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Full Version: Global Warming, er Climate Change is a National Security Threat
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Quote:Do you live close to the coast, Malabar? I would assume you do if you live in Malabar. I wonder what the elevation is there. Do you own your property? Do you have kids?

If I still lived in Malabar (check the location below my avatar) that 3.x mm per year would have given me over 100 years before I had to worry about the ocean rising even one foot in height. And even in Malabar I lived on a lot higher ground than one foot above sea level (as does just about everyone everywhere).


It's funny that a Bernie Sanders proponent would support extremely expensive policies that hit the working poor the hardest to protect the rich guys living in beachfront houses.

Quote:If I still lived in Malabar (check the location below my avatar) that 3.x mm per year would have given me over 100 years before I had to worry about the ocean rising even one foot in height. And even in Malabar I lived on a lot higher ground than one foot above sea level (as does just about everyone everywhere).

It's funny that a Bernie Sanders proponent would support extremely expensive policies that hit the working poor the hardest to protect the rich guys living in beachfront houses.

I post from my phone so I don't see your location. Do you have children?
Quote:I post from my phone so I don't see your location. Do you have children?

[Image: Think-of-the-Children.jpg]
He still doesnt get it. This is how stallin did it.
Quote:[Image: Think-of-the-Children.jpg]

Do you have kids?

I can't wait to hear how Malabar knows better Wink

I can't wait to hear how Malabar knows better Wink

I don't know better, but the source of that press release doesn't either (and again you base everything on press releases, rather than science). Gleik's specialty is in water resources (inland fresh water), not the Arctic, nor climate-induced weather.


Gleik is also a known liar. You might want to read Gleik's Wiki biography, especially the Heartland incident. Wiki tends to favor the warmist point of view, so if anything it downplays the incident.

Basically he committed E-mail fraud to get a package of Heartland's internal E-mails. When he found nothing there, he fabricated a false 'Strategy Memo.' He claims he didn't write that memo himself, but the fact is that he was found to be the source of the fraud based on the style of the Memo matching the style of Gleik's other writings. That strongly implies that he lied about that too.

Quote:I don't know better, but the source of that press release doesn't either (and again you base everything on press releases, rather than science). Gleik's specialty is in water resources (inland fresh water), not the Arctic, nor climate-induced weather.

Gleik is also a known liar. You might want to read Gleik's Wiki biography, especially the Heartland incident. Wiki tends to favor the warmist point of view, so if anything it downplays the incident.

Basically he committed E-mail fraud to get a package of Heartland's internal E-mails. When he found nothing there, he fabricated a false 'Strategy Memo.' He claims he didn't write that memo himself, but the fact is that he was found to be the source of the fraud based on the style of the Memo matching the style of Gleik's other writings. That strongly implies that he lied about that too.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Gleick'>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Gleick</a>

Good for him. I'm glad someone is finally fighting fire with fire. Heartland is a bunch of lying snakes. They are responsible for your beloved 31, 000 online signature petition nonsense. They are terrible, terrible source of misinformation and they deserve everything they got coming to them.

And if you read all the way through it, the investigation cleared him.

No tell us how the science is all wrong.
Quote:Do you have kids?

Sure do.
Quote:Sure do.

Wuh oh.
Quote:Wuh oh.

And all of us together, with their kids and grandkids, will never come close to St. Al's carbon footprint.
Quote:Good for him. I'm glad someone is finally fighting fire with fire. Heartland is a bunch of lying snakes. They are responsible for your beloved 31, 000 online signature petition nonsense. They are terrible, terrible source of misinformation and they deserve everything they got coming to them.

And if you read all the way through it, the investigation cleared him.

No tell us how the science is all wrong.

First off, Heartland was not responsible for that petition. It was/is a legit petition, signed by scientists whose names were vetted by the petition sponsors, and 19,000 or so of whom were PhD scientists. Liars like Gleik have misinformed you once again.


There was no official investigation and he admitted to the E-mail fraud, although not to creating the fake document (which was written in his style, such that a finger was pointed at him based on the style before the E-mail server evidence was uncovered).


The alarmist science may be right, although the actual data points to there being no problem. But you shouldn't use an admitted liar and fabricator like Gleik as a source of anything.
Quote:Leo puts his two cents in


it's more of a "do as i say" type speech rather than "do as i do".


the guy flies around on a private jet on a weekly basis... ya, he's so concerned about CO2 emissions. get real.


the idea that they couldn't find snow in the summer is also just laughable. OH NO, OH GOD NOOOO

Let's hear it for New York, new yooork

Quote:Leo puts his two cents in


Yes, let's listen to a Hollywood liberal that has no clue.
Quote:Let's hear it for New York, new yooork


I'm not sure how oil stocks are doing, but I expect that the stocks track oil prices fairly closely. With oil itself at an historic low, now is a poor time to sell. Being a government entity they can always raise taxes to make up the difference.

Quote:I'm not sure how oil stocks are doing, but I expect that the stocks track oil prices fairly closely. With oil itself at an historic low, now is a poor time to sell. Being a government entity they can always raise taxes to make up the difference.

It actually depends on the stock.  The companies that have been doing some fracking are getting slammed right now.  The big companies in the oil sector (Chevron, BP, Exon, etc.) are going to be fine.


That being said, I agree with you that now is a very poor time to sell oil stocks.  In fact, I just bought some not too long ago, and they are doing quite well.  I would stay away from any "green initiative" because the sector has been bad.  "Green energy" companies can not survive or compete right now.
Politics bruh

"He had finessed it slightly better in Vermont a week ago. "I know that human beings affect the climate," Kasich told a town hall crowd at Colchester High School. "I know it's an apostasy in the Republican Party to say that. I guess that's what I've always been—being able to challenge some of the status quo.""
