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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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Quote:The CEO of General Mills is a stupid idiot?

In other news, water is wet.

One heck of a lucky guy--you know, getting all the way to the top of one of the largest conglomerates in the entire world all the while being a "stupid idiot."
Quote:One heck of a lucky guy--you know, getting all the way to the top of one of the largest conglomerates in the entire world all the while being a "stupid idiot."

He only needs to be smarter than his customers. You know, people who buy cereal for breakfast. And I'm pretty sure scientific expertise was not a requirement for his job.

Quote:He only needs to be smarter than his customers. You know, people who buy cereal for breakfast. And I'm pretty sure scientific expertise was not a requirement for his job.

What's wrong with Honey Nut Cheerios exactly? And I'd add you have a pretty malformed understanding of capitalism if you think success is to be "smarter than his customers."


<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/obama-climate-change-act-now-or-condemn-world-nightmare-n419071'>http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/obama-climate-change-act-now-or-condemn-world-nightmare-n419071</a>

"World Nightmare" huh, don't sound so bad.
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/obama-climate-change-act-now-or-condemn-world-nightmare-n419071'>http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/obama-climate-change-act-now-or-condemn-world-nightmare-n419071</a>

"World Nightmare" huh, don't sound so bad.

Obama flies his 747 across the country, along with a fleet of support aircraft, to make a statement that we lowly peons need to cut back on our CO2 emissions. This is what you admire?


Quote:What's wrong with Honey Nut Cheerios exactly?



Who'da thunk?!?
Quote:Obama flies his 747 across the country, along with a fleet of support aircraft, to make a statement that we lowly peons need to cut back on our CO2 emissions. This is what you admire?

Red herring.

Planes continue to fly. Fleets continue to fleet. Peons continue to toil. None of that changes upon addressing climate change, however, if we do not address climate change, there will be major changes at play.

A pinch of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Obama on the republican candidates:

"In language unusual for a diplomatic setting, Obama contended, "Any leader willing to take a gamble on a future like that, any leader who refuses to take this issue seriously or treats it like a joke, is not fit to lead.""

Yea, can't argue with that one.
Obama talking about leadership.   Rolleyes

"Scientists" continue to use "science" to chase Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, too.  It's all to pocket research dollars and continue to sell the dishonest agenda, which pockets even more research dollars.


Truth is, science has proven the "science" behind the ever changing name for Al Gore's retirement get rich scheme as false.


We are slaves to the activity of our sun and its temperature, and Mother Nature is in charge.


As the sun goes, so goes the planet.

Quote:"Scientists" continue to use "science" to chase Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, too. It's all to pocket research dollars and continue to sell the dishonest agenda, which pockets even more research dollars.

Truth is, science has proven the "science" behind the ever changing name for Al Gore's retirement get rich scheme as false.

We are slaves to the activity of our sun and its temperature, and Mother Nature is in charge.

As the sun goes, so goes the planet.


Pro tip: don't get your 'science' from politicians.

Honestly, at what point did this country start believing it's politicians? Ever heard the joke, how can you tell a lawyer is lying? His lips are moving. Nothing's changed. If there is good reason to lie, they will. Scientists aren't afforded that luxury.
Quote:Red herring.

Planes continue to fly. Fleets continue to fleet. Peons continue to toil. None of that changes upon addressing climate change, however, if we do not address climate change, there will be major changes at play.

A pinch of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Maybe there will be major changes at play. However, the only major change so far this century is a record period without a major hurricane hitting CONUS. The predictions of those you believe stated the exact opposite. They also predicted warming and we're now in a period of over 18 years without warming. I'd say the predictions from prophets of doom are either pathetic failures or outright lies.


Obama's "pinch" of prevention is equivalent to spending more than your home is worth every year for fire insurance. If the United States completely stopped emitting CO2 the effect would be less than a tenth a degree by the end of the century, and that's using the warmist theory which has CO2 being a major factor.


But sure, let's applaud Obama for proposing to make the poor even poorer.


Pro tip: don't get your 'science' from politicians.


Says the guy who just linked to an Obama speech. ROFL!!!

Quote:Maybe there will be major changes at play. However, the only major change so far this century is a record period without a major hurricane hitting CONUS. The predictions of those you believe stated the exact opposite. They also predicted warming and we're now in a period of over 18 years without warming. I'd say the predictions from prophets of doom are either pathetic failures or outright lies.

Obama's "pinch" of prevention is equivalent to spending more than your home is worth every year for fire insurance. If the United States completely stopped emitting CO2 the effect would be less than a tenth a degree by the end of the century, and that's using the warmist theory which has CO2 being a major factor.

But sure, let's applaud Obama for proposing to make the poor even poorer.

I've posted multiple articles citing legitimate financial and insurance agencies showing just how many billions of dollars we stand to cost ourselves by not acting now.
Quote:Says the guy who just linked to an Obama speech. ROFL!!!

There's a difference between holding up a snowball in the senate and heeding scientific authority.

Pro tip: don't get your 'science' from politicians.

Honestly, at what point did this country start believing it's politicians? Ever heard the joke, how can you tell a lawyer is lying? His lips are moving. Nothing's changed. If there is good reason to lie, they will. Scientists aren't afforded that luxury.

I'll Just leave this here.
Quote:"Scientists" continue to use "science" to chase Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, too.  It's all to pocket research dollars and continue to sell the dishonest agenda, which pockets even more research dollars.


Truth is, science has proven the "science" behind the ever changing name for Al Gore's retirement get rich scheme as false.


We are slaves to the activity of our sun and its temperature, and Mother Nature is in charge.


As the sun goes, so goes the planet.

It has been cataclysmic geological events or meteors from space that have drastically altered life on Earth. I'm afraid another event like what created the wonders of Yellowstone will do us in before climate change gets the job done.
Quote:It has been cataclysmic geological events or meteors from space that have drastically altered life on Earth. I'm afraid another event like what created the wonders of Yellowstone will do us in before climate change gets the job done.

The result of what created Yellowstone will do us in before the alleged "man-made climate change" will.
Quote:I've posted multiple articles citing legitimate financial and insurance agencies showing just how many billions of dollars we stand to cost ourselves by not acting now.

Insurance agencies have a financial agenda. If they can convince people of doom, they make more money. That works especially well if the doom is fraudulent.


The cost of acting now is hundreds of trillions of dollars. The cost of just the US acting now is only tens of trillions, but will only reduce the temperature by less than a tenth of a degree. Can you tell when it's a tenth of a degree warmer? Do you really think a tenth of a degree will save the planet, but the additional 1/10th spells doom for everyone?

Quote:The result of what created Yellowstone will do us in before the alleged "man-made climate change" will.

There are plenty of reasons beyond climate change for us to wean off fossil fuels, whether it's happening or not, no matter the cause.

Quote:There are plenty of reasons beyond climate change for us to wean off fossil fuels, whether it's happening or not, no matter the cause.

I agree. We need to find something better. Current nuclear technology is safer and cleaner, but it's a no go politically. It's also about 50% more expensive than either coal or natural gas. There are some promising ideas using thorium as fuel, and fusion may someday be closer than "20 years away." Right now natural gas is extremely cheap, and it makes sense to build power plants that use it. 50 or 100 years from now it's likely that natural gas becomes expensive and we'll need something else.


Solar and wind are way more expensive and a real problem to the grid because they are intermittent. They are also an environmental problem. They require a lot of otherwise pristine wilderness, use materials the mining of which are a big pollution problem (but in China, so who cares?) and windmills kill large numbers of eagles and bats. An order of magnitude leap in energy storage is needed before they should even be considered, and they need to find a way to keep birds and bats away from windmills.


The ultimate future of humanity rests in space travel. Failure of NASA to even try to develop something other than chemical propulsion is another big disappointment.