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Quote:Gossip doesn't require sources. My brother in laws sisters boyfriends aunt JoAnn said that and she knows a guy who lives down the road from some Jags staffers. It's true, believe me.
bull **** doesn't either
[BLEEP] the haters

[Image: 2gy535c.jpg]
Quote:Good feet. Good hips. Doesn't matter if its a 1 step 3 step 5 step 7 step drop shotgun or under center. Good rotation is good rotation. It was never about where the arm was in his throwing motion but about where the feet and hips were. Bad footwork and hips lead to him using his natural athleticism to overcompensate with his arm to make up for the faults. Seems to me like Hackett or Olson or whomever was coaching him up was focusing on arm position the whole season and wasn't able to target his real issue. Which led to further faulty mechanics leading to worse and worse throws.


For me personally Bortles problems are off the field. From what I have personally seen and have heard he has some major issues other than alcohol, but someone posted earlier that all accounts are he is taking his time in SoCal as a business trip and using his time wisely. Getting out of Jacksonville is good for him and I hope he doesn't come back to town until it is time to report.

Well if that is an issue, you can bet TC will have people following him around town at all times.
Quote:Bortles Looking Better

Did he join Bosley?
Quote:Did he join Bosley?
He was turning into Gus, hopefully he did.
Quote:He was turning into Gus, hopefully he did.
Accept it Bortles, do the hasselbeck. Vanity cometh before a fall.
Quote:Well if that is an issue, you can bet TC will have people following him around town at all times.
I am sure he will clean up his act. I want him to succeed as much as anyone on this board and I have been backing him 100% since he has been here. I fully expect a nice year from Blake especially if he keeps trending upwards with those hips/feet.
Quote:LOL... Ted was barely game managing when he broke.

One thing about the Jags (for better and worse) is they certainly didn't hold Blake back. Ted boxed in that offense because of his limitations, so they boxed in Ted. Heavily. So much so they certainly didn't get much production out of him.
My good friend I had learned a long time ago on this message forum that you will lose your mind responding to idiots so for people like him you got to treat them like they don't exist to maintain your personal sanity. LOL
Glad hes working on it, hope it works out. Would love to see him get better and help our team make it in the NFL.

Need someone to come in and push him. Blaine Gabbert looked good in shorts in practice. How will it look during a regular season with pads and contact? Dude was a shade of his rookie self last season.

Quote:LOL... Ted was barely game managing when he broke.

One thing about the Jags (for better and worse) is they certainly didn't hold Blake back. Ted boxed in that offense because of his limitations, so they boxed in Ted. Heavily. So much so they certainly didn't get much production out of him.
yeah credit to the jags for letting blake spread his wings and be free to suck at football as opposed to restrained garbage.

And Teddy didnt limit that offense lol. You wanna break down how teddy limited the offense past "hur dur he doesnt throw deep balls", or do you want to break down how they schematically adjusted for this and "boxed teddy in"

Because i get the feeling this is just another look at bortles volume stats that dont mean much versus teddys volume stats that dont mean much.
Quote:BB5 set franchise records under one of the worst coaches in history, without any semblance of a running game all the while being the most sacked QB in the league. That in itself is reason enough to not throw the towel in on him yet. I hold the belief he will blossom and thrive under Marrone.

I can agree with this. But I think he peaked and he probably won't ever throw for more yards or TDs like that again.

Bc he will be handing the ball off to Gearh...Robins...Ivor...Yeld...Gran...Pierc...I meant Fournette!

Fournette (I like how we just say his name and no other words)
A hand-selected 5-second clip does nothing.  Let's see what happens when the season begins.

Can we stop saying franchise records like that means anything given the lack of talent weve fielded at the quarterback position over the course of our franchise

We have one above average qb in our short history.
It still shocks me that Brunell is in the Pride. He was good, but it's not like he got us two super bowls. Honestly it's embarrassing that we haven't had anyone surpass his play yet.

Quote:Teddy was so far ahead of blake its not even worth talking about

No wonder why Jags fans aren't taken seriously. Teddy WAS and always WAS a backup QB. He held the Vikings back; every scout and coach knows it. Had teddy been 100% healthy, he would have NEVER gotten his job back over Bradford, an average NFL starter, 


Blake has the ability to be elite. That's his upside. Once again, will he reach that ceiling? No one knows. Coughlin, Marrone, and the new talent around will help him. Any scout/coach/GM in the world would rather risk getting a world beater with upside of being elite like Bortles than grabbing a game manager like Teddy/David Garrard.
Quote:He deserves a chance, based on what? 2 years ago? Ha!

So basically, we should dump players after having one down year...

That's what Cleveland's been doing...guess we should be more like them I suppose...
Quote:He is working hard to improve his game what more can you ask of an athlete. I don't know how much he will improve his game and no one on this board knows either, but to make comments that he will be the same Blake we saw last year after a few games is pure speculation with no foundation in fact. So we have a quarterback that is spending his money and time in the  off season to be a better football player and we have to read brainless post from want to be physic's predicting Blake's future. Great fan support for your quarterback that is working he butt off to improve his play for the upcoming  season.  You could have had Johnny football football for your quarterback and yes I believe you may have had a much better chance of predicting his future.

Nostradumbas strikes again....

So since he's so close to me...I've been actively searching for any info I can get on how he's doing.and I've met a few people whom I have no reason to doubt. That's where I'm getting my info I'm sharing.

So i Talked to someone last night who CLAIMS to be close enough to 3dqb that he should know. He was kinda drunk so...for what it's worth he said...

Bortles came in without much confidence in his abilities and mechanics were actually ok.

Now has what appears to be more confidence and mechanics appear to be better but senses he's just going through the motions. Says he believes Blake lost confidence early last year and stopped focusing on his corrected mechanics.

Says Blake obviously clearly remembered everything from his first time here because he did everything basically mechanically correct from day one this time.

Says Blake seems to know regardless of how hard he trains now it's gotta show up in real games.and that's where he lacks confidence.

I tend to want to believe him because he had some pictures of other qbs he's interaxted with but not Blake.

Says " Blake is definitely a star at 3dqb because of his well documented mechanical flaws. Says if he improves next b year after spending so much time at 3dqb this offseason it'll be great for business
He also said something I don't like. Said " your guy brandon Allan (3rd qb).

Probably could come in and produce better than Bortles or Henny but we'll never see the field and less Bortles and Heaney both get injured because of draft status who said when a team draft a quarterback really high it's next to impossible for them to go to the third-string guy and give him a real shot
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