan did.
Quote:Except if Gus is gone next year if the team doesn't succeed, the whole scheme thing still doesn't matter!  Especially if a Free Agent looks at the team and sees that it doesn't look good.

Gus did nothing to earn this extension.  What kind of message does that send to Free Agents?  The fact that we're giving a coach an extension after a 5-11 season.  Don't we want players who want to win?  Not just guys looking to get paid.
This presumes the extension sends the message that the team doesn't want to win.




See also Lavonte David's response to Lovie Smith's firing in Tampa...



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