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Just remember kids, when it comes to AGCC the actual results of policy don't matter.




Quote:Just remember kids, when it comes to AGCC the actual results of policy don't matter.



Good video. This is our current plight in a nutshell. That's the head of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) making salient points about what needs to happen based on research (the RIA she refers to--a regulatory impact assessment, which is exactly what it sounds like: what the impact of the regulations will result in) only to have a comically ignorant Republican congressman repeatedly shout his talking point sound bite over her. He obviously has not read the RIA and has no idea what he is talking about. But he tows the party line and keeps interrupting her before she can finish a thought.


It's fascinating to watch this whole ordeal transpire, if you ask me.
Very good article about a new study from maverick James Hansen with commentary from various climate scientists. 50 yrs from now I'll be 83. My grandad on my dad's side is currently 93. My other grandfather died at 91. I suppose I'll get to see a good bit of this. My future grandkids will get to see all of it, unfortunately.

Quote:Very good article about a new study from maverick James Hansen with commentary from various climate scientists. 50 yrs from now I'll be 83. My grandad on my dad's side is currently 93. My other grandfather died at 91. I suppose I'll get to see a good bit of this. My future grandkids will get to see all of it, unfortunately.


The same James Hansen who predicted the East Side Highway in NYC would be underwater by 2008? Oh, yeah, let's change that to 2028. It's still not gonna happen. He has a long history of ridiculous scary predictions that don't come true.


May you live long enough to see that I'm right. But I'll bet that if/when you do live that long and none of the predictions have come true, you'll still believe that a global disaster is around the corner.

Quote:The same James Hansen who predicted the East Side Highway in NYC would be underwater by 2008? Oh, yeah, let's change that to 2028. It's still not gonna happen. He has a long history of ridiculous scary predictions that don't come true.

May you live long enough to see that I'm right. But I'll bet that if/when you do live that long and none of the predictions have come true, you'll still believe that a global disaster is around the corner.

I've an open mind unlike some folks Wink. (My identity and sense of self-worth is not so tied up in my political affiliation that I cannot imagine the possibility of the politicians getting it wrong or the possibility of then being disengenous.) No, I'd just rather the disaster be mitigated. Unfortunately your side is winning the PR battle for the sake of quarterly profit and shareholders' portfolios. Judgement will come soon enough tho. 50 yrs goes by in a blink of an eye.

As to the highway prediction, I've not heard of that one. I'd be interested to see where that prediction was made and how the science has been improved upon since it was made (if it ever was).
Quote:I've an open mind unlike some folks Wink. (My identity and sense of self-worth is not so tied up in my political affiliation that I cannot imagine the possibility of the politicians getting it wrong or the possibility of then being disengenous.) No, I'd just rather the disaster be mitigated. Unfortunately your side is winning the PR battle for the sake of quarterly profit and shareholders' portfolios. Judgement will come soon enough tho. 50 yrs goes by in a blink of an eye.

As to the highway prediction, I've not heard of that one. I'd be interested to see where that prediction was made and how the science has been improved upon since it was made (if it ever was).

Google works really well. 
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/10/22/a-little-known-but-failed-20-year-old-climate-change-prediction-by-dr-james-hansen/'>Google works really well. </a>

So he was misquoted? I'm not sure how this is relevant to anyone outside of the denier blogosphere.
Hah! I love it. The Terminator has officially weighed in. Feels good man

Quote:So he was misquoted? I'm not sure how this is relevant to anyone outside of the denier blogosphere.

The point is that even if you believe that he was misquoted and that he said 40 years instead of 20, there is still no way the East Side Highway will be under water by 2028, even if the rate of sea level rise was ten times what it is now.

Quote:The point is that even if you believe that he was misquoted and that he said 40 years instead of 20, there is still no way the East Side Highway will be under water by 2028, even if the rate of sea level rise was ten times what it is now.

Actually, he was asked a hypothetical question about what NYC would look like in 40 yrs if there was a doubling of the amount of co2 in the atmosphere. It was 350 ppm in 1988. At, 700 ppm, the highway would indeed be underwater.

Also, I'd refrain from using Anthony Watts' blog as a source if I were you, it is only detrimental to your 'case' to use a college dropout and blogger extraordinaire as an authority on the subject when his views run counter to the published, actual climatologists.
Quote:I've an open mind unlike some folks Wink. (My identity and sense of self-worth is not so tied up in my political affiliation that I cannot imagine the possibility of the politicians getting it wrong or the possibility of then being disengenous.) No, I'd just rather the disaster be mitigated. Unfortunately your side is winning the PR battle for the sake of quarterly profit and shareholders' portfolios. Judgement will come soon enough tho. 50 yrs goes by in a blink of an eye.

As to the highway prediction, I've not heard of that one. I'd be interested to see where that prediction was made and how the science has been improved upon since it was made (if it ever was).

You are probably the most ideological person on this forum. Tell us anything from the leftist elite that you disagree with.


'My side' is winning the PR battle because people go outside as see for themselves that the predictions of doom are not coming true. Have you been to the beach lately? Those condos are still not anywhere close to being under water.


The EPA is determined to make everyone pay a lot more for electricity to cut the global temperature by 0.01 degrees by 2100. She grudgingly admitted in the video that it would only cut global temperatures by 0.01 degrees. Is that the mitigation you want? Or do you want to punish the populace a whole lot more to get it all the way up to 0.2 degrees?


* That's assuming the models are correct, and so far they have grossly overstated the effect of CO2. Based on measurements it will be less than half of that 0.01.

Quote:Actually, he was asked a hypothetical question about what NYC would look like in 40 yrs if there was a doubling of the amount of co2 in the atmosphere. It was 350 ppm in 1988. At, 700 ppm, the highway would indeed be underwater.

Also, I'd refrain from using Anthony Watts' blog as a source if I were you, it is only detrimental to your 'case' to use a college dropout and blogger extraordinaire as an authority on the subject when his views run counter to the published, actual climatologists.

He said 40 years (OK, he said 20 years but now claims it's 40). He actually predicted a doubling of CO2 in 40 years? then he was wrong about that too.


And I see that you are still falling back on ad hominem attacks when the facts don't suit you (which is pretty much always). That website is the #1 science site in the world, and many prominent scientists post there. In the case of the particular article FBT linked to, it doesn't take a college degree to point out when someone's prediction was wrong.

I went outside today, and it was hot and humid.  That must be "odd" in Florida in July.  It simply MUST be that global warming climate change is happening because we all know that North Florida is never hot and humid in July.


I wonder how "abnormal" animals and insects have reacted to this.  They seem to be acting pretty normal to me.  Plants seem to be reacting to the global warming climate change supposedly taking place among us.  My garden is bearing vegetables and my fruit trees are growing fruit.  Once again my crop is going to yield too much, so I either take excesses (once again) to work, give away once again to neighbors or can some of the yield.  Anything left after that usually goes to food banks or some form of charity.


Some "scientist" came by to tell me that the water in my pool got low because of "global warming climate change".  He couldn't believe it when I explained to him that a hose had sprung a leak (which I fixed).  The low water in my pool had nothing to do with global warming climate change.  Guess what?  Rain came down and brought the water level up in my pool.  Imagine that, rain in Jacksonville Florida in the afternoon during the month of July.  Certainly this "strange" phenomena must be because of global warming climate change.
Quote:I went outside today, and it was hot and humid.  That must be "odd" in Florida in July.  It simply MUST be that global warming climate change is happening because we all know that North Florida is never hot and humid in July.


I wonder how "abnormal" animals and insects have reacted to this.  They seem to be acting pretty normal to me.  Plants seem to be reacting to the global warming climate change supposedly taking place among us.  My garden is bearing vegetables and my fruit trees are growing fruit.  Once again my crop is going to yield too much, so I either take excesses (once again) to work, give away once again to neighbors or can some of the yield.  Anything left after that usually goes to food banks or some form of charity.


Some "scientist" came by to tell me that the water in my pool got low because of "global warming climate change".  He couldn't believe it when I explained to him that a hose had sprung a leak (which I fixed).  The low water in my pool had nothing to do with global warming climate change.  Guess what?  Rain came down and brought the water level up in my pool.  Imagine that, rain in Jacksonville Florida in the afternoon during the month of July.  Certainly this "strange" phenomena must be because of global warming climate change.
I ate today.  So much for world hunger

I don't have HIV either.  So that's gone.  Or cancer.

Quote:He said 40 years (OK, he said 20 years but now claims it's 40). He actually predicted a doubling of CO2 in 40 years? then he was wrong about that too.

And I see that you are still falling back on ad hominem attacks when the facts don't suit you (which is pretty much always). That website is the #1 science site in the world, and many prominent scientists post there. In the case of the particular article FBT linked to, it doesn't take a college degree to point out when someone's prediction was wrong.

You just called a blog the "#1 science site in the world." That's funny to me. If you rather believe Anthony Watts over published climatologists, that's your prerogative. Your extremely stupid prerogative steeped in your political bias.

Which "leftist elite" am I agreeing with exactly? Are you referring to NASA, NOAA, the AP, Reuters, The Governator, Lindsay Grahame, the Pope, the IPCC, all the national science agencies of the G8 +5 nations, the American Association of the Advancement of Science, et al? I could keep going but that's enough. They all agree with me. You can label them how you want but their reputation precedes your slander. You have Heartland Institute-funded college dropout, former meteorologist not-climatologist blogger Anthony Watts on your side.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see which argument is the most credible.
Quote:You just called a blog the "#1 science site in the world." That's funny to me. If you rather believe Anthony Watts over published climatologists, that's your prerogative. Your extremely stupid prerogative steeped in your political bias.

Which "leftist elite" am I agreeing with exactly? Are you referring to NASA, NOAA, the AP, Reuters, The Governator, Lindsay Grahame, the Pope, the IPCC, all the national science agencies of the G8 +5 nations, the American Association of the Advancement of Science, et al? I could keep going but that's enough. They all agree with me. You can label them how you want but their reputation precedes your slander. You have Heartland Institute-funded college dropout, former meteorologist not-climatologist blogger Anthony Watts on your side.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see which argument is the most credible.

Yes, Once again all you present are Ad Hominem attacks. And you call yourself a philosopher? Really?


You claimed to be open minded. You are obviously close-minded on Global Warming Climate Change, so I was referring to leftist elitist policies in general, hence the emphasis on the word "anything."

Quote:Yes, Once again all you present are Ad Hominem attacks. And you call yourself a philosopher? Really?

You claimed to be open minded. You are obviously close-minded on <del>Global Warming</del> Climate Change, so I was referring to leftist elitist policies in general, hence the emphasis on the word "anything."

I feel bad for the poor, poor synapses in your brain. I imagine them sputtering and misfiring left and right like the engine of an old jalopy filled with bad fuel. The cognitive dissonance in your mind just must be detrimental to your mental health. I fear you may stroke out if you aren't careful. Stop projecting and acquiesce. It will soothe the pain. Trust me friend, you are doing yourself no favors.
From the Gore-effect generating machine:


while NOAA is announcing the "hottest-ever" May (after a major adjustment warmed the present and cooled the past), climate scientists are stymied in studying the Arctic from "the worst ice conditions in 20 years."




I'm now waiting for Oface to claim that the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. is a right-wing extremist site.

Quote:I feel bad for the poor, poor synapses in your brain. I imagine them sputtering and misfiring left and right like the engine of an old jalopy filled with bad fuel. The cognitive dissonance in your mind just must be detrimental to your mental health. I fear you may stroke out if you aren't careful. Stop projecting and acquiesce. It will soothe the pain. Trust me friend, you are doing yourself no favors.

You just keep proving me right time after time.

Quote:You just keep proving me right time after time.

I honestly feel bad for you. The mental gymnastics you inflict upon yourself will eventually have consequences. There is some very funny stuff going on in your anterior cingulate cortex. I'm telling you, it will catch up to you one day.