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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.theonion.com/article/exxonmobil-ceo-relieved-it-finally-too-late-do-any-52732?utm_content=Main&utm_campaign=SF&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing'>http://www.theonion.com/article/exxonmobil-ceo-relieved-it-finally-too-late-do-any-52732?utm_content=Main&utm_campaign=SF&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing</a>

Sometimes you have to laugh or else you'll cry. And I guess there is a third option but that involves a psychosis.

Not that much different from what you usually Copy Paste.
Interesting thread. I tend to think that global warming is a real possibility, although rates and impacts are much more up for discussion. What intrigues me is that (while I haven't read this whole thread), I haven't seen anyone discuss much of 'what if the other side is right'? Just for kicks, If you are of the opinion that global warming is not a big problem, what would you suggest we do if it is? Conversely, if you think it is a grave risk, what actions would be unwarranted if it is not? 


To look at one example, nuclear power might be a much better alternative if the risks are grave, whereas the risks of nuclear reactors would be greater in comparison if global warming is overrated. Just curious if this would make for more creativity. For example, there might be areas both sides would be perfectly happy with looking into, like cloud reflectivity, some forms of carbon sequestrations, etc. 

Quote:Interesting thread. I tend to think that global warming is a real possibility, although rates and impacts are much more up for discussion. What intrigues me is that (while I haven't read this whole thread), I haven't seen anyone discuss much of 'what if the other side is right'? Just for kicks, If you are of the opinion that global warming is not a big problem, what would you suggest we do if it is? Conversely, if you think it is a grave risk, what actions would be unwarranted if it is not? 


To look at one example, nuclear power might be a much better alternative if the risks are grave, whereas the risks of nuclear reactors would be greater in comparison if global warming is overrated. Just curious if this would make for more creativity. For example, there might be areas both sides would be perfectly happy with looking into, like cloud reflectivity, some forms of carbon sequestrations, etc. 

As someone who thinks the warming is beneficial, I still think that nuclear power is a good thing. It provides continuous stable electricity, the fuel costs are stable, and the death rates per kilowatt-hour are less than any other source of electrical energy. Right now it is somewhat more expensive than natural gas or coal, but it's way cheaper than wind or solar, and with less environmental impact.


But it wouldn't make much difference. Short of economic war with China and India, nothing the US and Europe can do will meaningfully change future temperatures, whether or not you believe the dogma.


If you read just the Global Warming Climate Change press releases you'd think the world was doomed. The published science shows a much less scary reality, but that doesn't sell papers.

I think it must be monsoon season in Houston this week.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.khou.com/mb/weather/fort-bend-county-radar'>http://www.khou.com/mb/weather/fort-bend-county-radar</a>

[Image: 2vzXBcc.jpg]

That's normal, right?
Just a little afternoon shower.  Nothing to worry about.


Oh... and yet another government funded "green" company fails.  I wonder why that is?

Quote:Just a little afternoon shower.  Nothing to worry about.


Oh... and yet another government funded "green" company fails.  I wonder why that is?

Weather isn't climate change unless they need it to be.
Quote:Just a little afternoon shower. Nothing to worry about.

Oh... and yet another <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.wnd.com/2016/04/collapse-of-spains-solyndra-poses-election-year-embarrassment/'>government funded "green" company fails</a>. I wonder why that is?

I bet you wonder about lots of things.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://m.imgur.com/4qtN2dn'>https://m.imgur.com/4qtN2dn</a>

Hmmm...looks a little...wetter than usual.
Gluten free?
Quote:Gluten free?

You have got to be the worst troll in the entire history of trolls.
Quote:You have got to be the worst troll in the entire history of trolls.

Well, gluten free rolls are certainly the worst.
Quote:Well, gluten free rolls are certainly the worst.

And you, my friend, are your biggest fan.


Here is footage from a drone over Houston today


Pretty surreal if you ask me. Hey! Maybe the wall idea isn't so bad after all. But it will need to be for keeping the floods out instead of the Mexicans. Except we will need a bunch of cheap labor to build it...hmm..
Gluten free pasta. Come on man keep up. And you are so right. All weather outside of 72° and partly sunny is a derivative of excess co2.
[Image: M6S86Oo.jpg]

Still pretty wet in Houston town.
Yes.... All precipitation is due to Americas carbon footprint. That toothache you had this morning. Methane gas. Check engine light in your car? Ozone layer bruh. The misses not in the mood? All about rising sea levels playa.
Quote:Yes.... All precipitation is due to Americas carbon footprint. That toothache you had this morning. Methane gas. Check engine light in your car? Ozone layer bruh. The misses not in the mood? All about rising sea levels playa.

You missed a few consequences of Global Warming.


Quote:I'm pretty sure the flat Earth crowd were conservatives.

Nope, just hack scientists who loved the power of claiming themselves as "smarter" than everyone else.


Because what they were leveraging for power wasn't science at all.
Quote:Nope, just hack scientists who loved the power of claiming themselves as "smarter" than everyone else.

Because what they were leveraging for power wasn't science at all.

Huurrr durrr scientists are dum the republicans say so everyone knows if you want the big bucks or feel like world domination you become a scientist lol honestly how stupid can you be????

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-climate-change-weather-america-20160420-story.html'>http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-climate-change-weather-america-20160420-story.html</a>

Good article. Highlights some of the problems with getting people to understand the issue. Thank you for posting.
"You rubes just won't believe us, so we'll make another model to make it worse!"

